Why Are People Quitting Dead By Daylight

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Hello hello over there beautiful people, I am proud to present this Dead by Daylight project that took me too long to do
hopefully, you guys enjoy it and if you could please share it with a friend I would appreciate it, if you #react to it then please tag me to see!!

My Links:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/logicxal_

Twitter: https://twitter.com/logicxal

links in order:
Channels in the thumbnail!! 😀
@TithiDBD @dowsey @AaronDukeYT

@dowsey video:
@ScottJund video:
@spooknjukes9886 video:
@notOtzdarva video
one-handed escape video:

0:00 intro
0:25 bad decisions
12:04 toxicity
15:38 creators
18:07 I quit

#dbd #deadbydaylightsurvivor #quittingyoutube


28 thoughts on “Why Are People Quitting Dead By Daylight”

  1. I started DBD i think last month? It's been very very fun, sure it has some shit moments/players but there isn't an online PvP game without it. About the ragequit section, please understand there are many legitimate reasons to also leave the game, should they be harshly punished like they are the bad person? Someone griefing you in game=just leave. Something happened irl(something serious)=just leave. Maybe you were selecting perks and miss timed things and now you're going into a bad game with 3 instead of 4 perks. You would also just leave and go again. I'm just saying that there's reasons to "rage quit" that aren't intentional grief to the rest of the team. Intent matters for how we decide to punish people irl too, big difference between accidentally killing someone vs you had the plan to kill someone etc. Outcome is still the same – they died. But how we treat the person changes drastically.

  2. Tried playing survivor with a brand new player friend of mine. We went against the newest iteration of skull merchant 3 times in a row. He immediately quit the game except for a rare kyf get-together.

    70% kill rate isn’t ridiculous. But, her design and kit enable too much boring passive play. A thousand times more so than alien, a chapter that failed horribly despite being such an iconic license because of boring gameplay. (Another brand new player friend of mine described alien as extremely fun because they loved dodging the alien’s tail).

    There’s some sort of disconnect between feedback, decisionmaking/who’s involved, and game design strategy. Their various decisions since Year 1 really emphasize that.

  3. They just make the killers more op to have them balance with the op ones, while the survivors struggle hard to learn that micro-mechanics only to stun the killer a few seconds then repeating the same.

    And also, the no punishment for players that will kill themselves instead of quitting it's really anoyying, i can't play a match without a survivor going full suicide because they don't want to play that match, or suiciding on hook just because they got caught too early.
    Lowers ranks are a mess, and the matchmaking is worst matchmaking I've ever seen through all my playing competitive games in years.
    They don't have any devs, they couldn't even make the search box to be in the same box the perks are, they had to put another box covering the box they already had, the first thing you learn as a dev when you have long list, is making a search bar, and they took 7 years to make it?
    Holy molly.

    The most op perks are mandatory while the fun ones are only to troll and be toxic.

    Perks that are only made to waste you time like Plaything when playing in lower ranks, really you have to reveal to the killer where you are when you clean yourself from blindness? Like it wasn't enough to make you run all the map to find the totem, be blinded and don't hear the terror radius wasn't enough, killers or choose go full rampage against gens or go full rampage reveal survivors.

    The perk that killer open up a locker and make you scream when you're close to a terror radius? Really? Why does it have to save it for when you enter the terror radius and not around the locker themselves, the only thing survivors got are to be really sneaky, but you can't, you need to put lightweight and run all they way because there's no way the killer doesn't have some revealing ability.

    And more and more. I know, really good players can really troll killers, but the unfairness in the choose of perks is really stupid.

  4. the last whole minute of your video makes no sense. You talk about perks being gutted and only name drop survivor perks (as well as 90% of your viddo being survivor POV). Eruption? Call of Brine? Save the Best for Last? Tinkerer? Thananaphobia? Then you try to spin the basekit BT change as some kind of negative for survivors?

