Why Are Killers Leaving Dead By Daylight?

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TrU3Ta1ent made a video showcasing a match that he felt displayed an example for why many killer players in dead by daylight are switching roles or discontinuing play altogether; the matches are too stressful and overwhelming. I decided to take a look at why this problem is prevalent right now, and discussed a few reasons why I believe this might be the case.

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TrU3Ta1ent’s video: https://youtu.be/gt9a1z4YSpw

Enjoy the vid 🙂


46 thoughts on “Why Are Killers Leaving Dead By Daylight?”

  1. tl;dr killer mains not satisfied with winning 60-65% of matches because they might have to think once or twice during the match. Just stack 4 gen perks, pitch a tent at the three gen and collect your free BHVR pity win like everyone else is.

  2. Boring perks for killer,only procent nerf gens etc,1,2,3,4,5,6 seconds and thats difetence.
    Survior get boons creative perk with blue aura design you feel it.
    Devs dont like killers,they nerf ez killers like pig,they changing addons too make it suck.
    We waited 3 months and what we get new meta perks on two surviors with good design.
    And survior with metal mask,she looks loke shit her pover is shit.
    You want hast and free aura on some zone?
    Buy clown.
    Bhvr start doing remaked worst versions of the old good killers.
    We literaly dont have fun like surviors.
    Nothing fresh,just boring scoorge hooks and % decrease something.
    When something is new for killers,and surviors must learn hiw it works,isnstead nerf because baby crying.
    They have too much power in changing game only for themselves.
    So if one side is not important,and we must wait and belive for champter with nice killer and not insta meta survior perks we must leave new games are coming.:
    -Carnival hunt ,and others
    If they wanna play with bot killers no problem.
    I just wanna admit that i see too much trapers with same build,they only patroling.
    They walk like i dont know wood,broken toy.
    Bots cant fix this game.
    And after this they say thats the killers skill and thats why they are angry,they dont know how play….
    Sorry for bad english im from poland

  3. Hate to tell you killers have been eating good for awhile since they got the moment speed buffs then on top of that the 40 perk shake up that nerfed 99% of survivor perks and seeing as the kill rate is 60% right now and with everything as a base being a 75% win rate you all just seem to not know how to play killer at all

  4. Killers are leaving because they aren't balancing killers correctly and only making 3 killers strong as hell ,legion plague, and wesker they nerf the killers who need buffs and buff the killers who need nerfs

  5. A temporary fix to rejuvenate the game and make it less sweaty would be to add fulfilling alternate "win" conditions to both sides.If the game can sometimes have the situation where both sides feel like they've "won"' that will make the game a lot more fun and cordial. So it's kind of like challenges but way more impactful.

  6. Buff the killers Like after some points (don't know like 4 different survivors hooks or more better exposed perks…) they can down
    (or kill) survivors in 1 hit / 5 slot perks for ranked killers or make the survivors hooks to 2 not 3(at least after some point) / remove the terror radius / boost their speed [some how killers need to do more pressure without slowing gens perks /camping and tunneling]

  7. Just give for Killers some perks base kit like Corrupt Intervention. Spawning survivors next to the generators that they immediately sit down to repair is the same as spawning a killer next to the survivors, which is quite unfair

  8. I see what you are saying, but like you said how much more can the devs bluff killers before it becomes too much. I do main this game, I play it 20 to 25 hours a week. I do main killer, Demo is my main and his my only P100 right now. I am working on Huntress to P100 next, so what I stopped doing was always trying to win. I do run corrupt, deadlock, and, two chase perks on my demo just to stay in the game so I can get 6 to 8 hooks or more. I did stop trying to win, and just going for fun chases, I refuse to run 3 to 4 slowdowns to try to win every match. Deadlock helps me focus chases over gens, so if I do well in my chases then I get almost 12 hooks. I think some of the killer players focus on winning so much they stop trying to have fun. Yeah the gens can go by fast by seeing multiple load outs with gen perks from the survivors, so I get that. I found what is fun of me isn’t always winning as killer every round, so I am fine having fun chases and still losing the match. I can have 6 to 7 hooks with one kill, great chases, and the other 3 survivors escaped.

