Which Characters Knew Each Other Before the Entity’s Realm? (Dead by Daylight)

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Hey everyone, today we’re going to be looking at the characters of Dead by Daylight and discussing the connections each of them have to one another, and who they possibly knew of before they were taken into the Entity’s realm. For this we will only be focusing on the original characters, as from what it seems, each licensed character is contained only to their own universe, within the multiverse, and not overlapping with the main universe with all of the original characters. I thought this was interesting as it’s often accepted that there’s only a few characters who know of each other prior to the realm. Such as Felix and Elodie, or Yun-Jin and Trickster. But I think there’s actually a bunch more. Before we start I want to thank Violet. A viewer who not only gave me this idea, but even noted down a bunch of connections for the characters. So, thank you. Let’s get into it.

Chapter 23 has been announced! It’s Ringu, a licensed chapter releasing in March of 2022. For now we have no further details.

Check out my 2nd channel for content on other games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnz3TK9TLt6BhKh-P66srtQ

Follow me on Twitter @AZHYMOVS for updates and thoughts on various DbD things: https://twitter.com/AZHYMOVS

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance – An Jone

Hope you enjoy!

Dead by Daylight Wiki (very helpful and a ton of cool stuff and secrets on there): https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Dead_by_Daylight_Wiki

Intro 0:00
Well known connections 0:47
Élodie’s connections 1:09
Jonah’s connections 4:49
Jane’s connections 5:11
Trickster’s connections 6:02
Trapper’s connections 6:50
Zarina’s connections 7:21
Feng’s connections 7:48
Yui’s connections 8:17
Artist’s connections 8:36
Kate’s connections 8:58
Jake’s connections 9:24
Meg’s connections 9:56
Felix’s connections 10:11
Character’s we haven’t covered 10:30
Unknown characters 13:09
Outro 13:41


37 thoughts on “Which Characters Knew Each Other Before the Entity’s Realm? (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. That Trickster chasing you in the beginning was just unbelievable. He had have just gotten him because I would’ve just tried slugging you because those loops should not have worked.

  2. I don't know how others would feel about it but, Ive got a fun video topic in mind if it hasn't been done yet. What would survivors and killers be like if they swapped places?

    The entity takes people from various universes and timelines so what would things look like if the survivors were the killers and killers were survivors? I don't mean for example, take Jane Romero and give her plagues power. I mean is what if each survivor had their own unique power, what would it look like, and how they ended up that way. Meanwhile killers, take their powers away and make them survivors. (Original survivors and killers otherwise including licensed would take even longer).

    Example, alternate reality Evan Macmillan did not kill all the other workers. Instead, he was in the mines with them and was the only lucky one to survive the collapsing tunnels.

    Alternate reality Claudette Morel, killer The Botanist. Claudette loves plants and botany more than anything. Upon seeing what society and the globe is doing to mother earth, she becomes an eco terrorist. Killing employees of power plants because they are harming the planet bringing about more global warming. Her power, Nature Calls. Channel a charge of Nature Calls to place plant like snares that slowdown movement and reveal the location of survivors that get caught in them.

  3. yannow, i gotta say, i really appreciate that you add captions to your videos. god knows it isn't an easy thing to do, but its really useful and i appreciate it, im sure tons of other people do too. god knows the auto captions suck major ass. so thanks for that!

  4. If they got Ghostface from Scream, which I know they didn’t, there would be a weird contradiction where the events of the Halloween movie are a movie in the Scream series but the characters are real in the realm.

  5. 6:51 My only thought about the Trapper is that do the people know that he is Evan MacMillan with his mask on? Most if not everyone has probably only seen him in the realm with his mask on. If they see his face outside of the realm, they might not know its him when they're inside the realm.

  6. Here's an idea: Ranking every killer based on how well their power relates to their lore (e.g. The Wraith turning invisible has little to no relation to his lore, but The Doctor using electroshock therapy to make people go mad does)

  7. Its interesting how many survivors are famous or rich. I think David would be known by the other rich characters like Felix or Elodie, since in his lore it says that he’s an only child from a wealthy family.
    As for Kate I figured she’d be more known by the other survivors. Even if she was from the 70’s-80’s, a popular artist would be recognized or the survivors would have heard of her music. It would be like seeing Elvis or John Lennon in person.

  8. I’d say Kate is definitely from modern day not the 80’s mainly due to the fact that her flower in the dark cosmetic features a portable speaker attached to her back pack. So with her being from the modern day would mean she would have more possible connections

  9. I think you should do a video of Legendary skins you want for some killers some ones I want are Butterball and the female Cenobite for Pinhead and if Dead by Daylight could get the license for actual Scream then Billy and Stu for Ghostface and that could also mean they would add Sidney and also a Sunny Family Cult mask from Crypt TV for Legion

  10. Imagine how crazy these connections are when they are taken to the realm.
    You know that popular K-Pop singer that you heard of on the radio? He's know here hunting you.
    You know that popular gaming streamer? She's here getting hunted too.
    Like imagine you get taken into the realm for some reason and you find that Ninja was now just here, getting hunted.

  11. love these types of videos very interesting its also a shame we don't really get to see interactions between characters within the game that know each other because doesnt the entity wipe their memories and rewire their brains to not be able to do as much as they used to in their prior lives like jump talk etc etc

  12. I feel like David would be more known because he comes from a very rich family yes his friends would think he made a wrong decision but his parents would contact every known associate possibly jakes family as they may of had business with them as they are rich

  13. I wonder if the survivors have that panicky feeling of not completely remembering someone whenever they come across each other. Maybe they don’t even think about it, but it might create a since of hope if the survivors see a familiar face.


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