TrU3Ta1ent vs OTZDarva SWF With Viewer build! Dead by Daylight

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Randomly came across OTZDarva and his SWF. Didn’t know till after the game, gg’s

I’m live right now! get on over here –


#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #nurse #otzdarva #swf #closematch


31 thoughts on “TrU3Ta1ent vs OTZDarva SWF With Viewer build! Dead by Daylight”

  1. This community is toxic as hell and many of the comments here come from brain dead haters that need to touch some grass…

    Yet one of the few “Rays of Light” we have seen was when Tru3 and Otz had that conversation about Hooks vs Kills. Don’t get me wrong, the conversation itself was obvious and nothing came out of it because both players knew that kills (survivor hook counting to get a player out early) is the better strat.

    However the good part is that it proved that content creators are capable of having normal conversations despite a weird group of fans “calling for blood”.

    Too bad the same can’t be said when one of the content creator themselves is more toxic than Chernobyl.

  2. Range Nurse is still super annoying to face, but here even with multiple 10 second chases the gens went quickly. I think Otz was testing his video on how you have an 80%+ chance of unhooking yourself with the luck add-ons and perks.

  3. This was fun to watch, even putting aside the awakened awareness goof, this build does get countered a bit by the self-unhooking, you can't pressure multiple survivors off save as easily. Great match!

    Edit: another user here explained the awakened awareness thing.

  4. For anyone who didn't watch the stream. The thing with the auras Tru keeps mentioning, is that Tru was doing killer/survivor rotation as play what you VS, what he versed last match as survivor was a Nurse with the perks and addons he's currently using. That Nurse was instantly blinking to anyone in blink rang of Tru as he was hooked and the Nurse specifically tunneled him over other survivors. As you can see she had no aura reading perks, so most of chat and Tru thought they were stream sniping which would make sense since at one point the Nurse went after someone hiding in a locker as Tru was downed in the middle of no where. Some people in chat were defending the probably stream sniping Nurse saying she had an aura reading build and chat was being toxic. She did in fact not have any Aura reading perks or abilities, and the people defending the Nurse just disappeared from what i saw.

    If you want to check the Twitch vod, it's the day before the date of this post 9-18-22 I have no idea what the twitch time stamp would be, so you'll have to go fishing for it if you are interested in watching the previous match against said probably stream sniping Nurse.

  5. I think the one mistake he made that may have cost him was at 3:30 when he doesn't drop the survivor to go after the flashlight girl who just got affected with StarStruck. I understand the thought process, get the hook and then go after them but the hook wasn't right there. It's a heat of the moment decision but I think it cost him getting 3K or more. Should have dropped the guy, let him be slugged, force survivors to get off the gens to pick them up and then down the flashlight girl.

  6. Always fun to watch True gameplays, the only DbD content I still watch. But I'm glad I stopped playing this game ages ago because the playerbase sucks lol. Grown ass men fighting in the comments like it was politics and people watching True videos just to hate on him, like seriously dude? Go get a life and touch grass. Well, at least True is making money from this while the manchildren are just supporting him by interacting with his content boosting the algorithm lmao

  7. Was Tru serious assuming Youchi jumped off his first hook by himself? Starstruck activated, when Tru picked him up, so someone else was not far away.
    Or does this perk just activates without anyone in terror radius? I was sure someone has to be in


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