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There is a variety of Killers in the Entity’s Realm, and as a result a big difference in their power levels. This means the Entity has to balance them out by changing them. Some are weakened by the Entity, and others are empowered. We’ll take at all of them and assess how or if they were either nerfed or buffed by the Entity and for what possible reason.
At the time of this video’s release Chapter 32 has been announced as Dungeons & Dragons! The PTB is out and the new killer is Vecna, as well as an elf Survivor and castle map!
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Slasher Radio, Mathieu Cote interview:
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
Clean and Dance – An Jone
Night Run Away – An Jone
Intro 0:00
Substantially Nerfed 0:29
Greatly Nerfed 3:08
Slightly Nerfed 6:58
Kept mostly the same 9:05
Slightly Buffed 11:20
Greatly Buffed 14:10
Substantially Buffed 16:00
Outro 18:31
So The Entity Needs To Weaken Some People So They Don't Have The Power To Leave.
Of corse ghostface’s fit is a buff. Drip is very important.
Tbf giving nemesis a weapon and the ability to transform into a giant behemoth would be too broken and would make the trial extremely short.
Skull Merchant is Nerfed? are you sure about that, no one wants to actually go against her cause of her stealth
none, the devs only nerf survivors so the skill-less losers that play killer can win matches without having to have skill.
So depending on which "Vecna" from which edition or setting Vecna was pulled from he's either a literal diety, or just one of the most powerful non-divine entities.
If he's a deity then either
A.) that has some serious implications on the entity's power.
B.)Vecna allowed himself to be taken & his power restricted in order to maybe study the entity.
If he's Just a wizard, well he can still kill people with just a word, teleport, raise corpses, stop time, immobilize anyone, & do essentially anything with wish to name a few of the top of my head
So yeah he was nerfed into the ground SO HARD that he was taken From either near god or just god lvl to eh, can lift wood & move faster.
May disagree about sadako. Im realt world it take 7 days. Im game it usually takes less than 7 minutes
The reason that Nemesis isn't mutating much is because he isn't taking a lot of damage. In his original game, he took shotgun blast after shotgun blast and every type of firepower shot into his body, making his body mutate in an attempt to overcome the damaged that he received, and adapting to his needs for his situation. Also, he's still wearing his limiter suit, a suit that is so strong and so skin tight that it physically keeps him from mutating. Kinda like how water can't turn to ice when under enough pressure, because it has no physical to expand and making it stay liquid, the correct term for this would be supercooling.
Sorry, I'm a bit of a RE BOW Nerd haha
well Vecna is basically a god so if he wasn't nearfed he might actaully win
I actually agree a lot with Michael. He is slightly NERFED because I’m noticing that there used to be things that I was able to do but now I can’t like game the bloodlust speed boost if I’m still inside tier 1.
The floating bits in GhostFace can be done in real life easily. Just STARTCH your fabric.
It literally will look the exact same as ghost faces “whisps”
Is 7 bars for Sadako worse than 7 days where you can just show someone the tape? If anything it's a buff to get the deaths faster even if it takes more effort.
follow up on the ash that went into the locker at 17:57 ?
No problem, Goodbye!
This is such a cool video idea! We should definitely see a survivor edition.
I feel like the Nemesis should be in substantially nerfed tier tho.
To put Vecna’s nerf into context- it seems to be implied that the Vecna in DbD is still in his archlich form, pre-ascension to godhood. That would make him a wizard at a level of power way past the maximum possible to achieve for D&D player characters; he would be throwing out max-level spells like candy. Here’s a sampler of a few of those spells.
Weird: Summon illusory versions of a group of people’s greatest fears to torment them.
Imprisonment: Indefinitely restrain a target person in any one of a variety of ways, including by putting them into an unbreakable coma, teleporting them into an extradimensional prison, or shrinking them down to bug size and freezing them in a gemstone.
True Polymorph: Turn anyone into anything. Permanently.
Power Word Kill: Instantly kill any creature with less than a hundred hit points. Most normal humans have four hit points. It’s “Fuck you, die” the spell.
Meteor Swarm: Summon a cluster of actual asteroids from actual space to nuke the entire map.
Wish: Literally just ask the goddess of magic for whatever you want and she’ll do it for you.
Vecna is only nerfed because he allows it if he wanted he could just leave
I'd put both Nemesis and Wesker both in substantially nerfed. While they don't have supernatural powers, they are still insanely powerful. Nemesis in the Remake was able to side step point blank grenade launcher rounds, break out into a full on sprit easily catching up to a superhuman, was able to easily jump multiple feat in the he air and slam back down, was able to tank all types of munitions including a literal rail gun, acid, and being fully ingulfed in flames. He was also able to use weapons like a rocket launcher and flamethrower. His tentacles also were able to grab and pull back prey as we see multiple times in RE3R. I say he's definitely substantialy nerfed. Now Wesker, oh boy Wesker. This man is capable of moving so fast it looks like instant teleportation, he even leaves after images. He can easily dodge and tank any type of weapon you fire at him and can also literally catch rockets. Weskers sprint speed is around 70-100 mph in a matter of seconds, don't forget this man has also tanked multiple rockets and lava and LIVED. Yeah this man was nerfed substantialy. Anyway great video, i think you should do one for survivors now since we have characters like Chris Redfield, Carlos Oliveira, Jill Valentine etc.
Oooooh nerf/buffed survivors?!
the freddy buffs is that he can put people to sleep and interact with people that are awake
Cant wait for an unkown tome lore and short
I played against you yesterday as Huntress at Macmillan in Chaos Shuffle ❤
Pinhead is substantially nerfed, don't underestimate him, he has many abilities that aren't in the game and usually he can just straight up chain a person instantly without effort the second he sees them, you can't do that in the game, Pinhead going all out is inescapable
Mintskulls dad
i didnt know SF6 also buffed DBD killers