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Dead By Daylight Project W – Albert Wesker The Mastermind Mori Animation Vs All Survivors of Resident Evil. Chapter 25: Project W includes Albert Wesker as New Killer, Rebecca Chambers & Ada Wong as New Survivors, Leon New Skin Carlos Oliveira & Jill New Skin Sheva Alomar. Felix Cosplay Chris, & Feng Min Cosplay Jill.
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#DbD #ResidentEvil #DeadByDaylight #ProjectW
Leon Noir emang keren sih.. tp bukan favorit 😂
0:00 Carlos Olivera
0:13 Sheva Alomar
0:26 Felix Richter
0:40 Chris Redfield
0:53 Feng Min
1:07 Jill Valentine
1:20 Ada Wong
1:33 Rebecca Chambers
1:47 Leon Kennedy
2:00 Claire Redfield
Overkill, but fits Wesker.
1:23 Lol, Ada can punch off Wesker's glasses, but he can't punch hers off?
After that abomination we got in RE3, 1:13 made me cheer
Still no classic outfit for Claire? Disappointing.
I know it's a legendary skin but come on!
Funny how the only one Wesker doesn't say "Lets finish this" to is Chris, but he's the one he says it to in the RE5 flashback, right before Jill saves him
Do a all moris on. Ada wong and sheva
They really gave Felix Chris’s boulder punching outfit. Well, at least he too, can punch boulders
Wesker face after the mori 😂😂
RE3 Carlos: Punches Hunter betas across the room
Dbd Carlos: can only punch glasses off wesker
First Chris and now Carlos they can’t keep getting away with this
So the tentacles pierced through body underground or penetrate through anus like those rule34 vids?
Luckily, Wesker knows the real Chris 🤣
Fyi, Wesker brought 10 sunglasses for this video showcased