WESKER LIVE REVEAL | Dead by Daylight

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5 thoughts on “WESKER LIVE REVEAL | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Dude, a lot of us were being sileced in the chat. Say something slighty negative, timeout. Something not english, timeout. Anything Wesker related BEFORE Project W showcase, timeout. Asking for a NAUGHTY BEAR 3, timeout. Literally don't relate to their audience at all, they're making puzzle games and doom ripoffs.

  2. Yeah, Wesker seem to have many different abilities but as the dude said, it's kinda situational. According to leakers you'll need to be repeatedly caught in his dash to build up enough infection for him to be able to straight up pick and carry you and if this is the case, it basically is a Pyramid Head cage only slightly different.

    We'll have to see what he means by situational though, because also according to leakers, he'll be able to rush basically like a Victor pounce and be able to grab survivors mid-dash to slam them to walls.

    This dude has the potential to be the top 2 killer and take Blight to 3rd spot, hell, maybe even better than Nurse, but also has potential to be just another Nemesis. We'll have to wait for the PTB to confirm.


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