Very Sweaty Spirit Game! Dead by Daylight

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First game of the day! Extremely sweaty high level match with meta perks and addons!

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #highmmr #spirit #sweat

I’m live right now! get on over here –


9 thoughts on “Very Sweaty Spirit Game! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Tru3, do you think Spirit would be good without MOTHER-DAUGHTER RING if her directional phasing sound WERE omnidirectional ( kinda like the furin add-on ) ?

    Like the survivors will hear spirit when she’s activated her phase but won’t be able to tell which direction she’s coming from

  2. This is why I was confused why they buffed Botany. As it stands right now a decent medkit with botany will power through sloppy as if it were nothing. Add in We'll make it, which is 90 seconds of super healing after an unhook, and well there you go.

  3. Honestly it’s more so annoying that scourge hooks aren’t at least spread out more evenly on maps to least have more a chance to use your perk for Christ sake how are you gunna make a perk have Random spawns and it only being freaking 4 hooks outta all the hooks on big maps smh.


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