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What was Cheryl thinking?? – Dead By Daylight
I’m Sorry To Your Ears, I Yell A Lot:(
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This is absolutely hilarious how you guys just looked at each other like That Motherfu-
I love it when a killer even takes the time to react to things 😂🤣
Bro thought you were the killer
I'd use "You fucking donut!"
Cute demogogo was so confused😂😂
Rat in taco 💀
Happened to me with a Ghostface. He teabagged me, presumably laughing at my predicament, and let me go. I decided to go around the map giving him chest items and he gave me Hatch.
Wasn't so lucky with Mastermind though lololol
Bruh the same Cheryl did the same thing to me when I was about to use power struggle on deathslinger 😂
You took a hit for her alright 😂
Demogorgon was like: I'm sorry, just go ahead
At least you didn't leave, people like to take their anger out on the rest of the team because of this and just leave. It's an L for both ends if that were the case. Props to you and the killer for acting the way yall did 👏
then they post it on tik tok and say they bullied baby demo
Purely parasympathetic nervous system reaction.
If I was that demo, I would’ve facecamped the Cheryl
Even the killer was like "bro for real?"
She was thinking about being selfish and using you as a shield whether you wanted to be one or not
i dont think she saw you. thats why she put down the pallet.
When you noticed cheryl actually meg main
999-1k 999-1k
Meg main
Best ones are those who teabags after dropping god pallet. I'm like bro did you just realize what you did? Then survivors with no w.o.o run to shack not realizing its gone.😂