WANT A INDOOR MAP HUH? – Dead by Daylight!

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29 thoughts on “WANT A INDOOR MAP HUH? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Iv found even on bigger maps I get more value out of surge than pop on nurse.

    Hitting a gen takes too long as do breaking pallets.

    When a pallets down they’re gonna get locked in animation. Only break newer god pallets tbh.

  2. I open the video at 7am and the first thing is "You're a piece of crap and you get off for it"

    What the actual fuck!? Thats hilarious

    Also i personally dont like The Game map. I just hate how its built. I can never find anything as Survivor or killer lmao

  3. 100% sweaty killers deserve to be as such, because sweaty survivors at high rank is the meta. Everyone is allowed to be salty because of perks/bullshit on either side, because the game is DESIGNED to make people salty and play into gaps of either the killer or the survivor, ESPECIALLY SWF/teams. Bitching about things and being toxic when you aren't even red or purple rank is a joke. You'll get a one-off once in a while for a killer bringing a mori or an iri into things, or you'll get a survivor or two teamed up with big toolkits or crazy heals. Point being, this game is more like a football team running a play against the opposing side. You either known their defense and prep a plan, or you get bodied. It's not unfair, it's luck and preparation.

  4. What you said at the start about camping hooks because you just want to give yourself the best chance to win. Thats also the only instance I hook camp but whenever I do that I just get told off by survivors that get angry i didn't just let them save and all escape.

  5. Did this clown just start the video with "If you camp ur toxic, if i camp im just good?" How can anyone take this joker seriously xD.
    I love how i clicked this video at random cuz im sick of this losers attitude and he opens like this XXD cant make this up XXXD.

  6. Ahh, dead hard gives him a second chance. Continues to chase.. Ah, another second chance. This is the whole game for us killer mains lmao. Chase, down, pallet save, chase, down, flash light save, chase, down, power struggle, chase, almost down, dead hard, chase, down, leave him slugged cause you have been chasing for just 2 minutes and 3 gens have popped, unbreakable, chase, almost down, dead hard again, insta heal, chase down put him on a hook, 2 more gens popped and he gets hook saved and adrenaline, you have no choice but to tunnel or you will certainly lose without a kill. Chase, down? Ahh borrowed time, chase, gets in locker, Head on, chase, down, Decisive strike. 4 gens get popped in 3 minutes even if the killer is playing really well. I need 3 kills to win and survivors have all these broken methods of easily exhausting me in a chase for just 3 minutes a game and it's over. Exaggerated obviously to an extent but this is the gameplay and a average to good surv can make you chase for atleast a minute.

  7. There is a glitch in the Red forest. When the survivors goes in the corners of the map where the exit doors are, you can't hit them as killer. There is a invisible wall between you and them.

    Survivors are using this exploit on PS4 to win/ waste your time. What is Behaviour doing about it ?

  8. One thing I wish Tru did when editing the videos is giving us a little bit of context for the conversation when the match begins. All I heard when this started was "Because you are a toxic piece of crap, and you get off on it."


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