Twins VS Flashlights | Dead by Daylight Killer

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Very brave Dwight!!! Went out of his locker to help his team 😀

Killer Perks for The Twins: Oppression, Unrelenting
Survivors: Nea, Dwight
Map: Midwich Elementary School | Silent Hill


7 thoughts on “Twins VS Flashlights | Dead by Daylight Killer”

  1. I really don't see many twins nowadays because the community pretty much collectively hates them for being annoying and underpowered at the same time, so seeing somebody actually play them is a real nice change of pace (personally I'm a blight main on killer :D)

  2. since yesterday I'm having a hard time getting your videos to play… I usually connect to my TV and add the new videos to the playlist on the phone but once it gets to yours it always goes down to like 480p to load properly… it just happens in your videos so idk what's going on…
    edit: nvm, also started to buffer on 480p lol


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