Trying Dead by Daylight in 2022

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It’s 2022 and I’m a bit late to the DBD train. But I figured it’s not too late and gave it a shot and I’d say I’m enjoying it IF I COULD ACTUALLY SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING GOD DAMN IT WHY ARE THERE SO MANY FLASHES IN THIS GAME IS THIS VALORA-


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Music: Emotions by Desired


50 thoughts on “Trying Dead by Daylight in 2022”

  1. 11:05 “I didn’t want to do the pickup”, that’s the thing, nobody does. They drop the pallet expecting you to break it and start blinding you, then they vault the pallet (because you can’t break a pallet while someone is vaulting it), leaving the only action being the “Pick Up” action, causing you to pick them up, then they vault back to complete the blind. It’s called the “CJ tech”

  2. As a dbd player, its sad that new players can expierience that, just get absolutly demolished by 5000 hr players with all meta perks. It just makes them not want to play that game again…

  3. this is how i feel playing siege comp even when ying isnt picked i swear to god every comp defense is nothing more than a game of how blind can we keep the defenders before we plant

  4. I've been getting back into that game lately, staying zen and responding to salt with "We are equal in skill" has really turned the toxicness around in the Endgame lobbies

  5. Twobold, coming across sweaty, toxic swf's: This is the best group of survivors I've ever come across. What am I supposed to do?
    Me, who's suffered in DBD for years: First time?

  6. Just a reminder the friday the 13th game fixed this by making just making it so Jason rips your head off then and there so you cant be bullied because you'll instantly mob them. also melee weapons and guns are limited in their effectiveness. this ultimately feels like this games a failure at what it was trying to be when Bill Overbeck is the true person you should be running away from as Michal Myers.

  7. The most painful game I’ve ever had in my entire time playing this game was on Eyrie of Crows
    They all switched to flashlights
    They abused the main building’s locker placement
    But I did consider the game a win as I did get a kill

  8. what the fuck, why are these survivors so sweaty????? They're doing shit that not even "high level" survivors can (doing flashlight saves, CJ tech)
    Ghostface is super fun (although having the pen addon makes him a tad bit faster in the 'ability to get downs' department) when you can play him properly, but he needs a lot of game sense which you just don't have as a new player.
    Like what the fuck? Twobold has two fucking perks and these guys have the best flashlights, DH, BT, unbreakable too, of course, and maybe even fuckin DS????

  9. As far as actual advice goes, Ghostface is a character that, while being better than the average stealth killer, still suffers in chase because his power isn't designed to chase. To consistently down survivors, you need to make better and more consistent use of stalking, as the ability to take someone from healthy to bleeding out on the ground is your big advantage. Once they've got you running in circles, you've effectively already lost the chase because of how time-consuming it is to run someone down with a default m1-based killer.

    Tldr: primary goal is to sneak up on people and hit them when it's too late for them to avoid being revealed.

  10. The key to avoiding flashlights is to slug. This means you don't immediately pick up the guy you've just downed. Instead, you slap his friends around until either they all go down, or they're forced to back up and heal, at which point you can safely pick up a downed player.

  11. I tried this game with the allure of playing the horror game slasher experience from both sides. Instead i got a competitive vs. Game where i felt powerless as a killer and either immoral or pointless as a survivor. You could not win if you didnt have the meta build going in and voice chats literally sounded like cod lobbies. Game is only fun when everyone is inexperienced.

  12. "How am I supposed to win as this character?"
    Twobold played Dead by Daylight for 5 seconds and realized that stealth killers don't work, I wonder how it is that the dev team can't figure it out


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