Visual update for The Doctor (Dead By Daylight)

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Herman is getting a visual overhaul with the next patch (4.7), with all of his cosmetics getting a nice refresh. What do you think?

Originally posted on my TikTok

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39 thoughts on “Visual update for The Doctor (Dead By Daylight)”

  1. What the amount of blood in the last one kind of takes away from the costume itself, like I think it’s a bit overkill. Like some more blood on the weapon would be cool, but the amount in there just takes away from the actual costume.

  2. It seems that they changed him to look less asian. Originally, the Doctor was going to be based off a Chinese doctor who uses electric shock therapy on kids who addicted to video games. Fun fact i guess?

  3. When finding out that doctor originally was supposed to be aisan (based on some Chinese docotr) it definitely becomes noticeable with his old model but his new model fits his lore better since he's black

  4. Fun fact, his original model is actually a early version of doctor, one where he was Asian and not African American. This is probably why his old model looks so far off from his tome and rift outfit, since the remodel corrected his race.


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