Vecna Needs All of These Changes to be Perfect – Dead by Daylight

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Fly quicker collision on landing
Fly shouldn’t stop at windows/pallets
Mage hand 50% faster pallet raise base kit
Quicker cooldowns (by a lot)
Skeletons cant be crouched
Orb has no slowdown, moves slightly faster (or can be charged)

at least in my opinion


50 thoughts on “Vecna Needs All of These Changes to be Perfect – Dead by Daylight”

  1. No. I really think he needs massife buggs and powerful spells. Like yeah, make mage hand not slow you down. Why? Because litteraly the part of his kit is his counterplay. Survivors have magic items. You give killer strong powers, which feels uncounterable in normal games, but also give survivors ways to fight back to a degree. It would alos bee cool for survivors to choose which too items they want to have, which powers do they want to counter. It would make gameplay against Vecna interesting rather than "oh, you can see him all game"

  2. think the base cooldown should be 30 seconds for maychan, 35 seconds for fly, 40 seconds for skulls and slightly increase the hitbox and remove crouching, orb cooldown 45 seconds and keep the no speed reduction but revealed were you are behinds walls except for when in lockers

  3. all of these changes are great, but i think the skeletons should just be faster to launch, and/or have longer hitboxes, while not slowing you down, so the fact that they have to crouch means more in a chase. still allows for survivor counter-input, but killer still gains something from it.

  4. DBD streamers: you need 10.000 hours in the game and read a 40 pages clown guide to begin to understand this killer!
    Also DBD streamers: so guys I played 5 games with the same 3 people in the PTB, C tier, buffs needed! 😭

  5. I have a question that I think Scott, one of the great minds of DBD, could weigh in on in a well thought out manner; how many more unique powers exist?

    What i mean by this is that there seems to be more killer powers being made that function nearly the same with very slight changes. One of the main culprits with DLC killers is object penetration. Doctor toyed with the idea back during his release eons ago, but since the release of PH, we've had the Artist, the Unknown to a certain degree, and now Vecna. And I am dumbing things down cause comment length, but they all have an ability that does the same thing, and ultimately artists is the best, and using any other form of it is purly playstyle preference and not a new concept. If you can describe a power as "its x killers move except…" its not a new move.

    So to move back to my question; what original abilities can you think of that havent been explored yet?

  6. i think they should adjust the cooldown of each spell seperately, remove the slowdown from the orb completely, extend the duration a pallet is blocked by mage hand, and reduce the slowdown you get from fly and mage hand respectively.

  7. 3:08
    Levitation that's not flight
    If it were an actual flight, we would be flying up to the second-story levels
    We can fly up through the vat in the game
    we could fly up to the second layer of Erie of crows
    we could fly after being holed in RPD

  8. i disagree about the skeletons; if they are low enough not to duck then killers are just going to use it at close range like at a wall loop or a pallet because the line is so wide you wont be able to dodge it; you could try running the direction theyre flying to get between them but then you have to leave the loop and will probably get hit anyway; make them FASTER though I think would be a fun balance cause then it would rely more on your reaction time

  9. I'd love if you part of the skeletons could be crouched, but only a part of them. For example, the center and outside ones are crouchable, but the other two hit even if you do.

  10. Been playing a lot of Vecna as well. Much good input in this video.

    Instead of a flat cooldown reduction for all powers, I'd prefer a slight cooldown reduction across the board (all powers 50s -> ~35), and then have the 5 sec cooldown reduction per basic attack add-on be base-kit, BUT increase the reduction per hit to 10 secs. This would make it so that Vecna doesn't feel spammy and one-dimensional in using each of his tools. I think it'd be a little lame if Vecna could rely on Mage Hand every 15 secs as opposed to being forced to use another power to overcome the situation . It'd also make precise power usage feel more rewarding IMO.

    Spot-on w/ the Fly suggestions.

    Mage Hand 50% base-kit is also exactly what I was thinking.

    Instead of uncrouchable skeletons, what I had in mind was making them just a little thicker to make them a bit harder to dodge. I found that frequently survivors wouldn't even crouch, because they never had to. The gaps in between each skeleton feel super big. Vecna already needs to be really close to have a chance of hitting this to the point where it often feels less effective than a basic attack. I thinking making them a little thicker would make it feel equally as dangerous as Mage Hand at loops.

    Orb suggestions are pretty thoughtful actually. I personally figured that having the faster Orb add-on be basekit and slicing the cooldown in half would be enough, but I like your suggestions a lot more here.

