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Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
First viewer true wdyt about pig buff as in what would it pertain
oh my god trickster's power is sad just to watch, not even talking about playing him
also i cant really stand his constant horny giggling
Who stills plays trickster 😂 lol he’s a dead killer
bloodeh tricksta more like the jokesta cuz what a joke of a killa man
better run spirit fury enduring on trickster so he can compete with regular 115% m1 killers at loops XD
I cant stand how they lose blades for free
Wow tru, your voice has been sounding so sexy lately. 😘
I want to see the swf he went against before now lol
If those guys were a bit more patient they could have done way better. SWFs overconfidence can often ruin them. The Claud could've just waited until you picked up the 2nd person to go for save, heal up and reset giving her team a chance, but instead she goes for it with you right there?
Satisfying indeed!
Person calls true tilted when he destroys a 4-man lol. Tilted means you're gonna play bad cause you're raging and not thinking straight.
I would have taken the hatch and beat you….
Why the claudette didnt go pick up the teammates on the ground while you were hooking – this swf team was not ready to go play against you
Must have been a very fun game for the survivors
Was this serious true? Cause he's scary. Straight up annihilated that team with a no concern.
The title makes it look like it was gonna be an interesting match. That was boring
The most annoying killer
Whats the point of this killer? Like, why would i play him over the huntress
Y'all remember when we saw tricksters kit for the first time and we thought he would be busted 😂😂