Toxic Teams HATE Franklin's Demise!!

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Today we face 2 bully squads in dead by daylight.

Bully Squads Absolutely HATE Franklin’s demise in Dead by Daylight. The new update to dbd. Funny moments and meme fail.

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20 thoughts on “Toxic Teams HATE Franklin's Demise!!”

  1. BEHAVIOR LOGIC : Ok. So we took away killers anti gen rush perks. We did not nerf survivors healing. We feel like survivors absolutely need to heal even quicker. However, Losing is still a possibility for survivors. We can't let that slide. In our next patch, survivors basic movement speed will be increased to 4.8. Deadhards will no longer be exhaust perk and it will not have activation buttom. Perk will trigger itself when survivor receives a hit from a killer. Deadhard will have cooldown of 15 seconds. After 15 seconds perk will be ready to auto trigger itself again in needed situation. In our following patch, survivors will now require 3 hits to go down. From HEALTHY state they go to INJURED state, then NO RESPECT FOR KILLER state and then finally dying state. When survivor is in NO RESPECT FOR KILLER state, their basic movement speed increases from already increased speed of 4.8 to staggering 6.2. We feel like it's only fair to add more bonuses to our precious survivors while you expendable killer mains suffer. Even more survivor sided changes are to be expected in the coming months so stay tuned. And our one final message to all killer mains : F*CK YOU

  2. If survivors had a perk that nullifies a killers power or add ons with no counter play whatsoever pretty much like franklins does, killer mains would lose their shit.

  3. Why you are always saying toxic squad? Bcs they bring med kits. I mean yeah maybe they are toxic but how do you know. You also bring iri add on with trapper isn't that make you toxic too if thats the case.

  4. I played lightborn Bubba yesterday against a 4 SWF flashlight all feng team with the same skin on the same map offering on this videos

    They tried to bully me but it turned in my. Favour real quick and I was laughing. Got like 3 DCs as soon as they found out I had lightborn 😂😂

    Next time I'll bring along Franklin's demise instead


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