Which SURVIVORS could beat Dead by Daylight’s KILLERS

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Hey everyone, today we’re doing something a little different, and posing the question of whether any of our survivors could possibly beat a killer. We’re going to base this off the lore – and assess each survivor on whether they could feasibly take a killer down based on their History.

This video is as of the Chapter 19 PTB! The new perks, killer, survivor and map reworks have been revealed! We are now in 2021 : ) The 4.5.2 patch is out and the new UI and survivor movement have been fixed! The new killer is named the Trickster! We are so close to the release of the All-Kill Chapter D:

Hope you enjoy!
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library: The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake

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Some of the images used, such as: perks, items, addons were taken from the DBD Wiki and are used here under Fair Use.


48 thoughts on “Which SURVIVORS could beat Dead by Daylight’s KILLERS”

  1. Hey maybe could you do a lore video on elodies parents because the vid today where you said about the entity taking them Im wondering where they went I mean like are they in a trial and also another vid idea maybe you could do one like this but it would be who could survive all the killers like and apocalypse basically p.s. I really enjoy your content its really interesting ♥️

  2. I see your point for jeff but honestly i think that his ,,quiet simple life" is kinda not enough to make him not viable in fight
    From all original male survivors next to felix he would be strong enough to take on legion ghosface or maybe even the Twins but i may be wrong

  3. I think Cheryl is questionable if she’s not already armed. Silent Hill characters aren’t exactly the most experienced fighters, and if they are armed, couldn’t you arguably do the same for other survivors by giving them the same weapons?
    Cheryl does indeed fight the monsters of Silent Hill, but I think despite how many of them there are, they are nowhere near as dangerous as a Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers, I think lore wise the entity also gives a few killers more power which can make them even more dangerous. That’s just my take though.

  4. Meg would unironically would beat up a lot of killers. Like she is stated to be a insanely good fighter, she can easily out them, and she is probably stronger than like one or two

  5. One extra fact about bill: he was going in for surgery right as the infection happened and was given anaesthesia right as the infected broke in and attacked the staff. Bill seeing this resisted the anaesthesia, killed the infected and then fought through an entire horde with nothing but a bone saw (while barefoot and fighting off anesthesia designed for surgery). The guy was an absolute tank.

  6. Laurie should be up there. She is just a scared teenager, but in the og Halloween, she stabs Myers in the chest, stabs him in the eye with a wire hanger, & stabs him in the neck with a knitting needle

  7. I did have a feeling David King would be one of the characters to make the cut, he would probably try to scrap/fight with Oni or Pyramid Head if given the chance, sure he may get roughed up in the process, but he does stand a good chance against the big beefy bois (and Huntress too)

  8. Good video, though I have a few disagreements.

    One being Feng, yes she's determined and willing to go all in, but she's a tiny Asian girl who's probably around 5 feet tall at most. It just isn't feasible.

    Tapp, Jeff and Felix. Even though they all are out of their element, so is everyone else. I mean come on, who's prepared to face down inhuman monsters. Mind you they definitely aren't to the level that say Ash or Cheyrl are but they aren't easy to beat.

    I do have a few more complaints but they are pretty minor, great video overall

  9. while im a david main im not really sure about this. he is strong sure but probably out of everyone here he is the least strong mentally. in one of his lore notes he is described as acting tough but actually being broken inside, also the only reason he was good at fighting was because he had a very clear reason to fight, someone to hate and as soon as that changed he lost immediately. that still doesnt change he (out of the non god people) has the most strength and could PROBABLY muster the will power to fight. also apparently he has problems managing money so maybe not that good at strategizing


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