Vecna The Most Underrated Killer In Dead By Daylight?

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ

Vecna flies under the radar for just how strong he can be. Hereโ€™s a plethora of games for your delight and to show some of the power Vecna can have!
Most games used the Meta Build from this video! โ€“

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Vecna Gameplay!
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31 thoughts on “Vecna The Most Underrated Killer In Dead By Daylight?”

  1. I used to main Chucky and then I started maining Vecna. I thought Vecna felt way better to play as and way more easy. Then Dracula released and I switched to Dracula because I liked his aesthetics and animation more. But then I switched back to Vecna because his powers feel way more fun.

  2. Chase ending wraith –

    Game Afoot
    Save the best for Last
    Brutal Strength
    Rapid Brutality (flex perk, sloppy butcher, play with your food, rancor, and fire up are great also)

    Add ons-
    The Serpent – soot (breaking pallets uncloaks wraith)
    Shadow Dance – blood (breaking action increased)

    Build is built around getting into chase and ending it quick. Game Afoot is great for keeping stacks of stbfl, brutal and add-ons tear through pallets. One of my favorite builds for wraith ๐Ÿ˜€

    Edit- wanted to say something about game afoot and the flex perk slot. With changing your obsession so often, rapid brutality sometimes feels off, sloppy butcher and PWYF are great replacements for that, adding a little more synergy to the build. And with no gen slowdown, fire up always feels great.

  3. I feel like the title goes back to that guy asking you on live stream a couple of days ago whether Vecna or Dracula is a stronger killer and you told him not to underestimate Vecna or something along those lines.

  4. Heโ€™s โ€œlocationโ€ dependent in certain areas of the maps heโ€™s useless in others you are getting hit itโ€™s not optional, it also entirely depends on the survivors experience, some survivors just donโ€™t crouch against flight of the damned and hey hit constantly.

  5. D&D is for nerds! Of course we wanted Stranger Things Vecna! Obviously, Iโ€™m being facetious but I honestly feel that a Stranger Things chapter wouldโ€™ve been better received by the majority of the DBD community than the Dungeons & Dragons chapter.

  6. Vecna can be interesting. I am playing with the Idea to use the addon where the mage hand breaks the pallet as it blocks survivors vaulting, might be a idea…
    can have fun results. I think?
    Good gameplay, Red.

  7. I think people dont play him much because of how punishing it is if you miss one of your spells. You kind of have to make your spells result in an injure every time you use them or else he feels bad to play

  8. I liked the idea of a D&D chapter in DBD, but I really didn't want it to be Vecna. Vecna is so overused nowadays. I was really hoping for a monstrous killer like the Beholder that got teased (that turned out to just be part of the map)


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