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Hey all it’s PotatoDoctor here I hope you’re well!

In todays video we EXPLAIN what Tunnelling REALLY means.

Tunnelling is focusing on 1 SURVIVOR until they are DEAD.
This means ignoring other survivors and focusing on that one person.

If the killer fully commits to another survivor and puts them on the hook, THEN goes back to you.. you’ve not been “tunnelled” they have gone after another survivor.


If other survivors are making blatant mistakes nearby the survivor on hook who’s being tunnelled, the killer may deal with them quickly. But they will quickly focus back on the person who they want to tunnel (as shown in game 1).

In short.

1 survivor is the sole focus and attention of the Killer when in a position to be put on hook.
If the killer goes after someone else during hook time and puts them on a hook, you weren’t tunnelled.

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🎵Ending Music by: thesedonas.com – “Blues” 🎵

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27 thoughts on “TUNNELLING EXPLAINED!! TUNNELLING ON PURPOSE! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hi all!
    Tunnelling is a very rare thing.. FOR ME. I did say "in my opinion".
    If you get tunnelled every single game or all the time then bring Anti-Tunnel perks and don't be afraid to pre-drop pallets to play it safe to prevent the killer from wanting to commit to you.

    I know being Hard tunnelled where you get off hook and have ZERO counterplay is extremely frustrating.
    But the best part about DBD is the chases!

    Also remember, sometimes the Killer has no option but to Tunnel someone out. You can't always play fair as a killer.

  2. I've noticed that there's a strong correlation between people who get upset about tunneling and people who view the game as a 1v1v1v1v1 with mild elements of cooperation. I always view the game as a 4v1 and am equally happy with a 3-man escape whether I'm one of the ones who gets out, or if I'm the one who's sacrificed. Honestly, there's a lot of strategy required to make tunneling unprofitable for the killer, and I don't mind playing it out.

  3. Whenever I play as killer I also sometimes tunnel either if there's a toxic af survivor who really annoyed me from the beginning on or if I see there's an anti mate in the game

  4. Me playing one solo survivor game before hopping off DBD and watching this video in between…. and we get a nemesis who tunneled each survivor off hook lmao. He was Ash rank with only Lethal Pursuer so I'm assuming he's just new–– should we have pushed gens? Yeah. Did we try to save while someone else did a gen? Yeah. We all died lmao. I wasn't even mad I was just like 'huh what a coincidence' considering I've rarely seen proper tunneling too. But yes great video man this is exactly what tunneling is however people will always move the goal posts to suit their definition or use terms like 'soft tunneling', whatever the hell that means

  5. True tunneling, in my opinion, is when the killer outright ignores every other player in the game (even those who are injured or dead on hook) just to focus on one specific survivor.
    In my personal experience as a survivor main, this does happen and if you don’t have DS then there is nothing you can do about it. However true tunneling is very rare.
    If the killer isn’t true tunneling then you being downed right after an unhook is almost 100% the fault of your teammates because FAR too many of them cannot wait even 5 seconds for the killer to leave before trying to unhook you right in front of them. And the ones who most often do this don’t even have BT. It is also sometimes the “tunneled” survivors’ fault for being stupid.
    While I am a survivor main, I do occasionally play killer. If I hook someone, then go to find another survivor but cannot before the hooked survivor becomes unhooked then I am going straight back to the hook. Why? Because I know at least two survivors are over there. You will not believe how many times I have come back to see the idiots healing in front of the hook they just got off of or right behind a rock that is right next to the hook and most of these people don’t have iron will so they make ALL the noise in the world. If the unhooked person’s teammate is not there and all I can see is them (because their teammate abandoned them right after unhook) then it makes zero sense for me not to just go for them. I’m not wasting an abundance of my time to looked around for a healthy survivor who may or may not have stuck around when an easy-to-track and injured survivor is right in front of me.

