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Here’s a rare vid of me not camping or tunneling

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31 thoughts on “TUNNELING AND CAMPING EXPERIMENT – Dead By Daylight”

  1. They need to buff all killers base kits I like the game when the killer is strong it’s more intense as survivor. Games are boring now. Survivor needs nothing else lol

  2. its crazy that this game has cultivated a fanbase so entitled that people feel the need and or pressure to change their play style simply to appease ,, anger directed towards pixels and codes

  3. I’m a survivor main, and I don’t care if you’re tunneling or camping, it’s when we use DS and then when we go back down you swing at the body or nod, or just do anything to be a dick in that way

  4. In my opinion you just play the game how you play it. If you enjoy tunneling and face camping that is your thing haha. Sometimes I tunnel or camp and that is usually if I am down bad in killer games. I play both survivor and killer and I personally hate being tunneled or face camped but if it helps you with games then play your game. But best of luck with this experiment, just know you are a great streamer regardless of your gameplay!

  5. Cool idea but it would be better to have a larger sample size. Plus, who knows how your personal bias might come into play. If you're using a tactic that you like your mindset might be different from you using a tactic that you find inefficient

  6. Well, if you are saying you aren't good enough and that's why you do those strats. That makes sense to me. Maybe you can consistently get a 2k. The reason why, unless you're bubba, it's pretty much guaranteed that a SWF or just good players could rescue on a camp. Meaning that you camping, isn't really impacting them because they'll just trade off and have you camp another person while they repair gens really fast "gen rushing".

    However, it's when you mix camping, tunneling, pressure on gens and healing, that you are getting "skillful". The downside, it's hard. But as you said. You just aren't good. If you know that and you choose to min-max what you're good at doing. That's fine. As long as you aren't actually toxic to people. Like don't be a bigot. I don't think there are really toxic strats, so much as toxic actions. Like hitting people on hook, primarily only if it's players that know it does nothing, like I know I've only really hit people on hook after I've gotten salty. Sometimes it's an accident, but after enough time, you should know better than to face camp and swing thinking it's quickening the sacrifice. Which you have to determine post match for the most part. Or another toxic thing is a survivor cornering another survivor and trapping them. Survivors can also do things to taunt killers. However, sometimes, people like to over do it and it gets to the point where it's not taunting, but more like having a SWF harassing a worse player. I only really experienced this issue before the MMR change actually. Because I only really played GF and relied on perks a lot. So when I would try any other killer at level 1 with no perks at red ranks, I'd just get absolutely trashed. I'm not the best killer. My rating is probably good. However, it's not so good that the killers I didn't play, are also really high.

    But camping and tunneling are strats. They are actually important to be good at. It's important to know how much to camp and tunnel with whatever killer you're playing. It's only half the gameplay to camp and tunnel. You've got gens, healing and totems at least to also manage. Of course you can 4k with camping and tunneling. The only point I am making is against good players, it's not enough to really take them down consistently. However. With the current MMR, I do think if you camp and tunnel. Your mmr is going to be at a spot where it should work. It's not likely to tumble your way to the top of the MMR as a killer. If you were to get a 4k nearly every game, you probably aren't only camping and tunneling. The best "camp" is when you can use the hook they're on as the main point of travel between the different gens. Simultaneously camping and pressuring survivors. Also camping for like 10-15 seconds to secure the sacrifice is an incredibly good strat, not toxic. If you've patrolled and pressured and the survivors try to rescue last moment then you camp that. That's their mistake.

    You do you. Just don't intentionally do things that are clearly to irritate people or reduce their fun at no benefit for yourself. Particularly, don't prevent people from playing without quitting. And don't be a (insert identity)phobe.

  7. I love how salty and entitled survivors are when it comes to killer "etiquette." If I get tunneled or face camped I just move on to the next game. Raging over some fake rules is childish.

  8. I personally never understood how any tactic (tunneling, camping, etc) is considered toxic. Do those tactics exist? Yes. Under the same vein as "Gen Rushing". It's just a way to play and all players have the capability to adjust and adapt to the way the other sides play, and it's not like as if tunneling and camping and Gen-rushing have their own inherit counters to them (Because no strategy is perfect).

  9. Yh good luck hopefully it goes well and ur Channel has helped me trough out when I use to rage at the game but then I realise it's just a game so yh but it can be frustrating sometimes so sometimes I just take a break from it just to avoid raging and yh the first few times when I played DBD I use to sweat the game, face camp and tunnel so I made it unfair at the time but then I don't do it anymore cos I can still get a few kills as the killer and for me now it's much easier than face camping and I use to get a lot of hate because of dat and today when I was playing a survivor this guy was cyberbullying while I was playing survivor properly but yh thx your feed back is great hope you make more videos like this

  10. But dude! I come to your channel FOR the salt. Don't BS your viewers about not creating your channel for salt because if that was the case you would remove ALL your videos using salt for its main content.

  11. Even if I don’t camp or tunnel etc… which I actively try not to do during a game to prevent survivors getting pissed at me, I still get messages at the end of the game about how shit I am etc… and even if they escape, they still complain that I tunneled etc… even I didn’t.

  12. Are you worried that people will see this and might try to throw more during your experiment of playing fair to skew results? I would be. Anyways, good luck on the games, have fun and don't listen to entitled people.

  13. bro plz dont do that dumb shit i like the test part buy dont change how u play bro thats wack as hell i like how u play and how u play actually makes sense if they can hace DS u can tunnel if they have all this perks that help u can camp and tunnel , it will probs ruin alot of the people that really like u and how u play genuienly i love u spooks plz keep doing what u always do

  14. Well that's the thing, you say using strategies is something that survivor mains deem toxic. You phrase that as very blind to what it's like to play with a killer who does that. If you're the unlucky survivor to be first downed, hooked, camped, and tunneled. That is not much of a game. How can you sit there and complain about entitlement, when you don't let others play the game by doing that stuff. You literally limit the game play by killing someone within seconds by tunneling and camping. Unless the game was meant to end in meer minutes, then I guess I'm missing something.

  15. As a solo q survivor main I am not entitled to anything. If I win that's great and, in the obverse, if I make mistakes, I pay the consequences for them as I realize there are many killer mains better than I. However, If I am the first down and hooked and the Bubba stays right there,,, no one is going to come for the most part. I just move on to the next game but it does suck. No one is telling anyone how to play (there is no rulebook) but if that's how some play all the time (some matches even at 5 gens) doesn't it show some lack of skill in the game? Isnt this game meant to be a "hunt the survivor's game", not a "hook and sit by the hook game"? Doesnt that get boring game after game? Honestly asking.

  16. I think this is why DbD needs different levels or types of play. One for people who like to win or play to win, and those that are just eh, and just want to play the game because they enjoy the mechanics of it, or that they can play with their friends etc. Just because someone wants to play to win doesn't mean they're toxic, but it clashes with those who don't, and vice versa. The toxicity is in the intention not in the act.

  17. I've been called a tunneling/camping Killer if Survivors 3 gen themselves. Camping is something that is far more obvious to call out and I'm convinced at this point that tunneling is just thrown out so often now and has lost its' meaning, in my opinion.

  18. Just play how you want to play survivors always complane screw ther rules killer is supposed to kill suvivorers by any means and suvivorers supposed to escape by eny means pluse if you follow ther rules its not as fun.i dont camp unlees i dont have any kills. survivors can be toxic but killers cant SMH.pluse i like the way you play and love you videos

  19. The dev's specifically stated a "win" as killer is a survivor that is killed. Wins are counted by each survivor killed. So if you have a 2k, you basically have 2 Wins and 2 losses. So on, and so forth.


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