  9. Because the game has been survivor bias from day one. Killer gets something to help and within a week it's nerfed into the ground because of survivor complaints. That and most teams you go up against are on mic with each other before the game even starts and if they aren't they are before the end of the match. 4 vs1 right there you're already at a disadvantage. Honestly unless you're good with Nurse or Blight you're going to be in for a rough game and even then a good team will still beat you. That is why it's hard to find people to play killer on a regular basis.

  10. Look its simple.
    Killer is stressful because the reward you get for playing well is inconsistent and often out of your control.
    All to often you play well to lose all of your hard work to a single perk, tons of crutch perks that remove the penalty or even reward survivor mistakes.
    DH literally adds several seconds to all chases; Often where the survivor doesn't even have the damn perk because waiting it out is so much safer. At least once you confirm they don't have it you don't have to wait, oh they had dead hard, they didn't use it last time are they bad or were they saving it as a surprise? Oh you slugged? Oh they got unhooked and body blocked you so you downed them but now you cant pick them up oh DS you? Don't worry they will pick themselves up! Late in the game? Trying to get a kill? Try out adrenaline for a full heal and a 5 second speed burst maybe even right after DS just to rub it in?

    Not everyone runs these perks? Ah yes because prove thyself doesn't cut gen times by 10 seconds, deliverance removes hook pressure, off the record do I need to explain, hyperfocus + stakeout can cut repair time down to 50 off seconds on its own. Bring a toolbox w/brand new part and have a partner knocking out gens under 30 seconds becomes easy. So atm if I just hold w and press e at a good time I can run the killer for 60+ seconds every single time. They make one mistake in chase, I can run him another 20 seconds, friends have flashlights and/or toolboxes and I have unbreakable. If he picks me up he better pray for a wall if not he needs to chase them off. So its a catch-22 pick me up and either get blinded or saboed or leave me and I get picked up or pick myself up. Some killers and some build's can deal with this, but generally its the same playbook just extra steps. Like against legion just all split to different gens. If he tries to use his power he gets deep wounds on maybe 2 of us, by the time he gets a down 3 gens are about to pop 2 might have already gone. But at least there's no prove thyself value? Anyway you get the point.
    There isn't a lot of wiggle room for killer. You need to be on the ball and not make mistakes while survivor has a ton of crutches removing the reward from your hard work.

    The meta perks generally either give you less room to breathe or directly remove your reward for playing well. One flashlight save, one sabbo, one wiggle off (power struggle, boil over, flip-flop, unbreakable anyone?) you basically need to start chase over and are no closer to victory. All the while survivors basically have 100 ways to get out of jail free.

    Mind you I like most of these perks and don't want them removed or even nerfed. Generally I think most survivor perks are only unhealthy and stressful because there is no counterplay or comeback mechanic. And no, waiting dead hard out isn't counterplay. Counterplay that doesn't even result in a neutral outcome is not real counterplay. Especially since it effects chases its not even involved in.

    The killer just needs some quality of life love plus some stuff to cover for weaker killers or even just make it a touch less stressful when you make a mistake.
    Don't take away all my bloodlust when I am being swarmed by survivors, maybe make bloodlust activate a tiny bit faster for M1 killers so they can do their thing.
    (Just go back to 12 seconds for stage 1 and leave the other stages alone)
    Or Maybe reduce the time it takes to hit bloodlust by 1 second per gen completed? Adding a comeback mechanic making chases more dangerous the closer the game comes to a close.
    If I don't get stunned don't take away all my bloodlust for breaking the pallet, maybe 10 seconds? or 1 stage of bloodlust?
    Rewards the stun more while not forcing killers to reset their bloodlust entirely.
    Don't have bloodlust fall off quite so fast. (Literally lose it all no matter how much in 5 seconds. Why not make it 8 or 10 or not a percentile but a flat amount.)
    Hell why not make bloodlust a gradient not stages. It can be functionally the same just with moderate increases between each stage.
    Maybe 95% move speed not 92% move speed for carrying survivors. Maybe make this scale on gens completed. 97% once the gates are powered. Its not much but it would feel better.
    Maybe when you hit someone with endurance it only takes off 10 seconds or 1 stage of bloodlust? (This would help make perks like DH less aggressive in longer chases and help close the distance after. While not effecting built in borrowed time type perks.)

