UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE THAT GHOST FACE IS OP! | Dead by Daylight (The Ghost Face Gameplay Commentary)

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You can’t dispute it. The evidence is just too powerful. This is undeniable evidence that Ghost Face is broken op! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Ghost Face in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog


18 thoughts on “UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE THAT GHOST FACE IS OP! | Dead by Daylight (The Ghost Face Gameplay Commentary)”

  1. I don’t know if it’s actually any good or not, but I’ve started running monitor and abuse (got it from the 24 hour shrines) on my clown, I like to use the bottles to check/ clear gens from a distance and I feel like it’s been helping so far.

  2. I gotta disagree with Grimmy saying that Trickster's "SMG" design could never work in a game as precise as DBD and how it was doomed to fail from the start. I guarantee something similar was said during the initial design of Blight in that he was too precise for maps since he was designed for maps and not the other way around.

    Personally, I think Trickster ticks all the boxes for accomplishing design goals which is what I'm more focused on. The goal was to have an easier ranged Killer than Plague or Huntress, which is why his Knives are so fast and have minimal startup. The trade-off being that you have to hit so many more to take a single health-state which is minimised by the abundance he has. To spice him up then and not have a strictly worse ranged Killer (since easier Killers should never be stronger than their harder counterparts at top level) they gave him Main Event which further pushes his strengths to momentarily pass the original ranges Killers. He has a faster firing rate, a shorter activation rate and infinite ammo. Instead of a power-up that completely overhauls his power (like Oni who gains mobility and an insta-down) or power spike that drastically shifts the entire game's focus (like Evil Within 3 forcing Survivors to insta-drop Pallets and allowing untouchable camping), Main Event improves on Trickster's base-kit without breaking him completely due to its infrequency, lack of mobility and short window of activation.

    From a design perspective, Trickster fills all the goals. From a power perspective and PVP perspective, it's debatable. But that shouldn't detract from his overall design meeting a the goals a power may need. As Pixel Bush says, the best thing a Killer can be is unique, and there's no Killer in the game other than Trickster that has to hit a ranged attack multiple times to deal a single health-state of damage (Nemesis doesn't count, 6 metres isn't ranged lol).


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