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21 thoughts on “WHEN GEN RUSHING GOES WONG! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Only thing I can didn't like about the video was tru3 just complaining about the 4% the whole video, especially when he says it was free at 11:57. It's a risk vs reward mechanic that literally has a 4% chance (16% for all three attempts) of succeeding without perks and/or offerings that literally shaves off a whole minute of hooks with all three attempts failed. Otherwise, great gameplay. Perfect example of turning a bad situation around with good gen management.

  2. I can’t believe this is the game behavior wants to create it’s such a joke they weren’t even that good either they were just tunneling gens I can’t even imagine how bad it is currently playing a m1 killer

  3. They played it wrong. When the killer is camping next to a hooked survivor AND a gen (especially the last gen), one survivor needs to pressure the gen and the other needs to pressure for the save. Here the 2 survivors were both trying to save the hooked girl when they could've forced True to make a choice

  4. It's kinda sad how the survivors couldn't last for more than 10 seconds in chases and still managed to complete 4 gens in literally 4 minutes. Like how is the killer supposed to keep up with this 😂

  5. Gens where already flying pretty quickly prior to update, now they go even faster since most/ if not all killer anti gen perks have been nerfed into the ground. This will promote tunneling/ hook camping since 4-5 gens can fly in 4-5 min, that’s with getting quick downs.

  6. 3:50 – I mean, you should have expected the gen speed right? The first gen was done at a reasonable speed, and was also completed on your way through the chute which didn't even result in a chase. You hadn't even seen Renato at this point in the game, leaving him to do 2 gens at his leisure. Ada completed one after the hook on Rebecca, and after Elodie had been hooked that left both Rebecca and Ada to complete the gen in the middle. By the time the 4th gen was done you still hadn't even been to 50% of the map, mainly patrolling around Cow Tree and the hook, effectively only keeping track of 3.5 generators.

    Your defeated "Whatever.." gives the impression that you're not at fault for them being done so fast. If the gens are going fast, it's very likely there was a factor on your end that could have slowed them down somewhat. You were distracted by your conversations with chat, it's fine to admit you were distracted; that doesn't make you any worse of a player. I would implore you to reflect a bit more on how YOU played the game as well, rather than instantly assuming it was the survivors "tunneling gens" as you put it.

    Edit: Grammar error.

  7. This channel is nothing but a bunch of preschool viewers crying about killer being to weak. Killer is the most powerful its ever been in DBD, there is a reason Tru3 hasnt grown viewers since 2018. Keep asking for survivors to get nerfed, because what you're gonna end up getting, is that without survivors, there is no killer, and without killer, there is no survivor. The game is more balanced than its been in a long time, and if you disagree, you are nothing more than a cry baby killer main, and all you do is listen to this british 50 year old man, crying his eyes out every stream about how bad the game is, yet hes been playing for 7 years. If the game wasnt balanced, then why do you have thousands of survivor mains crying as well that killer is to strong? All your getting is people that favor one side more than the other, and asking for buffs for that one side, instead of looking at the bigger picture.

  8. 7:18 – "Not fair that the position we are in right now is purely because of a 4% given to them though… I think it is fair to think that." I respectfully disagree.
    The 4% chance each attempt isn't free because it costs hook progression. The Renato could have waited the full minute to be saved but instead he risked his time and hook phase 2 for a chance to free himself. Imagine he failed and you got a second hook state (the more likely outcome), would you probably say something like, "that's huge, him killing himself will help us secure the W."
    If you are at a Casino and your friend wins 400 pounds on a 20 pound slot machine, would you say that isn't fair? He did risk his 20 pounds.


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