  11. I think an interesting change for the skeletons would be that at least some of the skeletons are always near the ground (for example the side ones) which allows for uncrouchable shots but it's more difficult.

  12. I know that it's not gonna happen, but I thought that if you had 2 ability's on cooldown then the cooldown gets faster, 3 and even faster and if you are using all 4 then that would be the fastest( in theory your first cooldown would be up by the time you got to the 4th one, but if you are cycling cooldown correctly you are rewarded for it rather than just spamming one spell)

  13. Honestly I think the only reason why the cooldown is so long is because they want people to be using a multitude of skills and not just spamming 1 of the 4 skills, It could be interesting to have all the skills cooldown speed up if every skill is on cooldown or every other skill gets like 5 seconds faster when a different skill is used

  14. I have a feeling the devs want vecna to be a blue-ball simulator where the survivors just bully him and get an ego boost from “out-playing” his useless spells. They even get a buff from the magic items and you can equip 4 of them!

  15. At first I disliked and entered hater-mode. Because you said “Hand should stay the same in terms of slowing Vecna”. But when you brought an example of guaranteed hit (like Chucky) – you really made me overthink. It’d be lame as heck to have guarantee hit every N-seconds.

    All other changes are great, but man – 3,5 sec CD after Fly is rough, clunky, feels artificial & unfun – needs to be shortened imo

  16. I think rather than just reducing the CD of all spells each spell should instead have its own unique CD length rather than 50s on all of them. As examples not to be taken seriously you could do 15s on Mage Hand, 25s on Flight of the Damned, 30s on Orb and 40s on Flight. By having unique CD’s you can then attune their CD’s according to if one of the powers is disproportionate in strength.

  17. You forget, the whole point of giving survivors items is because he is supposed to be "Overwhelming strong" not a C tier killer, or a D tier killer once you add the fact that survivors get counters.

  18. It would be neat to try Vecna with a token-based power (like some sort of custom/arcade match). So, instead of each spell having its own cool down, you could have 4 tokens and choose to use one spell multiple times so long as you have tokens.

    For every potential busted interaction, there would be that one gamer who picks up the same pallet 4 times in chase and still doesn't get the hit. And seeing that would be worth it

  19. How about they add D20's to his powers

    1: picks up the pallet and you get a big slow down

    2 – 10 same effect as now

    11 – 19 less slow down

    20 always breaks the pallet (if it's up it can drop it then smash it)

    Same concept for the other abilities

  20. I think people are also completely ignoring the magic item that is supposed effect mage hand, 7% haste for for the entire time the the pallet is blocked or oh you picked the pallet up when I'm just faster now and can make the loop I probably wouldn't have been able to make because you picked it up simply because I have an item is crazy good and there is no reason not to use that specific item over any of the others. Sure you can disable it but now you have to use two powers on a 50 second cooldown to maybe get a hit. It's just weird to me how all the other magic items are there to provide info/vision of powers, where as interloper is just a straight counter to mage hand for zero effort on the survivors part outside of opening a chest.

    IMO Interloper should instead reveal all pallets withing 24 meters of you for 5 seconds when mage hand is used gives you an oh shit he blocked/picked up the pallet where is the next one type of item.

  21. This game is not 1v1, and never was. It never should be balanced around 50/50s in getting a hit. All killer powers should be like blights or nurse, if done correctly, with high skill ceiling, survivor almost guaranteed to take a hit. Its not chucky boring dumb style of power when he press a button and get a free hit.
    If you balance the game around equal counterplays for both sides, you will make a horrible shithole when 4 equal in skill players verse one playerd equal to them, and there will be alot of wins in chases for both sides but the time is much more favoure survivors with current gen speed

  22. The sphere seems like the most useless at a glance, perhaps having survivors inside of the sphere could lower your cooldown on your other spells at a quicker rate?

  23. Maybe this is stupid and definitely would be harder to add but what if the cooldowns stay the same at the start but for each first hook on a survivor you would gain lvls in increments of 5 to keep with a dnd theme. So you start at lvl 1 with 0 cooldowns reduction then lvl 5 would be 50%, lvl10 100%, lvl 15 150%, and lvl20 200%! It might help with tunneling by instead of punishing it, making it better to get each survivor. I know lore wise I’m guessing a high lvl caster would already be max lvl but I thought this could be fun lmk what you guys think 🙂


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