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Today, we’re talking about a self-proclaimed “wholesome” TTV who loves everyone. But does he? Or does he actually promote bullying and entitlement within his streams of Dead By Daylight? Let’s find out!
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REMINDER: This video is not here so that you can send hate to the streamer in question. It’s an analysis of behaviour and you should take it as a lesson and entertainment, rather than an opportunity to spread hate.
If you have a streamer who you think I should check out, whether they be toxic or wholesome, let me know by emailing me at [email protected]! 🙂
Check me out on:
0:00 Introduction
0:42 A Post This TTV Had Made
2:02 Self-Uploaded Toxic Video
9:16 How Did His Community Respond?
12:20 My Points In Response
15:23 Checking Out His Other Streams
18:14 More Entitlement & Bullying
20:35 The Reality of His Community
22:52 Check Yourself & Listen To Your Community
Endcard music: ‘Crown’ by Neffex
#dbd #dbdtoxic #dbdttv
Update: the "wholesome streamer" deleted the video and the blog post
Ok so you make videos of toxic streamers. But chose him he’s honestly not toxic only when he needs to be I will admit you are correct about the endgame chat but he’s been targeted by many people because he is part of LGBTQ and he’s received too much hate he even added part to one of his videos because of all the hate I think that you should watch more of his first streams before he was attacked and his videos also HE WAS JUST HAVING A BAD DAY OK. Don’t use this for your easy content we both know dredge tunneled but he’s a survivor person but sometimes the killers are so annoying it’s stupid that this is happening I end this by saying WATCH HIS VIDEOS BEFORE HE STARTED GETTING ATTACKED AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND WHY HES LIKE THIS HES NOT TOXIC HES THE MOST WHOLESOME YOUTUBER IVE EVER SEEN!!!
Honestly the only way I see this guy even remotely changing his tune is if it affects his follower count. Maybe if there's a large enough exodus as a result of his increasingly shitty actions, that might get him to re-evaluate. But let's be real, here–supposedly "wholesome" streamers that go down this path are usually WELL beyond reform. Their egos have grown too bloated to give a damn about anything that originally made their channel successful in the first place.
I instantly could tell this type of guy ….what the f even are these stats he keeping tabs of and purpose? lol "camps, tunnels" . How creative.
Just to see some kid keeping those stats on times he believes he's camps or tunnel as opposed to like "escapes" . Instantly makes me think too wholesome for me.
Infact so wholesome I'd love to have someone like that over for thanksgiving.
Wow, amongst quite a few people in the comments, I too know exactly who this is. He’s someone I’ve really enjoyed watching for a while, but with taking a break from dbd, I too also haven’t been watching much dbd content. He truly was so different when I first found his channel, I mean even just how monotone and stoic he’s talking isn’t like him. I don’t hear the fun, truly wholesome person I once watched. I work all day so I’ve never watched him stream and I do understand how a video is all your best parts that you’ve edited, it’s quite eye opening to realize who this video is actually about.
I was first drawn to just how kind he is, he also really is such a skilled survivor. I leaned a lot of what I know from his tutorials since I too play on console. He also played a part in me learning to not take this game too seriously and I’ve since become a better player because of it. The way he handled this situation and the way he’s initially responded has left a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t appreciate being talked down too, especially if I give someone a bit of fair criticism, you treat others how you want to be treated. Truly there are bigger fish to fry, but it’s not right to brand yourself as such a wholesome person, then turn around and treat people poorly to any degree.
Ya cocky is never wholesome
Lmao whats the point in chasing people easy to catch
I watch the streamer in question videos on YouTube. Such a disappointment. The amount of entitlement and lack of self awareness is baffling.
I am a killer main and do also play survivor also and used to play along with my fellow streamers each night as well but to be honest I got so tired of the complaining and negativity they portrayed towards killers in the matches, which surprised me too since they also played killer. I have had to put them in their place when one of them used racial slurs and had to tell them i won't tolerate that behavior i get being mad at a game but being mad at a player and personally attacking them is wrong especially when they are putting my channel at risk due to their bad behavior.