  6. I rarely get tunneled out of a game as well, the very few times I DO remember getting straight tunneled out of a game was when I first started playing 3 years ago. Outside of that tunneling is an extremely rare occurance for me, even if I somehow loop the killer for 2-5 gens, they leave the hook with very few deciding to facecamp. Hopefully more surv mains see this and are able to learn what true tunneling is.

  7. i mean if they are unhooking someone right in front of me, why wouldnt i go for the free hook? is the killer supposed to purposefully put themselves at a disadvantage? its not my fault you are being unhooked in front of me with no borrowed time lol

  8. Seeing a clearly distressed-but-healthy no hook survivor of a 4-Man SWF doing morse code with flashlight trying to bait me into a jungle gym pallet fiesta instead of going after his injured 2-hook teammate I happened to get a second hook on because he was still in the area I hooked him and then stayed there *again*…
    As I started with Survivor I know all too well the pain of poking your head out for two seconds and having two hooks like 5m into the game ;_;

  9. I feel like your even focusing too much on trying to hard tunnel 🤣
    Please do pressure and hit other people around while waiting for the unhook.
    You left some free hits just to keep an eye on the unhook while still being closeby regardless.
    That's the strong thing about just solely tunneling and not adding camping to the mix.
    You can still apply some presure but your just taking the "shortest" (barring perks and the target being a god looper) route to a kill.

  10. Ngl prob can count the amount of times ive been tunneled on one hand and thats across ps4 and pc with a combined 1.7k hrs. And i have to say every time i DID get tunneled i deserved it 🙂

  11. 8:27 Dude, the actress that did that character insisted on the high heels herself, arguing that it would be something that her character would do. And also she did some freaking hardcore training on how to run on high heels.

    That scene it's the best scene in the movie because it shows her determination.

  12. I'm fine with tunneling, although I have ptad from camping. I saw this vid and decided to di an experiment aswell. I play 5 matches of each role. No tunneling or camping as killer, see how salty survivors will still be, play games as survivor, see how many camping Bubba I could get 🙂

  13. sadly i started playing since october and ive been tunneled quite a lot! dont mind it bc i move on to the next game but being face camped and tunneled isnt as rare as people think. or maybe im just very unlucky

  14. Regarding the Jurassic world comment, obviously it will never be as good as JP1, it has its flaws and you’re allowed to dislike it, I don’t agree with the reason though, it’s obvious the t-Rex was building up speed, it’s an absolute tank of a creature so is going to require some oompf to get going, that being said, yes running in high heels was a beyond stupid descision

  15. People complain about tunnelers, but im pretty much fine with them. Anything is better than hackers.
    I'd rather get a tunneling happy camper insidious Bubba, than any hacker whether it be killer or survivor

  16. If we get into the nitty gritty of it, hard tunneling someone like this is pretty rare overall imo (about 3k hours). This kind of tunneling or even harder (where you combine with face/proxy camp) isnt always very effective.
    'Soft tunneling' (although i hate using buzz words) however is of course MUCH more common; where a killer will switch targets as soon as they see the previously hooked survivor. I think*** people could its tunneling if they havent commited and hooked another survivor inbetween this happening but regardless its not important. – i think this is just the killer playing smart and imo the fairest way for killers to play viably and survivors to not cry about it.
    I usually play a lot like that as killer, i dont intentionally try to focus 1 person, but if someone i see who is a soft target make a misplay, the fact they were the last person i hooked is just unfortunate and they should be playing it safer imo.

  17. The ONLY time I think tunneling is viable is when you just got gen rushed 2-3 gens and need someone dead to slow down the game, otherwise why not just have fun and chase someone new right after🤷‍♂️ my favourite is knowing when the survivor is in the locker and you go to walk past it but stop suddenly and slow turn towards it before I open it and hook them lul

  18. I was often tunneled, and even if i got ds, they found me again directly. I thinl they should add to ds thatno scratchmarks are made for 8 secs after successfull ds.


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