Wesker vs Dead By Daylight | Battle (Remake) #shorts

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49 thoughts on “Wesker vs Dead By Daylight | Battle (Remake) #shorts”

  1. Wait what could Wesker do to actually hurt Pinhead? Isn't Pinhead invulnerable to all forms of damage or attacks except the Lament Configuration? Also can't canon Pinhead either teleport or move really fast? He always seems to get to different places inhumanly fast in the movies. Though I do admit if Wesker has the box and knows how to use it, it's over for Pinhead.

  2. Idk about ash though he scales above so many horror characters its actually insane. Also myers is kinda weird because he willingly went into the realm and is probably able to leave.

  3. tbh Wesker would have way more difficulty to win against blight. The blight was able to capture some of the "strongest" (not talking about their strength in the game) killers, he captured the trapper, nemesis, nurse, légion, wraith, pyramid head, spirit, Billy and more and infected them with the serum. That should be a cool fight I think

  4. Come on Wesker is superhuman he don't sleep at all , and is 10 times smart compare to Freddy and also Freddy can be brought in real world . Hax can take both Pyramidhead and pinhead easily and Wesker has more hax . Albert Wesker looses agains nemisis because the only weapon that can kill him is super railgun and obviously where wesker can find it . Nemisis will regenerate until he don't element his target . Well wesker is a villain that's more kinda heroic

  5. I love how Wesker beats majority of killers simply by being a superhuman with Virus.

    Though I think Oni would have the edge on Wesker since, well, it's still an Oni. Rage is his schtick and if Wesker angered him enough he might even become more powerful, but there are a few inconsistent details to consider Kazan a True Oni since he might as well be a marginalization of what the Entity sees as an Oni.

    Ash Williams has literal plot armor, provided that this isn't the real Ash Williams then he'd lose since The Entity takes them from alternative dimensions, hence why it doesn't alter anything.

  6. Dependiendo de si el ente les da la condición de inmortales wesker no tendría manera de ganarles, sería prácticamente una batalla eterna, obviando esto no creo que nemesis le gane a wesker, ese desgraciado le puede pelear a 5 armas biológicas al mismo tiempo, con la espíritu dependeria si esta no usa el reino espiritual para luchar contra wesker sería una batalla más complicada

  7. never let bro cook AGAIN.
    I’ll clear up some shit that i really disagree with
    Onryo wins no diff (she can insantly kill him by moving her hair and is the strongest killer lore wise easily)

    Pyramid head No diff not extreme diff

    Myers wins high diff (i saw the comment about halloween ends that’s not the version in dbd)

  8. Michael would kill him eventually. He may look like a human, but this fucker is the meaning of evil.

    Sadako can kill the cursed people easily, so if Wesker is condemned by the tape he is dead

    There is no way he wins against Oni. Dude was a samurai known as a demon for a reason and really became this demon.

    Pyramidhead is a entity that torments the ones who thinks they need punishment. Since Wesker is okay with his actions, PH cant torment him but he wins for fact he is a entity and shit

    I dont even know what dreadge is for real, so i have no ideia 🤣

    It be insane to see a Nemesis fight Wesker. Cant even imagine this


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