They would continue to say "we don't tell people how to play the game they can play their way" but they continually criticize anybody that doesn't play how they play killer, such as ensuring that you do not ever hook the same person two times in a row etc etc….Not saying how they play is wrong but they were always very critical of others play styles when their own as survivors were not that wholesome especially with stream titles such as " Choo choo is it time for the tunnel train or maybe sit by the campfire" constantly which at the end of the day made me stop supporting them and going to their channel due to the constant negativity of their titles and attitudes, since all they did was complain about killers and how bad they were.
Long story short i think the words "entitlement, wholesome, toxic" are thrown around too often and the meaning really is forgotten…..I think some streamers use the word "wholesome" to draw people into their community that is all and are far from wholesome….I always believe in the saying stay in your own lane worry about what your doing and ensure your behavior is what it should be before worrying about other peoples….As much as i find these videos entertaining and maybe even needed, I think they do not serve no real purpose or will ever really change that person but let us hope it changes future streamers or content creators moving forward, their is way too much negativity in this game.
he deleted the video, i left him a message on it that actually got more likes than his own replies trying to fend himself
This is kind of unrelated but I've had 2 killers in my entire 2200 hours tell me they tunneled me because they enjoyed the challenge and thought my chase was fun. I don't typically get mad at tunnels unless it happens over and over and over but I whine for 5 mins and I'm over it 🤣 but those 2 killers made me feel awesome for saying that to me lol
I know exactly who this is, I’m very surprised to see them behave this way. They are a very good survivor and I’m shocked they can’t read the room (the match) 1 gen left on the game map why not go for the injured survivor maybe get a down/have the team be altruistic and mess up. I know they uploaded a video talking about how killers are op with updates & in the video they play nurse for example vs baby survivors so I brought up how most survivors he played against were new/tried to kill themselves when they saw it was a nurse (common). I see what they’re saying that they are human and I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, I’ve never watched their streams but I’ve seen their YouTube videos for years and I assumed they wouldn’t complain the much since they seem to understand the game well.
this dude telling people to watch his other videos. from the sounds of it he didnt really watch the one he posted that got all these comments. anyone with more then 3 braincells can see that dude was picking a fight for no reason and the dredge was just having none of it being a happy lil murder machine carrying on with his day. as the streamer should have done himself. yeah tired and grumpy is a think but self control isnt that hard of a thing to have. and thats coming from an autistic man. even when im pissed and all that ill rant to myself quietly but in game ill keep my mouth shut as my irritation is my own issue not anyone else's. homeboi should have just sent a quick gg and dipped like the reasonable adult im assuming he normally is.
I'm Wholesome and I can't promise that i will love anyone xD.
Seems a break away from the game would do him some good.
"Let me correct you?!" Sorry sir, your opinion is null and void, here this is what it should be! Wholesome clearly has a different meaning for this guy.
i mean, i gonna be honest here, he not 100% wrong, the DBD comunity does have a problem with word salad, people really be overusing words like crazy, specially the contect creation part of DBD, i love you aaron, but i mean, its kinda concerning that a big part of DBD content is channels that just post "salty ttv being toxic!! i blurred his name so dont go be toxic to them!!" its like this comunity is stuck in time
OFC, not saying he is in the right here, because even if his initial coment he was "kinda" right, he does the same shit that he bitches about xD survivor mains and the use of "tuneler" and "camping", shit is insane, DBD players are something else
i love a good chase so if a survivor is good i want to chase them and getting chased is fun ash so why does he seem so mad abt it. idk kinda weirds me out a bit
If you call yourself wholesome you need to live it. That's why the big names are so popular, because they are genuine. If you have a bad day just admit it, take a break. I'm a killer only and lose often because I won't camp and don't really try too hard. But still send gg . It's not hard to be nice
This is the same kind of person who puts empathy in their Twitter bio.
that Dredge is too cute 🥲
Haha I know this streamer. This is so interesting.
Dredge lowkey handled that so well lmao. Secondly, instead of correcting the dredge can we correct the way the TTV spells being.