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Same as all other videos, I don’t condone hunting these streamers or going out of your way to attack them. I know the internet and this content is taboo in that respects, but if it goes ignored, then victims will never have a voice.
This streamer has been discussed already in the past, as a salty, racsist ttv. I removed a lot of my old content as it was never really editted correctly and my mind works better on new content / edits when the old stuff is removed, same in video games, I guess its some sort of trait I have. This guy was removed in the process as he did send out an apology video and made efforts to change for a small while, but I was recently shown he has not changed at all.
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Every Day.
More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
otzdarva, no0b3, TRU3TA1ENT
can you see my sunburn?
His mom wrote that? Or did he? I can't imagine a mother sending such a poorly written comment on her son's behalf; that was embarrassingly bad.
I feel bad for his headset Jay
this guy has a losing mentality if you quit before the end you will just ruin yourself. he needs to revaluate himself on what this game is and change himself or play something else
I can't say I know what this streamer is because he looks like 80% of killers and 20% of survivors i'm matched with.
But I can confess, I can BM towards myself for stupid decisions when I play survivor. Can't blame others, but I hate mistakes I make.
I play far more killer since the update.
I was playing DBD on a ratio of 80%/20% for survivors and killers.
It is now the opposite of that.
I try to be wholesome and friendly to both sides if I can.
Most games I give last one hatch or just farm if someone DC'd instanly.
I don't have fun being a prick to others, especially if they struggle, no matter what role.
When I had a game about a week or so ago I played agaisnt a big streamer.
Nice guy, the match was fun, he was trying to only use m2 on Pyramid Head.
Went into his stream, said hi and thanked him for the game.
Waited til the game was over and saw the rest of the survivors started spamming "free ukraine" not only into the endgame chat, but on his profile and stream too.
He was a russian streamer who got harassed for something he couldn't influence.
Wnet into his chat again to wish him a good day.
It was embarrasing and sad to witness that.
If he's sick of flashlights he needs lightborn him being like this can't be good …
those survivors were being toxic af but don't give in them, the entire point of the clicking and teabagging is to get you pissed off.
it's not enough for survivors just to escape, they gotta try and get to you on a personal level, don't give them that satisfaction.
This is why it's so healthy to take breaks, playing killer and dealing with these pricks brings out the worst in people.
Man needs some chill pills
Now this is content 🤣👍
The real question is, why is he still playing if this is the reaction/attitude he has to every game? He can’t be getting anything positive out of playing 🤷🏻♀️
This dude is exactly why the report system is useless. They have no reason to sort through thousands of reports made a day for bullshit reasons like this.
On a sidenote, While I'm someone who doesn't really care about others saying shit like 'Special', Retarded, Cancerous and all those means words, where in someones mind does it click to just call them a pedophile over a video game? Like even when you're trash talking outright calling someone that is just… 'Why?'. Water off a ducks back with me and probably 99% of people called that but it's like even as with someone as myself who uses so many tasteless words minus Racial Slurs and shit for the sake of exaggeration there's like no Tact with it, hell it's not even creatively done like back in the MW2 lobbies where someone calls you that shit in a hilarious manner all you can do is be silent like "Wow… I got nothing to respond with."
I am hardcore on PC and i am 19. I bet 100$ I have more sex than this guy rages loooool. "PC players are virgins" I feel bad for him but at the same time.. when you do it to this extent… Its kinda horrable
Its okay to admit you suck as killer lmao just learn how to play better by observing other killer streamers/youtubers or play survivor and figure out how a survivor will think and loop ffs. i was booty at both when first starting and the tbagging was annoying but i didnt cuss out and report everyone for it bc it wasnt worth the time and effort to trip over a match that bad. You can easily move on and try again.
yea guy needs to be taken off of twitch.
he sure loves to troll face survivors in end game
i can see a bit of burnt hairline, plus a twitch partner is more toxic then him "Short Beard"
He tried coming after me for leaving a comment on the last video about him a month after I left it. I'll never forget that guy XD
I think he needs to take a long break and get the help he needs. Its sad that he cant simply enjoy the game even if hes winning and its concerning. Ive gone through ALOT of bullying myself but thats no excuse to turn around and act this way. Being in a mindset like that you have to know when to walk away and which games you can handle and cant (honestly i cant play gta5 online cause im constantly getting killed by other online members after spending all my money on a car lol, i still enjoy it offline but i know online doesnt bring me joy) he can turn off cross play so hes only going against other xbox players. If anything hes gotten worse since your last video. Then people wonder why the report system is trash. Does he really think that the devs sit down and look at all his reports. No, so why talk vile about someone you dont know? Its not their fault you were bullied in the past and its not their fault you choose not to get help. GET HELP PLEASE. Nobody is trying to bully you were just trying to survive and kill just like you
I was unaware that nonce was what yall used for pedophiles. I thought that just meant "dumbass"?
