TRAPPER CHASES 101! – Dead by Daylight!

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33 thoughts on “TRAPPER CHASES 101! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. trapper is only good against solo survivors and nowdays many top percent survivors can deal with trapper so easily, everytime I play trapper first gen always pop while I’m only starting to set up traps, trapper really relies on add-ons and perks, other killers like spirit or nurse is so much powerful without any add-ons or perks

  2. I love playing The Trapper because he's really fun and includes strategy but I would agree that playing the trapper as a solo player without OoO or P.I. is a drag and really stressful/frustrating. Trapper gameplay can lean either way.

  3. can you message me? I’ve been playing for a little and I want help to get better then my cousin who introduced me to your game. I watch all your videos. I watch them 6 days a week on my work breaks on my lunch and before I sleep. I need tips!

  4. I don't get people that DC their first down. It's selfish. Even when my Dead Hard fails, I just laugh and wait on the hook for my teammates. It's only when I get 1-hooked because my teammates don't save me that I get real annoyed, but even me struggling to death on hook is better than DC-ing.

    I do hate Trapper though. I always have to watch where I'm going. Lol. Especially on Haddonfield. He blocks off those stairs and has his Red Add-ons and you're screwed.

  5. Trapper is not so bad unless you don't spend time disarming his traps. Don't wait till you are getting chased to worry about them, go scout out loops and disarm them ahead of time just like you would finding and cleansing totems. His traps are not a threat if he tries to set them during chases to cut off loops as while he is setting them you can just run away and get distance or make it to a new loop. If he has to spend a lot of time constantly resetting his traps that will be a lot of time he's not pressuring people off gens so he is still a pretty weak killer I think.


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