UNLEASH THE PLAGUE! – Dead by Daylight

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Dead by Daylight Plague gets the true high mmr experience and we dish it back out! The game is changing everyone so make sure you change with it!

Dead by Daylight Resident evil is here with the new killer Nemesis! I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Plague Gameplay!

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24 thoughts on “UNLEASH THE PLAGUE! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I have hundreds of hours on plague. Yes. Puke just going through people is a thing. It's a symptom of hit validation. You can see it even from the survivor perspective.

    The way the vomits come out is, you imagine there are dozens of tiny hatchets and the greeny VFX just makes it look like a constant stream.. They really need to add more vomit projectiles, but idk if the game ticks fast enough that you would actually see any benefit from it.

  2. Why is it that you and I always end up playing the same killers?

    Today was my first time in a couple months playing plague, and here you are dropping a plague video-

    Keep it up!

  3. Yeah, plague has a collusion bug with her puke, it existed when she came out, but no one played her enough, or paid much attention to realize the issues or if they do, don't speak loudly about it. I've lost countless games because my puke went through the survivor even though they scream, and didn't use dead hard. She's literally my favorite killer, on top, number 1, but I stopped playing her because of this issue that happens every match.

  4. (For Sadako players) try this build with Sadako tell me what you think

    1. Call of brine
    2. Merciless Storm
    3. Eruption
    4. Thanatophobia

    So basically brine and eruption for gen regression. Mostly likely the game will start you’ll get a hit off someone near a gen. I’ve also noticed it’s a bit better to not use teleport and just sneak up on survivor when DeManed when you can especially at the start of the match.

    Anyways after your hit kick the gen you were on and chase said survivor. Along the way you might come across other gens and get some easy hits. Just make sure to take both options if available, but number 1 priority is to down a survivor. This way you now have one hook while whoever was on a gen you kicked can’t finish it and had their location reveal and is possible injured. Even if a person isn’t on one of the gens your trading faster gen regression for the information that a survivor isn’t on it. Thana for slowdown and Merciless Storm goes of sooo much and it is somewhat of a life saver and a info perk.

    I’d use this build with any add-ons but try this one with the Green healing transfers Condemned add-on and the yellow add-on for 12% faster Condemned status for a survivor who has a tape. The only way you need to play is injure everyone. You can slug but if you hook do it next to a tv to continue to build up Condemned when players unhook.

  5. On second thought if I know that this guy would call the survivor a bitch then I would be toxic in general it’s only fair to be toxic to the person to be toxic the most but nowadays people just want to be entitled in general let’s be honest let’s just make this clear both sides can be toxic not just survivor I get it people have no brain cells and they just want to blame one side

  6. Haven't been red rank killer in months, and I used to be afraid of playing killer. But this new chapter has felt so refreshing I love playing killer. I still play mostly survivor but I'm ironically a higher rank as killer. Now I understand why killers play how they play and respect it. Red has some really good points how killers need to counter all of this survivor rulebook that killers should play by

  7. I find recently my games either have the survivors saving instantly and removing my pressure or them greeding gens and going for last minute rescues then I’m finding that I have to punish by tunnelling or camping respectively.

  8. Got accused of tunneling last night by a survivor.
    They got off hook, and immediately went for my totem, that I originally knocked them down at.
    So just leave them to destroy my totem, or hit them again. No DS, and no second chance. Hooked them again, and even though they got instantly taken off the hook, I went after someone else.
    Two hooks later, I'm running towards where I saw another survivor with BBQ. See that survivor I had previously two hooked, go after her, she drops super fast, even though I'm meme build bubba. She dies. She stuck around till the end of the game, with her as my only kill to complain that I tunneled her out of the game.

    So, from now on, I'm just camping and letting them come for my bubba blood point generator.

  9. This game is really survivor strong Red. And killers get penalized for actually being good at the game. Is you disagree explain the boon meta, hatch( thats free af) and when ever good perks come out in the shrine its always viable for survivors.

  10. I wouldn't be surprised if the next survivor had a power where they could reconstruct pallets.

    New Meta: any means necc. RECONSTRUCT PALLET PERK. DS. Dead hard.



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