People who scream "You're Ugly", "You need to get laid", "Virgin", etc… they're usually projecting their own issues to others. It's sad, really.
I think the shit maturity level of a lot of the dbd streamers/influencers/forums dictates alot of these players attitudes ….. you can hear alot of the community in this kid. Sad situation, I hope he can find some peace and better ways to vent the frustration
The projection behind the term "virgin" is apparent.
I'm wondering if there's a better example of "you need to play a different game, because this one is obviously not for you" out there. If there is, I haven't seen it. Anything that's ever made me this annoyed/angry, I didn't play it anymore. There's a shit ton of games out there, I'm sure there's one that's more suited to someone this high strung than DbD. lol
I understand getting upset at the game as it can be frustrating, but everything else he does is uncalled for. Especially all the slurs/names he calls people. If you get that upset, just take a break.
This guy can get worse. The encounters I have had with him.. Hes been very racially charged I will just say that. He really needs anger management classes. Something. Eventually hes going to pop off on the wrong person.
I like the new Dead Hard. It takes a lot more skill to use. Though sadly I do know people who are using a hack program to do it for them.. But those people aside I prefer things taking skill over what it used to be especially with Dead Hard
Tbh, he should give up on playing ANY game that is played against real persons.
He misses any introspective and blames the world for everything.
He should get some help and try to work through his issues.
I got annoyed during these clips, couldn't imagine sitting through his streams at all.
What disgusting and childish behaviour. The man needs to uninstall DBD and get help
Loved the video Jay 👍 very entertaining and love the new style of dealing with the TTVS.
Before I even started playing DbD, one of my trio partners told me "don't take DbD seriously, just have fun it's not a serious game" I didn't long story short lol I took it way too serious as I'm a competitive player, always have been, so that's the way I approached DbD. Still do to this day, but I don't lose my shit anymore sure I complain for a little bit but mostly to myself, or i'll tell my sister about it as she plays DbD too and understands the frustration. I remember old Haddonfield looping the Killer for 3-5 gens and getting face camped not getting rescued for god knows what reason then just DCing cause I felt the Killer didn't deserve/earn that kill. This guy though.. jesus man. I thought I WAS bad at a point, not nearly as bad as this lol this is next level type of shit, he really needs to go back to single player games it's obvious he isn't having any fun he's getting outplayed and flips tf out, like yeah I get it it's annoying when you get outplayed but that's on you not the people you're going against. You're the one who needs to improve, adapt and stop making the same mistakes over & over again. Simple man. Until he's ready to do that, he should stay away from this game IMO lol. Good video Jay, always good entertainment when i'm eating at my desk. Two monitors for the win.
Its pretty clear this dude has some pretty bad depression.
DBD is not the game to play if you have depression. Even in a good mindset it can make you angry quickly, so you should just stop playing dbd until you don't care again.
The man clearly is aware of Elden Ring because he called them maidenless… just play Elden Ring, souls games are perfect for people with depression. If you stick with the pain which these gamers clearly want to do. The game will eventually reward you with the win and a feeling that you can overcome challenges.
DBD ain't that game your win is dependant on way too many factors for you to ever be guaranteed that feeling of accomplishment.
So yeah. If you're depressed, I get it gaming is a great escape… but not DBD it Is not that game.
Also this dude is calling it a game of hide and seek. If that's what he thinks survivor is then that's why he isn't winning as killer.
Its cat and mouse meets chess not hide and seek.
My 8 year old doesn’t even get this angry playing this game. Granted he would never use this kind of language, but he would use his “kid swears” if he got angry enough lol but no I just hear him complain and moan for a moment and then move on.
Edit: Side note, I love that you’re translating words for those of us that aren’t from England lol
i love how he says survival is so easy yet he only escapes when the killer is afk.
Damn, kid needs to take a break from the game, rethink his reasons for playing games and streaming and just chill out. He's def going through something and hopefully he can get through it but he can't be like that online.