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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight
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My survivor games are going to be exponentially easier than my killer games now. They already were, but now… easy.
we don't need unbreakable. If anything survivor base kit should show just where your teammates are when someone is hooked(like a form of kindred, and in return killers get corrupts every game. That would be a better solution.
Why does True constantly say it's 4v1??? No shit! Lol. He constantly complains about this game, so like, why does he play if it's so unfun and unbalanced according to him? Very few ppl are on his level of skill, and he makes it seem like everyone should play as good as him. Makes no sense. Real question TRUE, what would you do to balance the 4v1 aspect. Actually, i would love a civil discussion on this if you wanna do a video with me. Let me know. @truetalent
Dude has been playing this game for like 5 years straight
The basekit unbreakle is a good idea, I think, since it takes away the doubt of a survivor getting up or not by itself. Unbreakle being 100% bonus is too much though. Should be around 33%, so pick up is about 30s. No mither could be the 100% recovery, since there is a tradeoff.
The mori rework is dumb overall. Buffs already strong killers, while not affecting weaker ones.
I don’t even know what’s going on with the new updates lol. I played 2/3 weeks ago when dead hard was nothing but like borrowed time for a frame. I stopped caring got this game awhile ago
I do have to say, after not playing for like a year, (finally got my hands on a ps5) but all the while watching your videos, I started playing killer like you do, and with my MMR being low, and playing strategically like you, I've been 3-4K-ing with sodoku, and Micheal
The one on ptb who killed everyone as fast as possible was CoconutRTS, he only plays as a huntress and probably top 1 among all. I don't know why he positions the mori as something strong if, firstly, all the players on the PTB are really weak, and secondly, there are no more killers or no more players except the huntress and coco) who are capable of such
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50% Escape Rate sounds nice, but it actually means the game is heavily Survivor-sided, so the devs pushing for it will just make Killer less fun to play. Two-man escapes are the rarest ending to a game, so you will rarely ever actually see a 50% escape rate in one game; at low MMR 4k's are more common, while at high MMR 4-man escapes are more common. With this distribution, sure, you'll have a 50% Escape Rate, so the game is balanced, right? Well, no, because high-MMR Killers won't want to play, since they're getting dunked on all game.
The low-MMR lobbies will pretty much always skew toward 4k's regardless of what Behaviour changes, so most changes will solely affect the high-MMR escape rates. Changing the game to be a bit less Survivor-sided would lower the escape rate from 50% to 39% (which is what it was), but that still means that at high MMR, 3-man and 4-man escapes are more common than any other ending, so despite the <50% escape rate, the game is still significantly Survivor-sided lmao.
Also I'm sorry but as a Killer, if you're having 2 people escape in the majority of your games, you're getting absolutely smoked. That's just not balanced. In my experience, a 3k is fairly balanced, but it also depends at what point in the match it happens. Ultimately a 3k and a 4k can both result from a perfectly balanced match, but a 2k typically indicates that the Survivors had higher MMR (or better perks) than the Killer.