Vecna Changes Are Almost Perfect! – Dead by Daylight

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37 thoughts on “Vecna Changes Are Almost Perfect! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think 38 seconds makes sense, if not maybe five seconds too much. If we assume that’s the length of a single chase being able to use all of your powers once in a chase seems like a good deal.

  2. Am I missing something? Dark Arrogance seems goated for a chase perk.
    Light born + enduring + Dark arrogance = free passive vault speed increase without worrying about longer flashes and stuns

  3. Still a little nervous about the sabo speed changes. I know its a trade most of the time if a survivor sabos on your hit cool down but it feels like awkward gameplay to me

  4. I feel like dark arrogance would be a lot cooler if it affected general action speed like fire up instead of just vault speed. Being able to perform break actions, vault, and pick up / drop survivors 25% faster in exchange for longer blinds and stuns seems like a fair trade off and a perk I'd consider running on some M1 killers.

  5. What bothers me is that slowdown after casting spell is still 2 whole seconds. And more than that, slowdown after Flight is still 2.5 seconds for mo reason with an addon that bring it in line with other spell. If the first one we will see, the second one for me is just an unhealthy game desighn philosophy of creating a problem and selling a solution

  6. Still Sight is probably the best perk for aura reading atm because of how easy it is to use and how consistent it is compared to other aura reading perks that share the same effects as it. Most aura reading you have to complete a certain objective like doing a gen or cleansing a totem. With Still Sight? You just stand still. That's it. And it lets you see basically everything.

  7. sounds good I wish they had made it so if multiple spells are on cooldown the cooldown goes away faster to promote using your whole arsenal

    Also running a "control ward" build with Still Sight could be fun as well I imagine

  8. 38 seconds is not too long whenever you have 4 powers. he HAS to have an insane cooldown or he’s disgusting. couldn’t disagree more. honestly the 50 seconds was fine.

  9. I love how he's like I'd rather use bamboozle when talking about dark arrogance when it's literally getting nerfed to no longer work with killer powers meaning most of the killers who benefited from it don't anymore

  10. Can it be that buffed skeletons will be something like alien on release, when you could miss the attack but survivors would have to try dodging it anyways and as result you would get so close that you could simply m1?


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