Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Twins Perks:
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
Corrupt Intervention
Sloppy Butcher
Barbecue and Chili
Tiffany Perks:
Sloppy Butcher
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
Barbecue and Chili
#dbd #dbdkiller
Tags:dead by daylight,dead by daylight gameplay,dead by daylight mobile,dead by daylight new killer,dead by daylight funny moments,ayrun dead by daylight,dead by daylight español,dead by daylight gameplay español,dead by daylight 実況,dead by daylight new,dead by daylight jill,dead by daylight salt,dead by daylight tips,dead by daylight exam,chucky,dead by daylight tips,dead by daylight #IntotheFog
I am first ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Did that team in the first match juat give up at the end 😂
Your good with the twins I’m terrible lol
No entiendo como Chucky consigue colgar a sus víctimas en los ganchos si el es muy pequeño 😂😂… acaso el "ente" lo ayuda? (Alguien los carga a los 2)
Awsome video bro!!!!! Congratulations man!!!!!!!!❤🎉❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
18:27 imagine if you had NOED 😂
great gameplay