Toxic TWITCH PARTNER Belittles Smaller Streamers – Dead By Daylight

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Please go show love and support to ALL the streamers who were on the receiving end of this awful behavior.


I can’t find the streamer in the first clip from back in September, if someone reaches out with the info and I can confirm it was them then I will add them here!

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39 thoughts on “Toxic TWITCH PARTNER Belittles Smaller Streamers – Dead By Daylight”

  1. i am 'toxic' usually at myself for playing poorly. i get frustrated and call myself out. but this. this tilts me. your teammates played poorly and the killer utilized that to their advantage to snowball. i am sorry you and your teammates are bad. maybe….go play civilization its a good game.

  2. I think this game should be shut down for a week and see how people act when its gone cuz this game is way too toxic and people need to chill out it's just a video game and people are willing to do anything to make people upset and make their life a living hell over something they didn't like or how they don't like how people play like who give a shit people can play how they want to play they paid for there game they can do anything they want with it but…..people need to stop this is childish I'm pretty sure some of these people are grown and they need to act grown. Hopefully, if they disable the game for a bit people will wake up and stop being big babies and grow up and learn it's just a game, and you not get hurt in real life.

  3. I also have anxiety and General Depression disorder. It does not remove you from being accountable for your actions; even being drunk doesn't excuse you from legal accountability, so it shouldn't excuse social accountability just like our disorders

  4. This guy got what he deserved. Played with him as a survivor around a week ago, regardless off the outcome he was just inflicting toxicity on me and my friend. True justice, love your videos. Keep up the good work

  5. Just finished watching ManFaceJay's vid on this same subject and then i hadda come see your take, as well. I'll say again what I said on his: It's genuinely sad that people THIS toxic are able to become Twitch Partner and have a giant audience, and meanwhile there are lots of very small streamers out there who are genuinely positive influences in the community to get complete overlooked. A very sad and frustrating situation. Great coverage as usual, Spooks!

  6. People can't keep shit talking within games. When I play any game I'm always talking shit but once it's over so is the shit talking. Especially in DBD, I cuss when they have NOED, I cuss when they have DS or bully squad. Then I get over it XD

  7. I think they should add a comp mode in dbd for people that play seriously and a quick play system where you play for fun. I think this may lower toxicity for people that want to play seriously. Any thoughts?

    I've have gotten messages before for killing afk players or staying nearby if a dumb survivor is trying to unhook themselves and failing going straight into 2nd stage

    Like if you're ok with doing gen and destroying every totem while I go afk or spend to long in chase why am I supposed to cater to you whenever something not going your way

  9. What a sorry excuse for a streamer. Streamers need to be bringing positivity into this world not being toxic baby’s. I mean yea people get aggravated, that’s normal. But it’s not normal to attack people outside of the “video game”. Grow UP. Touch some grass. Move on!!!

  10. And again a amazing Video.. thanks. Hopefully someone takes down this Streamer.. how can someone like this a Partner on Twitch? Because thats the true definition of ridiculous. Keep going Spooks

  11. Literally, I got tbagged as the killer the other day so I bmed and tunneled a bit to get one guy out and people get all uppity callinge an ass and crap just cuz surv bullying is fine and killer wants revenge is a nono

  12. The hero we all deserve. Nice work man, keep it up! Not just in the gaming industry, Online platforms now are sick and rotten because it lets people treat others badly and get away with it without being punched. At least this puts some consequence to people's actions, maybe they will change or at least refrain from being such a**h0les.


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