    Just any comeback mechanics or things to help weaker killers that wont apply to better killers or killers who are currently doing well.
    Some of these could be direct buffs or just slapped onto existing perks. Predator/Bloodhound ect.

    Oh also let me relight my hexes. I am fine with it taking 10 seconds, gotta hunt down a dull totem and give it a little pizazz. Would make every hex feel better and would make you hate life less when you lost it 15 seconds into the game. Obviously it would reset things like devour, but totem play would be so much more interesting. (Oh ya and it wouldn't even be broken on noed since it takes 10 seconds to place it wouldn't just be stupid obvious where it was but you would be giving them all the time they need to gtfo.)

    Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
    (Got excited and wrote more than I intended TL;DR Killer has few comeback mechanics and fewer perks to cover for mistakes. So its stressful because survivor has many comeback mechanics and more crutch perks covering for mistakes. For survivor even with nothing going your way there is always hatch.)

  11. Well I can say with the new wiggle it has been like a buff because half of the survivor players I’ve seen have said that they genuinely can’t wiggle out anymore. But a good sabo squad fixes that, I’ve had a couple of people wiggle out. Idk. Maybe just make totem speeds slower and anytime somebody touches a totem you see their aura. Like have a sabotage action or totem cleansing aura. Maybe nurse’s calling basekit or deerstalker. Just a small niche perk become basekit on every killer. Could help improve quality of life

  12. Lately I’ve been missing on contact hits it’s almost like it purposely move to one side drastically or my killer doesn’t even lock on to the survivor I’ve been off dbd for awhile now being a killer only player it’s not even worth the stress

  13. I think the strenght difference between killers is also a big problem. Everytime I play Pig (with barely any or no slowdown perks) I feel stressed the entire match and lose most of them, but the second I switch to Spirit (with also minimal slowdowns (painres)) I… well let's not say get to chill bc the games are still quite stressful, but it's a lot better to manage and win most of them without even having to sweat.
    BHVR needs to nerf the strongest killers and then them buff all together to a more even ground. After that we can see what other changes are needed. Everytime a great new perk gets introduced everyone always panicks "OH NO! IMAGINE WHAT NURSE CAN DO WITH IT!"… if that's the current stage of the game then we have a massive problem. Strong killers should not hold back weaker ones or their perks just bc they would be to strong on the A to S tier killers

  14. As a player who loves playing both sides mainly killer. I'm finally hanging up my time with DbD. It's changed so much and honestly no longer fun for me. It's like playing Halo Infinite. Just not the same anymore.

  15. On that big patch, no, a lot more people were playing killer. For several, several days the BP bonus was on survivor most of the day. Part of me is glad killer is the less popular role once more because I get instant ques and double BP XD

  16. id say try a ptb where killers are all buffed 5 percent speed, the 115 killers to 120, and the 110 killers to 115. or slow down the survivors by 5 percent from 100 to 95, so that chases could be shorter, giving killer a little more breathing room.

  17. Killer really needs a lot of baseline changes at this point to match up with the buffs survivor got with the hud. It's a good change, but they didn't compensate the killer role. Really Shadowborn, Corrupt, maybe Deadlock, No Way Out, and a few other perks should just have been integrated into the base killer role to help balance the game. I also think it would help with tunneling and camping.

    Also, as a side thing, I'd like to add my personal thoughts as a 2.7k hour killer player as to why I've basically completely stopped playing. There's definitely a mix of reasons from being frustrated with certain aspects of the game to just simply being bored of it, but the main reason is easily the killers they have been releasing. Besides Wesker, the last year and a half of killers has been abysmal. I almost never played during Sadako, Dredge, Knight, and now the upcoming Skull Collector. Wesker was the only time I actively played the game. Sadako and Dredge are basically reskins of one another's powers and are so weak, it's not fun playing them. And then there is Knight and now Skull who are also basically reskins of one another and are both horrifically weak. Wesker is the epitome of balance and fun, so why go away from his design? The game has been very stale.

