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In this video I grouped up with 3 amazing Dead By Daylight creators and we each ran all 4 boon totem perks at the same time!!!
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What Boon do you think will come next?
Just found your channel I took a long break from DBD but binge watching your videos makes me want to get back into the game!
How many hits had that Onryo?
wow the only reason ghostface lost is because he insisted on letting them lie on the floor.
As Killer Main that don't look funny
A casual 28 stab wounds, no problem
lmao imagine hearing 4 boon sound effects as killer
I cringe as a killer main but it was pretty damn impressive none the less!
This video have more action then action film
man got full survival points before even escaping😭 that’s how many times he healed
dude every single video is hit after hit after hit. genuinely one of my favorite youtubers right now.
I feel sorry for killers :((
Coh is broken…but mostly sfs is fucked up
As a killer main, I felt a pain in my chest. Great video as always tho lmao
dude…this is why i stopped playing this game, its not unbalanced or unfair its just frustrating, boons made it soo annoyingly boring that u just wanna alt f4 every game u see one
great vid tho….
Just wondering am I incredibly unlucky or is dead hard bugged because I have prestige’s bill 2 times and now lvl 20 and still haven’t got dead hard when It’s teachable and I have it on another character (that’s 120 lvls)
As a killer main, I must ask. Who hurt you? Weren't you loved as a child?
Never do this again
i am a big fan of your vids
i love you your my favorite youtuber
and people say boons aren't over-powered, sure there not (that was said with sarcasm)
I can see both sides of that and I play Killer but I'm no God Tier. I think there should be a limit like no more than 2 players should be able to do that. I understand the killer can snuff them out but to only have one of three people put ti eight back up come on. There's no way one person can keep up with four people. Now I understand not everyone can play like you guy's and not everyone does SWF but still. I also think there should be something where a team can only take so many hits non stop lile that before they all go down. Like when I see player's like you, spookes n jukes, Ohm, Monto (when he played) and what him and his friends did I would have just forget this and go to the bathroom or visit the Hub. I guess the only saving grace is not everyone can play as God teir as you guy's.
Would’ve liked to see the games from the clips at the beginning. I know those killers were TIRED of y’all!
that was such a good game omg
“Shadow step is doing God’s work.” 😂😂😂
This is painful to watch as a killer
Not sure why it took someone so damn long to realize the potential of boons like this🤦♂️
So you’ve found your nemesis, the laggy ghost face
If I am a killer and I meet your team, i will delete the game
And people wonder why killers facecamp & tunnel. I've played against SWF doing this before on Lerys and it's up there with the most toxic game I've had as killer.
I always wondered what SWF comms were like. It's like you're playing CoD or something. Lol. I couldn't deal with this sort of thing unless I was playing Nemesis and that's only assuming the Zombies clutch like they usually do for me.
Dude this was EPIC teamwork. So fun to watch!
I'm sure those killers weren't over the boon about 16 boons being lit.
Ahh yes the true power roll in dbd.
Why would any killer see four PC players (Assuming) and think yes. I like this.
I always dodge them just incase 😭
I would have DC'ed. This is the worst game to watch let alone be the killer in.
jesus i would hate being killer in those games
Two ppl bring flash lights n 2 ppl bring maps with the purple addon to help others with flash lights see the totems. Would be even more powerful. 4 maps was overkill.
As funny as this was, i think the way you played u did not need the Speed and Shadowstep Boon, maybe Comebine this with Soulguard, Flipflop/Boil Over if the Killer Picks up.
Also: why not just one map with the addon that Alls Survs see the auras, and then bring 3 Flashlights or just Strong Medkits.
I also feel like that after the first Person standa up you should notice as a killer that u need to pickup fast, or to destroy the boon. Or both.
i knew boons arent that strong but holy sh!t i didnt think they were this trash … Sadako and Ghostface, 2 low tier M1 Killer got sooo many hooks against a 4 man swf on comms who all are decent player, that says alot.
No fun after game comments to share?
in my last game, we had 7 different boon things up
if this happened to me i would just tunnel like crazy to get people out
guess it's time to play more plague cos of boons XD
I’ve been wanting to run all 4 boom perks but never have a team to capitalize on it haha
this is why killers dont wanna play this game anymore, hence why its slowly dying
Couple things, that killer is way too fast. Even with the boons she’s speeding down the maps. Second, I vs’d a team a while back with exponential and circle of healing with flashlights and it was literal hell
Bro I love you but this shit seems banworthy lmao
Okay but as a surv main whose been running 4 boon perks since I could learn it, even just ONE 4x boon is NUTTY.
and these perks are the reason no one wants to play killer. anyone can survive with circle of healing and exponential
SpookyLoops And Friends Make Survivor Queue Times Even Longer By Making Killers Uninstall: The Video: The Game: The Sequel & Knuckles.