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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4 vs 1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed.
#dbd #deadbydaylight #dbdkiller #vecna
try basement vecna my bald king
Unpopular opinion, but bag of holding is the best addon. Not statistically or objectively, but it's incredibly fun
DBD is the weirdest game to main… You're an interesting fella.
Do you think the eye of Vecna is better than the hand ?
I think the rationale behind 3rd Seal in the first build was that the people couldn't see their Plaything totems, making it more likely they'd stay Oblivious the whole match.
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Number one Vecna for sure!
Is Vecna better / more fun than the castlevania killer? (Forgot his name but like I can’t decide who I should play)
Asuno any tips on maining veccna I want to start maining him but I don’t know any good builds
Nothing like working overtime while watching the Goat. Keep up the grind my fellow spell casters.