Two Perks Only Wraith! Dead by Daylight

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Dead by Daylight Wraith Challenge! The Challenge for this game was for every kill I got with two perks only was a gifted sub! I love doing these fun little dead by daylight challenges in the stream! Ignore my monotone, im super happy and chill, just super tired XD

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Doctor Gameplay!
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#dbd #Wraith #DeadbyDaylight #redsgaminggears #BHVR #intothefog


10 thoughts on “Two Perks Only Wraith! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I like clown because I like the fundamental chase mechanics and IDC if I win at all lol. I don't pretend he's any good, except to practice the fundamentals. Too many of the killers seem like "Here's something if you don't want to chase!" And I just feel like it's the core of the game.

    I wish his bottles fucked with survivor perceptions more. imagine being dosed with some hunter S Thompson-level shit. Hunter could take a bucket of liquor, a CIA-sized dose of acid, and light up with Snoop while still walking around stone-faced while a normie like me would be seeing fucking lizard people (Thomspon needed the mescaline and ether for that). So the poison, or at least the add-ons, should have a nasty mix of randomized effects or a bunch of different add-ons for different reactions in survivors.

  2. People arguing in the chat about nerfs for killers. BHVR wants to keep this game survivor sided for eternity. You need more survivors to fill servers and the best way to do that is make survivor considerably easier than killer. The majority of people will gravitate towards the easiest play style.


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