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We killed a lag switcher and he had a whole message ready to go! Even wanted to gift me subs for getting 1 hooked! Sounds legit!
#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #cheater #liar #fake #lagswitch #doctor
I’m live right now! get on over here –
U are awesome for doing that
There is no doubt he is a cheater, all the lags happened when Tru3 was about to attack
100% he's cheating. He was bullshitting and kissing ass in the end because he knew it was being recorded, I don't buy that he didn't know who Tru3 is.
3:50 megg jumscare
I'm scared man xD
Had a Feng Min Do this every time im about to down her She will Lag Into oblivion but during chase they would be stable it sad how even console players can do this shit mind you I havnt played dbd in Months my first game was a Lag switcher 😴😴
Too dodgy 😀 lmao
I don't buy it. If she wasn't cheating then why did she change direction every time she lagged out? Who doubles back out in the open with the killer right behind them? This + the obvious copy paste in the end + the name change + the thing about gifting subs lol nah
I love how he brings joy and laughter to all of us
She was macro clicking at the beginning of the match, this shows that she knew what she was doing everytime. Plus, she changed name at the end to avoid being "recognized"
100% a cheater bro, just making excuses to cover his ass… he had that copy pasted, so this is clearly routine for him. 😛
Is that an OCE tryhard I see?
Would it be possible for an Australian to get 92ping on Tru3s server?
I still don't understand how lag switching works. Can anyone explain?
I've ran into such a ridiculous amount of cheating lately, it's been mostly killers, I've ran into a lot of mfs with walls, couple lagswitchers on both sides.
I've caught numerous TTVs using lag switches I'd have to look through my recordings to get the names though. They were using it live as well.
Ok question for you doctor mains out there. I bought doc recently and played a few games with him and noticed that survivors would still vault or drop pallets after I had shocked them, and even in some cases after they screamed. What kind of timing does this have?
Interesting that u can manage to hit and kill this mfs cheater even though they can lag switch infinitely kudos.
One of my proudest moments was me playing spirit against a lag switcher. Doors powered and the last person was the lag switcher. He would open the door run away and switch and go back to the door. I used my power as spirit and made him think I was chasing him only to pull him off the door and kill all 4.
Is there any way you could zoom in the chat for YouTube videos? Would greatly improve your latest rage kid vids lol
3:52 WTF?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
First one dead and stays in lobby to explain himself to everyone? Sounds like a waste of time if its all coincidental
next will be a hacker who is so nice that everyone in the match, all 5 players get 1 million bloodpoints just for playing a match with him.
The change of the name and profile picture makes me think she was spoofing her profile. Perhaps I'm wrong on that one, perhaps I'm a bit uneducated in that matter so if anyone knows better feel free to correct me.
The over explanation part is a good catch as well, buuuut… Idk guys, my first instinct when I'm having terrible lag is to click at the killer to make fun of them as well, beacon them to my location to pull the same trick twice, to show them how stupid they are for thinking I went the way they thought I went, when all this time I was chea- ekhm, lagging I mean. In other words, I think y'all just salty or something 😀
(Kappa, obviously)
On a serious note however, I think it's genuinely cringe how she attempted to snake her way out of this one by "throwing in some subs" xD
The pathetic copy paste message has the same credibility as scammers using obvious social engineering. I remember these steam scammers sending "Oh no I accidentally reported you and there is a big chance you get banned I'm so sorry, but one way to go around this problem is to click this weird link and type in your private account information".
evil dead
I mean… he has to be a German… cuz I'm too and Vodafone is rly terrible here. xD like EVERYONE got Problems with Vodafone here. But this was just silly 😀
You should've reported them, they're on Steam.
If it was Epic I would get it, might just be one in a thousand free copies of the game, but Steam? Report, ticket and video evidence.
3:50 survivors jumpscaring the killer
as someone with internet that sometimes shits out and makes me lag, that was not lag, that was most definitely lag switching on purpose
5:28 with the corner hide-tech!
nah def bad internet because bvhr has no hackers wa u all mean x the anticheat is perfect imagine thinking bvhr doesnt actually gave a shit and banned hackers lol x
Man I wish I could agree that the endgame chat was hilarious but sadly you don’t zoom in on the chat so I can’t read it on my phone.
Not sure why I’m surprised this point you do it every video maybe one day you’ll see this message and zoom the fuck in.
Survivors suck so much ass at the game that the devs 2nd chance meta isn’t enough
Shes not lagswitching she just needs to upload alot of skill to the server thus lagging her 🙁
Hey, I was the feng with the beach skin (second person you killed). I honestly didn't understand what was happening at the beginning of the game because it looked like you were just walking around aimlessly but then at one point (around 3:30 in the video) I thought it was kind of weird that you lost Meg because she was in a corner of the map. Didn't know she was cheating until I checked your stream after the game. Shame I had to meet you in a game like this but GGs regardless.
Crazy people stay cheating on the easiest multiplayer game.
I came for the "hilarious" end chat, but only found click bait.
god damn it clara
definitely lag switching
The fact that you don’t know who scarlet whitch and starlight are is just embarrassing, using the names of woman superhero’s as an excuse to blame cheats lol
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You can Tell It was copy paste by The speed he type It , almost instant after The match was over
Imagine buying cheats. Must be their biggest achievement in life.
Doc: I’ll make you go crazy and see my illusions
Feng: I’m about to ruin this whole man’s career
You did what you had to do. People should really learn how to play legitimately, or they shouldn’t be playing at all!
bro why do you have to think about it? thats obviously a cheater. it literally sounds like those scripts generated by scam companies in india that read to you when they try to scam you over the phone xD what a loser.
Earlier killer is cheating when you got hook in 1st time you insta die and he wast so fast