Uncleansable Devour Build for Demo | Dead by Daylight

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Devour Hope is a really powerful perk that powers up as you hook Survivors and can threaten to instadown & mori them. This build makes it almost impossible for teams to cleanse it by giving you tons of info with Lifeguard Whistle + Lichen add-ons. With Undying you can focus on defending only one totem and it will always be the one they have to cleanse. If they somehow survive this ordeal, Hex: Pentimento (big slowdown if they cleanse totem) and No Way Out (huge slowdown near endgame) will probably finish the job.

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


44 thoughts on “Uncleansable Devour Build for Demo | Dead by Daylight”

  1. otz, i havent watched the entire video yet but i encountered what i think is a bug. so i was playing as artist with a low slowdown build which had pentimento, devour, thrill, and undying. i was lucky enough to get 5 tokens of devour before they cleansed and got a kill. later, i resurrected the devour totem (which had 5 tokens) and was like "alright, pentimento" and got a down. then it gave me the option to mori and i could. so i was like wtf. i tested it again later in a match where i only got to 3 tokens and i couldnt mori. ive tried this multiple times and it only works when u have 5 tokens and resurrect. note: even after i resurrected, i could only mori, not instadown. please help

  2. The best part about this build, it's that you don't even need Pentimento and Undying, you can replace them and make that build way worse for the survivors πŸ˜‚

  3. The Lifeguard Whistle is something of an underrated add-on for most people. Sure if you are playing Demo you should be tapping M2 every now and then anyways because it doesn't slow you down but not having to worry about that is great. Really only works with a Hex build though because otherwise you don't really care about the portals.

    Thanks for the video Otz.

  4. You know who else defends totems really well? The twins as you can just sit Victor or Charolette right next to them. Which might be the strat for a 50 win streak 😁

  5. If anyone wants to make this build, I suggest switching the Leprose Lichen add-on for Upside Down Resin. Then if you feel like it, switch NWO with Thrill of the Hunt, making it way harder to cleanse totems, and near impossible with pentimento.

  6. "Not a lot of info"? The iri addon lets you see them anywhere whenever you teleport and the whistle gives you heartbeat whenever they touch a portal… lots of info imo.

  7. I faced a Devour Demo a few weeks ago, pre-mid chapter. Different build other than the whistle and Devour. I recognized what it was as soon as I saw the portal by the totem and got his immediate attention there. So I bum rushed the unhooks before he could leave with my BT. He did eventually manage a 3 stack which he downed and final hooked me with, but it cost him his Devour and everyone else got out.

  8. I love seeing content like this, but the game is becoming unplayable, MMR means I’m going up against bully squads constantly with 8k hours each, I play casually, a few matches every other night

    Why is this game so toxic and devoid of fun?

    I was hoping the meta update would help but it’s not solved a thing, survivors are still unstoppable, the matchmaking is unfair, hitboxes are screwed

    I desperately want to keep playing because I love the core gameplay but it’s a depressing mess


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