  18. matches arent stressful the only reason for some is this bs survivor rule book…dbd wanted tunneling camping and slugging thats why they made it 40 sec gens….every hex perk is gone 30 sec into a game so what do you want the killer to do but when he wins its everyone reports for some bs….and this ttv dont help matters after they call players names the whole game what new player or even old wants to deal with that

  19. This game is boring now and nothing new killer just tunnel and run meta while survivors gen rush, so thing every game fix gens and get gen rushed as killer they need to add other modes or different objectives for killer and survivor. This game should be fun why is it so competitive. I wish it was like Friday the 13th and you could actually have fun I recently quit and don’t plan on coming back unless they add new game modes this game isn’t the same no more and it sucks lol

  20. I am glad I am not alone in this. In the month since I left I think this is for a few reason. First, survivor are actually kind of trying now. Before survivors would goof around in their games because they had such a comfortable advantage they could do that. With the long list of killer buffs now, they actually got to sweat a bit to win; meaning they will sweat more. Second, I really haven't met a group such sore loser and graceless winner since league. The toxicity is just as infectious as league too. Finally, killers rarely win games; most of the time survivors lose them. Look at the statistic of the top killers, they aren't mobility killer, they are killers that force survivors to make choices. Pinhead, Plague, even Pig being higher than she has any right to be. These aren't killers with crazy good chase, but have mechanic that pressure survivors to make a bad choice you can snowball. This is generally not fun since your agency feels limited as you are just attempting to make your opponent mess up more than trying to make good plays yourself. This is also likely the reason Huntress is the most played killer in the game. That kinetic play of hitting someone with an axe is hard to find in other killers.

  21. My biggest issue as a killer that there are a lot of loose-loose situations. Like either you eat the pallet stun, then get blinded by clickity clicking survivor or he will just DH and extend the chase. Or you either deal with survivors infinitely re-booning and having unlimited heals, or you bring a perk that allows you to destroy totems but doesnt do anything else giving up basically 25% of your power. Also getting chain blinded 5-6 times in a row is not fun.
    Also there are simply maps for certain killers that outright impossible to win. Mothers dwelling with hag for example, the map is just simply too big to lock down a 3 gen area.

    Also playing nice is not rewarded at all. There are very few perks that reward hooking all survivors or not hooking someone twice in a row. I think if we want to make the game less toxic, there should be strong perks designed to reward killers for not tunneling.
    DBD is really about how many mistakes survivors make and how can they utilize their second chance perks. If you are not playing a strong killer it feels pretty shitty that you literally cant do anything and the survivors will just tbag you and always run to a part of the map where you cant hook.

  22. The game is just balanced towards braindead garbage survivor players who empty wallets for feng skins, the game isn’t balanced for balance, it’s balanced so room iq temp bots can 4v1 bully

  23. Great video. Killer is not fun and I've quit like so many others. New chapter doesn't look good. Killer is already stressful since you're alone against 4 players. They can goof around with boon totems and silly builds and still do great and progress gens. Meanwhile as killer if you do 1-2 mistakes the game is over and you won't get any kills unless you get a lucky noed. Insta heals and so many endurance effects makes the killer feel so weak and bland.

  24. Basekit no way out to incentivise hooking multiple people and possibly basekit noed to make the end game less boring. They also gotta work out a better unhooking system as the grab game is just so dumb. And stop releasing gen rush perks and nerf the already existing ones. The game is way too fast and that's why killers need to tunnel if they at least wanna get 1-2 kills. Survivor is holding W dropping pallets and holding M1 on gen. There's no comparison killer is so much harder to play and way more stressful. Even though you're the killer you feel so weak since survivors are stronger which makes no sense in a semi-horror game.

  25. I don't really get it… I'm Survivor main, but switch to killer from time to time for tome missions. And as far as I can tell, getting a 4k even with less powerful killers, like I play mostly legion… is almost garanteed. A few years ago, survivors bullied me a lot as killer, but now it's the opposite. I played probably 50 matches in a row as killer and won every game with a 4k. So I don't understand how so many people think killers are weak.

  26. Coming from someone who used to play killer 80-90% of the time and now I've made the switch to mostly survivor, heres why playing killer sucks.

    1. Maps are dog shit and always have been.
    2. They neutered 90% of gen regression perks but kept Prove thyself as is, brand new parts, toolboxes. And they added more gen progression perks. Hyperfocus stake out combo, overzealous, and the new update there adding another gen pregresson perk. They added 10 seconds to gens but gens feel even faster now with the gen progression perks added and gen defense perks neutered.
    3. Being forced to camp and tunnel to have a chance to win against solid to amazing survivors.

