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Dead by Daylight The deadly triple threat has come with Ghostface, Blight, and even a sneaky basement Bubba! Now let’s go get some real Valueee
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Killer Gameplay!
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Neez duts
Right before I goto bed!! Let's go!!!! Hope you're having an amazing night 🙂
Dang first thing I get to see when I wake up? Let’s go!!!
You seem to have accidentally put Forced Penance instead of Bloodwarden in your backpack build.
May I ask what is this PH perk which you used on Ghostface? And what does it do?
Red how often do you do viewer games i would love to hop in one if you do them
What a lovely Christmas tree
I love the bubba on the thumbnail 🤣
1:22 like this steave had 1 iq x[ ..
Getting that early bread today always love the videos red
Love your videos, learn lot from them.
: )
It's hard to play as the ghost face because of the spine chill. How do you deal with it?
You get bonus points for forced penance? Interesting
You let your stream convince you to do insidious Bubba…for shame
So glad my build request made it to a video! ‘‘Twas a glorious Christmas tree, sir
Dude blight looks sooo fun
Is that a new Christmas skin for Ghostface
I want that ghost face skin sooo bad
Request Plague build
= POP .
you finally did basement bubba it wasn't so bad now wasn't ???
Bro luv how you decide to use the basement, and just like that you destroyed that team… amazing 😈
I'm just sitting here watching you absolutely maim the survivors in the first two games, and then the third game hits like
"Oh cool he's playing Bubba"
"Oh wow no one ever plays with Insidi- wait"
"'I just don't know where the basement is' BY GOD THAT'S THE BAD MAN BUILD OH GOD OH NO OH JEEZ OH MAN"
"This does put a smile on my face."
Just went up against a Bubba who used a similar basement build a few hours ago. I assume they watched this video 🙁
My drug perk is Trilling Tremors
All Steve's have dead hard red should have expected that
I’m having such horrid games lately, I swear to god I’m switching to VHS forever, whenever that finally fucking drops.
Was hoping they would finally buff gf with this new skin
I’m honestly waiting for the day I can do builds without BBQ. Right now I just need the BP lol but I’m actually getting pretty close to not needing as much BP anymore.
Biggest lesson I learned in 1.4k (1,400) hours, never play nice lol