What are your thoughts on the mid-chapter patch? | Dead by Daylight

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What are your thoughts on the mid-chapter patch? I’ve already been asked this quite a bit, so I figured it would be best to create a video talking about the developer update, the Clown rework, the changes to the HUD, new animations, changes to Deep Wounds, and the nerf to Hex: Undying! Let’s discuss the latest developer update, and the mid-chapter patch!
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13 thoughts on “What are your thoughts on the mid-chapter patch? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. A HUD should be simple and compact. The current HUD is all of this. Spacing everything out across the screen is just going to distract and make things more complicated in my opinion. The new features can be integrated into the current one tbh.

    They will also kill matchmaking by rank and bring back the weird MMR stuff. I think this will make the killer/survivor experience worse for new players, because after getting really good playing only one killer you will not have fun trying out a different killer against high MMR survs. Playing Surv with high MMR could also lead to longer queue times and only facing S/A tier killers.

    Aside from this I think the changes are pretty good.

  2. I didn't know that the Undying change would be pretty nice. Sure, it no longer saves Hexes 4 times, but it now saves Tokens. Its going to be hilarious, seeing Devour Hope being used more and more.

  3. The HUD was something no one asked for. They have at least a dozen other MAJOR things they could be working on. I get it…it’s a separate department but work on something else. I’m on PS5 and the optimization is PC level great! PS4 and Base Xbox are horrid.

  4. Clown is buffed. People just aren't figuring out how to use him. It might solve the "you can't get the survivor at a safe loop" problem alongside giving himself more map mobility. Biggest weakness was the reload, so more bottles plus his yellow reload add-on being basekit is great.
    Don't give a crap about the visual elements or the map reworks that we have no info on.
    Undying's compatibility with ruin is overnerfed assuming it needed nerf in the first place. As of now, the worst case-scenario with bad luck for killers is 2 totems cleanses rapidly getting rid of 2 perk slots, whereas the best case is that they cleanse ruin 3 times, cleanse undying thinking its ruin, and then cleansing the final ruin. The consensus is that this is too much. That entirely depends on the map. On swamp or Lerys, yes, it's too much. On a map where the totems are in terrible spots, no, because survivors can chew through them insanely quickly meaning there was no point to the perk. The "solution" is to make the worst-case scenario always happen for killer in exchange for being more compatible with devour hope. This kills the entire point of undying. Undying exists fundamentally to be a baind-aid fix to terrible totem spawns. This way, yeah, survivors can chew through totems, but at least you more than, oh, 30 seconds of uptime. To add insult to injury, you can now no longer effectively defend the totems with aura reading. It's too much of a nerf. They should have approached it the same way they approached Trapper. Make it to where if a totem is cleansed first, it respawns (with tokens removed). After that, then the hex transfers to undying, making the minimum the same, but the maximum cleanses 3 times, which is still a notable improvement.
    On ruin undying. Regression isn't fun? The killer having decent agency over the objective isn't fun? Well genrushing with gen speed increase perks is 10x worse. It's also clearly not overpowered with longer uptime. It's literally twice as slow as a singular survivor in a game of 4. Please do tell how this is overpowered with these numbers.

  5. Personally, I feel like the clown changes aren't going to make him too much better. Yeah the reload buff is awesome but the new bottles I feel like add…They feel like they're adding complexity for complexity's sake and aren't actually going to make him much better. Besides, if the bottles are shared, you're going to be reloading a lot more often to use your regular bottles. If not, then you might end up forgetting to reload one of them if they're separate. As for the undying change, whilst I completely understand the 'bs' of eternal cleansing and the consistency is getting buffed, the overall power of the perk is getting considerably lowered, which really sucks. It's…going to be an overall 'ok' update but…that's saying a lot considering the track record of just…mind-blowingly bad updates this game often gets in regards to balancing. I don't really have an opinion on Dbd's other non-balance stuff.


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