    I don't care what anyone says being gen rushed as killer and being 4 outed feels 100x shittier then being camped and tunneled as survivor.

  27. Killer main biggest issue is their mind. They always expecting 3-4k every single game, only want an easy game and when they messed up they throw tantrum. Just look at killer main streamer, mostly they are good and winstreaking a lot they win like 9 every 10 game, while solo surv win like 1 every 10 game. Learn from solo surv who always had a rough and stressful game not only their stupid teammates, sometimes toxic killer also make solo matches completely boring. You must look the game between killer and solo, it is balanced? No! Solo are easily destroyed. Dont compare swf matches, that different. And the problem for buffing killer is will it have big impact to solo? If yes then solo is not an option anymore and people will start doing swf which increase the chance to win. And remember the food chain, baby surv lose to average killer, average killer lose to swf, swf 50/50 against good killer main.

  28. I feel like some perks should be base kit for killers such as corrupt intervention, and aura reading like lethal pursuer, im all ears, bbq etc. since the survivors are the objective. Theoretically it should help with tunneling and camping since no matter what circumstances the killer would have no excuse to not know where a survivor is and its up to the survivors to choose to counter the aura reading at the expense of running a stronger perk and it frees the killer up from having to run those perks. Especially with the hud changes that does the works of perks like rookie spriit and buckle up.

    Now I follow that with that I am a survivor main; both sides are toxic let that be clear. But the role of killer is designed to be sweaty; they're trying to eliminate people out of the game permanently; once a survivor is killed its on to the next game or they're their watching until their team is finished. Nobody wants to be the first one out and be a spectator. And the chances of winning drastically drops when one is dead (thats why camping and tunneling is a thing anyway). The power scaling is such a slant when it becomes 3 vs 1. That's something a survivor cannot and (should not be able to do back to the killer); 5 gens have to be popped, pray no totems are hexes like noed or devour, and power the exit gates, and escape safely. So I hate the term sweaty survivors when they have no choice but to be when at any moment they can be a victim of tunneling or camping, they're bad or got bad teammates, or circumstances of bad luck, and their game is over early. I can't tell how many times during events me and my swf team just want to earn lots of bloodpoints with a normal game or farm during blood points events if the killer wants to but no their objective is to make sure we all leave with as few points as possible and make the experience worse as possible. And they're entitled to play that way but ultimately it is up to the killer (and yes I know sometimes as a killer and i want to farm and the team is popping gens left and right or going out the way to be toxic). I just feel that ultimately the community has an eye for an eye with toxic mentality. A killer can bully a team and that team decides to bully the next killer and its an endless cycle. The way the game designed its just the belly of the beast unfortunately.

  29. Maybe if behaviors go to solution wasn't get a shot gun and a blind fold , killers wouldn't be getting nerfed every 5 seconds…well except the 2 killers who actually need a nerf but behavior ain't gonna touch em

  30. The HUD introduced for solo queue survs will NEVER bridge the gap between solo queue and SWFs. Information will never fix the fact that bot teammates exist. Regardless of whether or not I can see if another teammate is working on a gen, that won’t stop them from hiding in a corner self-caring for the entire match. There is still a huge noticeable difference between solo queue and SWFs. If they added proximity chat or in-game VC for survivors, then I’d agree but rn there’s nothing that can make up for idiots that throw the game.

  31. I haven't played in a while because I get tired of the attitude survivor players have. If you try to win, you are ruining their fun. If you try to have fun with them, you are a bad killer player who gets teabags when they open the gates and wait for you to approach so they can do a few more before escaping. Then you have to play by the ever growing "survivor rulebook": otherwise they report you. Not to mention, if you kill a TTV they accuse you of tunneling or stream sniping them.

  32. If you can't beat them, join them lol. Been having a hilarious time as an insidious basement Bubba. I was on a 7 game 3k or more because most survivors are altruistic and think they can outplay because BHVR is enabling the entitlement. I'll do this maybe a few matches a week for a laugh, but it's no more a go-to game at all. Casual players are being squeezed out.


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