What The DBD Community NEEDS Right Now… | Dead By Daylight

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Dead By Daylight has a community of beautiful souls, silly plays, wonderful charity initiatives and more. Too often – that all gets overshadowed though…


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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

Dbd, dead by daylight tips, dbd tips, dead by daylight mobile, dead by daylight new killer,


27 thoughts on “What The DBD Community NEEDS Right Now… | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Unfortunately the world lacks sympathy and empathy. People don't understand why people act the way they do. My job irl I deal with thousands of people a day and many of my coworkers get mad at them for acting stupid or idiotic but they don't realize some of these people are having horrible days or months or drama. Dbd especially has some wickedly cruel people but we need to rise above that and be better people. Bro, I'm praying your channel blows up and does super well. I love your personality and admitting you were once an ass isn't a sign of weakness but a sign of human growth we all have. Keep kicking ass as a person and a player!

  2. So much love and respect for you Dyllon, a hero paving the way of the light within the dark. You and your video showing up was such a relief and blessing for me, thank god we have you, I hope you’re doing great.

  3. You’re exactly right. I remember my first match as killer, and how awful it left me feeling. I genuinely almost stopped playing and it’s sad. We should ENCOURAGE new players instead of run them off to the hills (or a different game entirely). This community needs to become more like the teammates or players in endgame chat that make you smile with a friendly comment after a game. Like those who you can meme with or laugh at funny moments as you scramble away from the killer that inevitably receives a “gg, have a good day/night” in the chat. This community DEFINITELY needs a bit more empathy.

    Thank you for putting out good and calling out the horrible actions of a surprisingly large amount of people. I love your content and especially this video. Thank you.

  4. It's sad I wasted most of my time playing this game playing toxic and being rude to people, only now am I starting to play chill and be a good sport even if I'm mad… Being kind makes less people want to camp or tea bag, which makes less people mad which makes more nice players. (I main killer and I would run scummy builds because I thought survivor was to op, ik it's dumb)

  5. I totally agree with the things you’re saying. We really do need to be kind and not be rude to each other. If we help each other and the community, I think the community could grow and make the game even better.

    Thanks for bringing up these points! I thought the way that you addressed these issues was great. Thanks for the great content! You rock!

  6. I had a game one afternoon where this Dwight was able to save me and the other person on hook. We both died because Dwight left. I was mad but instead of messaging the Dwight “you’re bad, uninstall the game” I simply asked why he didn’t save either one us. He replied with “I’m sorry, I didn’t think I could, I’m new to the game”. I stand and agree with you KG 💯 when you say have some sympathy!

  7. i haven't played in about a week or so because of nasty players. i won't go into details but i have a fear of playing with the pride charm on pc. i've thought about playing on switch in handheld mode just so i don't have to deal with the post game chat; i'm also a new player (i'm trying to learn and do better) so that doesn't help either. thank you for this! the community is terrible and it needs to be addressed.

  8. Love the off the cuff conversation and overall message. In a sea of emotional bullshit, you ask “Why?”. Everyone’s swimming and these conversations remind everyone to stop and take a breath. LLAP 🖖🏻

  9. GG EZ or GET GUD are two of the rudest things people say all the time to new people lol.. I think its a few of the popular streamers that encourage this behivor.. We have streamers that tea bag baby killer at each pallete and call them garbage… We have other streamers that if you dont agree with them that survivors are op they get the community to attack you and they attack you for having a different opinion.. Last week i had a game with 2 swf in it i did 3 gens solo, looped the killer a lot and also got 4 rescues, the two people that were swf told me they were gonna report me because i didnt do anything because i didnt get hooked, well every time the killer came after me he couldn't get me not my fault lol.. But I totally agree i think behavor needs to go back over their fog whispers and look at the negative ones and maybe give them warnings or take them off of it.. Just saying.. I also think people just need to tell themselves this is a game and not an esport… DBD after all is more of a point farmer than anything else..

  10. When you're too good as killer = Hacker
    When you're noob as killer = trash/baby killer/walking garbage
    this is what i got and some even send me a private message just to insult my whole family lolll

  11. 100% agree. I think the DBD community really treats the dev team in a negative and derogatory way. Its easy to make fun of something or break something down that you didn't put in the effort talent and money to create. And if you have anything to say about it you get downvoted for being calm and rational.

    I dont want to say that its mostly survivor mains but…. Yeah. Why do you guys think survivor pudding is so salty?

  12. Less toxicity for sure,I think toxicity thrives so much in Dead by Daylight because there are really no consequences for it.
    It was obvious toxicity gonna explode in this way sooner or later,hopefully this will open BHVR eyes and make them do something about it.

  13. I agree, you (and much more other people including myself) claim for less toxicity in Dead By Deadlight, in order to create a better and healthier community.
    Greetings from Argentina 😀

  14. I play killer, and I am so fed up with being taunted and bullied by toxic squads that go out of they way to bully, I am so afraid for the new plays, who will come and quickly go, because of bully squads. All I want to do is play the game and enjoy. Fed up with being accused of camping, when in fact I hear you near the hook, why would I walk away from. The hook, when u are all here, I am not here to give u a free un hook, when I know u are there, simples don’t be so altruistic and unhook in my face, then I will leave and try to find someone, yesterday the same happened. What is the need to be so toxic and go out of your way, to ruin someone’s day, when I send a message saying there is another person behind the mask of the killer and your action have a reaction on the other player, you get called a baby, ez, get gud. Do they know what that does to person or do the care, nope they don’t, they just want to make people miserable, if your that person, please please have a thought for the other person on the end of the controller, because u don’t know how you make a person feel.

  15. For me it really sounds kinda fairytale. I think seeing things positive like you suggest is just doing a 180 in the other direction.
    I think it would be more helpful to see things as they are. Meaning, if you get facecamped, well you got facecamped. If you get tbaged, well so it is. Things get really weird when emotions come in and you act in them. Its ok to do that, but people need to snap out of them and selfreflect, get back to the ground.
    In the end its like you said. Its a game and players will enjoy it.
    See it for what it is, be respectful and always ask yourself, would I like to be treated like Im treating others. Thats my take of it.

  16. I'm a killer main and I literally get at least 2 pms a day of people straight up berating me and calling me trash, whether I win or lose. Its so annoying at this point and all it does is make me want to be awful to other survivors in return. The community is a war ground.
    And don't get me wrong I try and be the nicest killer I can be. If the survivors have a rough match I'll give the last 1 or 2 hatch, ill dm survivors that did well and congratulate them, but all that positive energy is literally sapped from me when a survivor comes for my entire mentality just because I exist.


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