WHAT is this 2024 roadmap?? | dead by daylight

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BHVR’s roadmap is… interesting.. Some of these changes leave me confused and with alot of questions.. what do you think? What would you like to see? Do you agree that these need to be fixed?

00:00 3 gen discussion
02:07 killer update: onyro, hillbilly, blight add ons
05:08 per updates: save the best for last, grim embrace, quick gambit, shadowborn, monitor and abuse
09:40 mangled & sloppy butcher
11:45 killer tweaks: hag, pig, huntress, demogorgon, clown, doctor
18:47 bloodweb improvements (clip from BHVR)
19:53 ultimate weapon/decisive strike changes
26:06 twins discussion

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31 thoughts on “WHAT is this 2024 roadmap?? | dead by daylight”

  1. The whole 3 gen thing I can understand. Last night I was on the swamp big boat (rolls eyes) and I was playing survivor with déjà vu, we got to two gens, I got hooked and I see this survivor doing a gen that isn’t the 3 gen I see with Deja (I also have decent map knowledge), they pop it and we get a tight 3 gen situation. I agree, survivor should be punished for doing that on themselves. But I don’t think it’s fair for a killer to go out of their way to hostage a 3 gen in the beginning of the game. It’s a weird situation but I’m hoping that it won’t be super awful.

  2. I think with Hemorrhage effect it will no longer deplete the heal bar fully but instead be percent based. Healing getting buffed would make gens go faster though since gen regress is getting nerfed as well.

  3. I'm hoping they gut onryo I'd honestly rather face a skull merchant due to how majority of sadakos play always going for moris without hooking anyone pyramid head has conditions to mori survivors she needs them too.

  4. Knowing bhvr and their latest updates . They are nerfing huntress hitbox without anything to offside that change. They are nerfing the pigs add ons and her ability to get headpops at super low mmr while maybe slightlly buffing her dash to make it seem like it's not a big deal. Listen here because it will come true

  5. I play hag, so I can offer some insight of what might happen, I see two routes they might go one is how hag can protect a hooked survivor really well which yes is annoying is just how she plays as a defensive killer changing this can really make or break some things depending how they handle it,

    the second could be some of her addons such as the water/mud addons that increase trap radius never being picked and i have heard complaints about rusty shackles shockingly so it could be that they are looking to change that,

    my other guess is how hag can change a survivors camera to face the trap they triggered which can be annoying and frustrating to newer players, So as a hag main I am simply waiting out the storm.

  6. I swear to God that if they do something strange to the huntress I am entering psycho mode 😀

    PD: however I personally think that if they were to make an addon basekit, it should be the flower babushka

  7. 14:20 personally I feel like the headpop counter should pause based on proximity and not only when you are in chase. It feels uncounterable when you get a pig that is only focused on making your head pop. And if you are in solo queue, you can only die hoping you wasted enough time (time that you know they aren't doing gens on)

  8. I lowkey think demo could be getting a nerf. I've always thought that there should be a cooldown for letting go of your Shred charge, cause literally every other killer gets penalized for putting down their m2. Demo is the one exception and you'll notice demo mains typically spam charge and decharge it for both free mindgaming and on-the-ready shreds. If they do that though I hope they buff the speed of his portals, maybe even make them instant

  9. I feel like what they're gonna do to DS is make it so that it works like today (Deactives in the end-game or when a survivor touches a gen etc.) but just revert the 3 seconds back to 5 seconds so that it doesn't feel as useless and it genuinely punishes the killer for tunneling a survivor straight off the hook.

  10. Huntress is outdated tbh, 4th lowest kill rate in the game, 7 indoor maps now, Lampkin LN, GoJ, Badham 1-5, Toba, half the Macmillan estate maps are all miserable to play on. I think they should make her Hatchet holding speed 80% and that would solve half of the problem for indoor maps.

  11. I hope the devs make Shadowborn give it the ability to extend the undetectable status effect for an extra three seconds & it can start the match ready undetectable until you've hit somebody, opened a locker, brake a pallet, wall, or gen

    Making it the ultimate gotcha bi*ch perk

  12. Hear me out. Literally every wound needs to have hemorrhage effect applied by default.

    Survivors run around 99ing their heal with resilience etc and then heal in front of the killer. Sloppy is the only counter to this but i think its just asinine that you can 99 a heal indefinitely.

  13. BHVR has been surveying the impact tunneling and camping has on the quality of matches so all the killer tweaks have a good likelihood of just being anti-camp and/or anti-tunnel especially since these killer are pretty old and could use some modernization.


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