When A P100 VECNA Player Gets Weave Attunment Back! | Dead By Daylight

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In this video, we take a closer look at Weave Attunment in Dead By Daylight to determine if it’s really as bad as some players say.

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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4 vs 1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed.

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Thanks for watching!! 😀


15 thoughts on “When A P100 VECNA Player Gets Weave Attunment Back! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I find the weave nerf a bit to much ya it was buffed to 12 m instead of 8m but i think it should have been the person who droped the item can see its aura within 24m since all this nerf dose is make it dumber since in pubs i still stomp with it but with swifts its even more useless now btw i use the same build you used in this vid but on spirt been useing it since she was p1 im now p43 with her and as i said i still stomp pubs with it so nothing has changed

  2. I find it doesn't change anything i main spirit and use the same build you used in this vid since she was p1 (shes now p43) and vs swifts its even more useless and in pubs still stomp with it it should be the person who dropped it can see its aura within 24m then in pubs more players can counter it and yes i know this change was to make it easier for pub players but ya cant fix stupid also you can just use third seal and then the nerf is reverted

  3. Weave is already back to its original 12 meters it was 8 meters when you made this video but it got changed back but now survivors can still see the aura of the items so it’s a mix between the both of them

  4. So I was curious about a build I made. It’s a hex build for Vecna consisting of Haunted Ground, Retribution, Devour Hope, and Thrill of the Hunt. I was thinking Boots of Speed+Potion of Speed to make pallets extra dangerous as well.


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