ULTIMATE DEMOGORGON GUIDE – Demogorgon Tutorial (Tips & Tricks) – Dead By Daylight

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Welcome guys!
Since the Oni Tutorial is one of the most well received videos on my channel I’ve wanted to branch into different killers, and hopefully one day I’ll have a guide for every killer. Today, I take you through the powers and tricks that you need to know to be a great Demo player, wether you are new or old hopefully there will be something in here you can learn from and use in Dead By Daylight!

Let me know what you think and if there are any tips I’ve missed!

Don’t forget to like and subscribe bois 😉

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Thanks for watching, see you soon!

Outro Song: NOTD, Bea Miller – I Wanna Know.


27 thoughts on “ULTIMATE DEMOGORGON GUIDE – Demogorgon Tutorial (Tips & Tricks) – Dead By Daylight”

  1. As I a knew player my favorite perk for demo early ranks is no one escapes death as I’ve had many rage quit as they thought they could brag at exit gates with ni issue as “he still needs to hit me twice!” The one shot is very useful for me

  2. Did a custom match, killed the friend group with the first build, and I didn't even get the chance to gain much use from 2 of the perks because I unfortunately dominated.

    My own power scares me…

  3. I personally love double iridescent becuase it’s quite strong into the late game, the ability to always track the survivor is strong, not to mention you portals are silent too means that you can not only pull survivors off gens get a free hit, becuase they cannot hear you but you can alway see them. I think the downside of this build is if your bad at portal placement each time you traverse you will be to far to make any plays with them.

  4. 1:52 I gotta say I laughed at Kate running straight into the bushes/reeds.
    Great video. So cruel including the Territorial Imperative build! I wish that long distance shreds using high elevation could hit survivors past 11 meters… BHVR please!

  5. I love running this guy with Ruin and Surveillance. Place a portal near a gen and as soon as it turns yellow, boom, teleport to it. Then cause of ruin it automatically starts regressing and goes back to a white aura.

  6. I'm starting playing him since I think Demo fits my playstyle, but I've been losing all my matches because I'm not very good with him

    I'm a Rank 4 Pig Main but It's getting hard, honestly

  7. Also just incase for those unaware, this guide was made shortly before Demo's buff/changes were announced and something's have changed mainly his add-ons.

    Both of his iri adds are very decent now and worth running for the occasional treat, barbs glasses is a great add-on to help save time on shredding pallets and breakable walls.

    And some other slight changes to others that you should look at to see if it can help your build/playstyle! ☺️

  8. I actually found a use for his meme addon, Rotten Pumpkin (destroys any portals you enter, but more BP). I set up 3 portals directly on nearby gens, with 2 in between. Spend a moment activating the ones on gens so I have Killer Instinct protecting my 3 gen. The only portal you enter is your 6th and final, and thanks to pumpkin, you don't have to worry about where you put it.

    Just chase survivors around the map, occasionally charging shred. Once you get an Instinct hit, immediately place a portal wherever you are and teleport to a portal close to the gen being worked on, but not the one directly on it. Easy peasy.

    It takes a minute at the start to set up and the pumpkin will kill your speed once the gates are powered, but this setup lets you indefinitely lock down a 3gen unless survs have comms. 🌺🐶 RIP Flower Dog, we'll miss you


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