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28 thoughts on “VERY SWEATY PIG GAME! ft. SALTY SURVIVOR! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Don't know why it's such a taboo to mention SWF. I mean just logic alone in a game like this implies you have more of an advantage being on Comms. It's okay saying you shouldn't punish people for playing with their friends but why should the killer be punished instead?

  2. Oh well… The survivor-hunting packs, united against the killer and fully playing out that DbD is an asymmetrical game in favor of the survivors.

    I always feel it's a bit disrespectful to the roles in the game when the survivors do that – and then end up toxic. Whether it's through arrogance or because they can't handle it when they do end up falling behind. -.-

  3. To touch on the thing you were saying about the self fulfilling prophecy I can see that totally being true because I have a friend who turned into one of those people who live their life that way and he truly believes that and he has changed so much it’s very sad to see happen.

  4. Reasons, why i quit this Game:

    – Almost everyone plays with Meta-Perks and the same builds
    – Sweaty Killers & Survivors, who abuses ridiclious strong perks and Maps
    – The toxic community and missing good sportmanship
    – The REALLY toxic community

  5. My idea for the new killer springtrap

    Ability: you spawn with 2 other spring trap bodies on the map that don't move until you teleport your soul into them with rb and lb, when your soul leaves the springtrap you are in the body stands still with the ability to block windows and doors.
    Your soul has a travel speed making it so depending on how far away you are from the springtrap you want to control the longer it will take. Survivors can preform an action on an inactive springtrap that takes 5 seconds that sends it back to its original spawn but alerts the killer of their position

    Night shift: This is an active ability button where when clicked separates the map into 4 sections and blocks survivors from going into another section by the entity for 12 seconds as well as blocking the exit gates, has a cooldown of 100, 90, or 80 seconds depending on perk level

    Strings attached: for every generator out of the 5 completed that a survior does not assist in reduces the movment speed by 1%, 2%, or 3% maximg out at 5%, 10%, and 15% depending on the perk level.
    to balance the perk out if a survivor participate in every generator and has gen progress done on a gen other than the 5 completed when the perk activates the survivor will gain 2%, 1%, or 0% speed bonus depending on the level of perk

    Hex: Soul bound: survivors stopping an action will take .5 second, 1 second, or 1.5 seconds longer to cancel their action depending on perk level

    Iridescent add on: when your soul travels between spring trap you can see survivors auras within 30 meters of the soul until it is in the body of a spring trap

    Night guard perk ideas

    Security Flashlight: You start with a flashlight with yellow, green, or purple rarity depending on the rarity of perk, flashlight takes 25% less time to blind a killer. you can carry 1 other item along with the flashlight and sawp between them using lb

    Jump Scare: When hit by a basic attack you make no sound for 30, 40, or 45 seconds depending on perk level. when hit with a basic attack it also removes exhaustion. cooldown of 15 seconds

    Cold Gaze: when looking at the killer the killera movment speed is decreased by 3%, 6%, or 9% depending on perk level

  6. Love how survivors will literally go down as long as they can finish a gen in your face, but if you down someone off the hook because someone just holds W to it while being chased (and doesn't bring BT), you're immediately the next incarnation of Hitler and will be sentenced in court for war crimes.

  7. What saddens me is that Pig isn't a bad killer, she's okay and so are many other killers. It's just they aren't good enough for high level. It pains me to see that happen because Dbd has SOOO many killers, soo many different powers, so much potential… And you hardly ever get to see it.
    What other game has all those licenced killers as well as original ones all in one?
    Really wish BHVR would polish their little gem… Who knows, maybe they will surprise us one day? They seem to have started at least looking in the right direction, excluding a "few mishaps" buuut I'm far from trusting them on it :V

  8. The reason why everyone defends SWF so hard when it comes to this game is that a few years back the devs revealed stats saying that over 70% of survivors SWF. Ever since that revelation the devs have hidden SWF stats cause it caused outrage in the killer player side. Since then I can only guess that percentage has been raised. Survivors love to diss killers for “crutch perks” like NOED etc but are silent when the majority of them SWF.


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