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UNBREAKABLE DEVOUR HOPE Twins! – Dead by Daylight
Dead By daylight we play twins killer in dbd. A new toxic build with funny moments and meme fail. Also a new map. Dbd update. How to mindgame at rank 1 and iridescent / red rank. Killer tips at high mmr. Ringu new chapter. Toxic swf.
D3ad Plays
Stream Everyday 10pm UK time
otzdarva, no0b3
Who is here EARLY? I read comments, which killer next?
I am not a native english speaker, so can someone pls tell me what accent D3ad is speaking? I am really curious about it. It clearly isn't American english and it sounds a bit different than british english, because he doesn't really sound like for example Tru3ta1ent.
Is it australian english, or is it something else?
Vedy vedy nice, can you do some busted uncommon Spirit build
does a victor hit reveal devour? anyone know?
Mmmmmmmm daddy D3AD back with the Twins gameplay 🤤 can you do a nasty vid as blight next daddy D3AD 🥺
Иди короче на бубе (bubba's) ahhaha
Just crouch from a distance, forget Victor and cleanse the totem. That's how you counter this strategy.
Lovely build
that iri addon is probably the most useless thing in this entire game lol
i love how dead says he responds to his videos within 1-2 hours of releasing a video but doesnt do anything that shows hes not a man of his word
ive seen this build before but i can never understand why somone would run it over demo. who can do pretty much the same thing with his portals but can also use his killer power
Not a big fan of Oh Tofu, but he beat you to it about a week ago bud –
This unfair games Jesus Christian, very satisfying on how you play killer.
Love all your creative builds!
Demogorgen toxic build with devour
Disguisting value… damn man
Love this build just destroying survival’s
what means DC Counter?
Face Reveal? 🤣
It’s what survivors deserve coming from a survivor main
Next killer is Pinhead
Just crouch to avoid detection
I do wonder what the post-game chats are like when you do builds like this? If people are rude I hope you don't take it to heart
4k mori 😎
You should add undying the the build 👌
Love the killer builds but man that twitch chat is about as cringe as it gets
Hey man, just a suggestion: add 8 seconds of black screen at the end so the suggested videos/sub button do not cover the very last seconds of gameplay
That moment when u camp like a Bubba 👀
As a former tournament winner and semi professional Halo player (had a child early so had to quit playing) I can notice your subtle movements and I think that alot of people who criticize you and talk smack can't even see these subtle moves you make, which speaks volumes in their skill levels as well as to the skill levels of streamers they glorify (no offense to those streamers). But when watching your gameplay and seeing your movements and the movements of the survivors and the way you all mind game and how the survivors know how to perfectly extend loops shows just how big of a difference in skill your matches are vs others.
You made a weak killer seem decent actually but this wouldn't work on good teams that can loop M1 killers well since you basically made her that. Or smart survivors will pressure gens or lead you away with few on gens
All of them noob.
I’ve never realised you can just put Victor by the hex to protect it
That’s actually quite brilliant, and way better than just leaving everyone to slug with Victor. You become a bit of an M1 killer, but it’s quite worth it because you’re almost always sure if someone’s on your hex or not
1:18 "oh hi jake"
If you get this joke like the comment
Saw earlier on OhTofu's channel. Back then The Twins havent been nerfed multiple times, boons were not in game and that made huge difference. Now when they have been nerfed to the ground, ruined by all meta and new meta this seems like only valueable playstyle. Maybe campy playstyle is still strong but boring an unfun. I used to play Twins a lot, might come back to them if new Dead mans switch wont be nerfed too much and if boil over will be a little bit more balanced. Such a shame, Twins were considered as most fun killer ever when they were on ptb, but as there and no chance to win as them without hardcore slugging and slugging is not that ez – old and new meta combied I feel like its same as Oni. Twins were S tier back in time, now are like top of B according to specifics of the individual games same as Oni whos also not A tier anymore. Feels like Nurse, Artist, Blight, Spirit, Nemesis, Bubba and Pinhead are only viable if played perfectly. A lot of killers lot part of their potential. I cant imagine someone playing Twins anymore, just because of unbreakable, boons, high mmr, new boil over, swf sabo, swf that stays together. Like what the point of using Victor when there will be still someone kicking you negating all your previous attempt. Might actually really hear an opinion of someone who plays Twins periodicaly.
Stole this from tofu
That’s amazing
I love your accent
can someone tell me where he's from? i wanna see if i can recognize becouse of his accent. I think he is from ireland or scotland.
This is actually a NASTY build and style. Love it!
You are actually insane.. now I want to buy the Twins!
I don't understand y they r not S tier killer, they look so strong and u can do many things with twins
yup , i think am the only player who crouch near victor lol
Another really Good Devour Hope Build I’ve seen us actually for Demogorgon, one of Demmys Add-Ons make it so you don’t need to Channel Abyss to trigger Killer Instinct, so the idea is you put a Portal by your Hex, Teleport to another to activate it and teleport back when Killer Instinct Triggers
evil build 😂😂💀