Two Types Of Killers In This World | Dead by Daylight

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15 thoughts on “Two Types Of Killers In This World | Dead by Daylight”

  1. No wonder many killers behave like what Trapper did. Because survivors be like "oh, please, just let me grab it" and in most of the time the same survivors be like "I will t-bagg in the exit area until last second of the colapse and I will trashtalk you after game in chat". In my opinion, it makes no sense to measure behavior or to highlight or criticize someone. It's DBD, the community in DBD is the most toxic you'll find among games ๐Ÿ™‚ And we are all part of this community. If you never camped someone as killer, even member of toxic SWF, you never t-bagged to killer just to annoy him or you never left someone behind you just because you wanted to get some quest done, you are lying ๐Ÿ™‚ Somebody can have bad day or can be just toxic a**hole. In the end be honest, you don't care, either enemies don't care. Why should somebody care about your bad day, right?

  2. i'd say i'm rather ruthless when playing Killer, but usually when it comes to glyphes i let the Survivor i'm chasing take it before hitting them or something among those lines. Altho of course it also depends on the survivors's behavior, if they are doing stuff like genrushing, sabotaging, t-bagging, then yeah no pity. I'm cool with those but yeah if you're not playing nice then don't expect me to do so, that's only fair right ?

  3. I always respect the glyph and people should be allowed to do their challenge. Ofcourse it's less convenient mid chase because you might be focusing too much and not all killers can react in time, but when they respect it, you gain respect for them because they're being decent for once. It's the little things in the game that makes for good moments.

  4. Ive had a few times where i didnt react quick enough but I always try and respect the glyph cause I know how irritating it can be to do survivor glyphs. They get their challenge, i get a free injure or down. Its a win-win. My favorite will always be the time a Dwight did a white glyph mid chase, so I escorted him to basement and then got a free basement hook

  5. The glyph challenges are challenging I would say since killer's wouldn't usually allow the survivors to finish the glyph challenges glad that ghostface did allow you to finish your glyph challenge pixie unlike that trapper I hate playing against those kind of killers who wouldn't allow you to finish your survivor challenges

  6. It always feels good when the killer respects the glyph. If Iโ€™m a survivor and I see the killer break chase to do a glyph, then I usually stop running and give them a sec to finish the glyph before resuming my run.


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