    You seem pretty smart, so i may be misunderstanding something, but do you have some kind of negative killer bias? That's the only thing i can pull from the video, that or you are just in love with the trash 2020/2021 meta that you caught the tail end of and is thankfully gone from the game. I started playing during Pyramid Head PTB and the game is objectively in the healthiest spot it's ever been, due majorly to things like the survivor HUD and perk balancing and also the basekit BT which you chastised in this video for some odd reason

  5. The big issue with dbd is features are being slowly stripped away from the core gameplay while BHVR adds nothing new and mechanics like unhooking and camping are dumbed down so the lowest common denominator can win against certain strategy's with 0 thought and effort also since your newer the real reason why dbd doesn't get fast changes is they have a mess of spaghetti code and a rotten foundation and they didn't switch to C++ til post pyramid head also just a mini rant you can call the endurance off hook basekit BT its literally stronger than BT before it didn't activate if you weren't in the killers terror radius

  6. If you honestly believe DBD 'content creators' have a better idea of what should be changed in a game than devs simply because they no-life the game for thousands of hours on stream; you're genuinely braindead. Fixing the game isn't going to be as simple as making devs do whatever content creators want. We should want Behavior to actually innovate and do things that'd make the game fun rather than make bad changes and additions for the sake of pandering to the autistic fanbase who treat the game like US politics.

  7. No search bar and no auto complete Bloodwebs = More time spent on their game which is most likely why they took so long to implement. Only took enough bitching from all of us but we finally got it lmao

  8. BHVR has some of the most egocentric yet lazy developers in charge of the game's growth, you basically have to convince them something is a good priority before they will want to commit to it.
    The majority of the changes and choices made for the game are centered around their own preferences, rather than the community's.

  9. I think Texas Chainsaw has pretty good balance. But man I only escape 1 out 20 time's in DBD . This game without saying a word is the most toxic game ever. Especially when you watch Killer streamers get mad when even one gen is popped. Killers in my opinion are way over powered. Every game is a 4k lol.

  10. All of this was a highlight in how the game is unfair for survivors.

    For the longest time, the killer in this game could be clowned and led around the maps like a kite in a tornado. Any time a killer makes a move to try and win the game, they're considered toxic because survivors create ridiculous guidelines.

    In a game, even now, when you get u to MMR, you are in hell. The survivors know every trick in the book to make it hell for killers to win.
    The end game collapse is a joke if you use an M1 killer, the survivors with their multitude of second chance perks and invulnerability perks laugh in your face.

    Also, there is no mention at all of Gen rush if you don't run corrupt on certain killers you lose if you try playing nice 12 hooking you lose.

    Make a video of how hard it can be to come out on top as killer. Where's the mention of running boil over and running to areas of the map, making it impossible to hook? Wheres the segment that highlights survivors jumping in lockers and just forcing the game to be drawn out?

    The issue with DBD is that yes, some killers do need balance changes or tweaks because it can be said they're kit is too strong but many of the killers In the game suffer on maps particularly large ones where the killer has to proxy camp to avoid wasting time running laps of the map and having gens get completed in rapid succession.

    Remember, killers get no basekit anything for endgame unless they take perks and endgame with 4 survivors. It is tough if you can't instantly down a survivor they will go on kamikaze missions get the unhook, and it's teabags at the gate.

    Finally, the big issue with DBD is streamers giving their opinion that purposely caters to survivor side only because the streamers know the ratio is 4 to 1.

    Most survivors use Not Otzdarva's opinions as ammunition to flame and antagonise killers for performing well, and most survivors ant grasp the killer wants to win too.

    The popular thing of attacking any killer strategy needs to stop because you're practically saying the killer has to lose.

    As a closing note, getting pips in the iridescent rank on killer was a true test of patience before the bot inclusion because survivors would DC and explore tactics to make sure you didn't get those pips because they don't like losing.

  11. i quit because of the toxicity surrounding "killer main" and "survivor main" of choosing sides and constant bickering. nerf this, unbalanced that, gen rush, swf, map reworks, perk reworks, etc, etc. also, a personal distaste for the newer art direction (singularity and its map are the ugliest things in the game, plus all the newer skins look like vomit, and the rifts are full of terrible recolors.) i have not enjoyed the gameplay design of any of the new killers after blight. i despise the newer music theyre giving killers. i was a nurse main and her rework (music) made it impossible to enjoy her. survivors also seem to have drastically dropped in skill. made it too unbearable to even solo queue. i played mostly killer, but eventually i switched to only survivor. lets just say that my final survivor match, i ran the killer for 5 gens and was left to die on my first hook by three healthy teammates who were never hooked. thats when i decided to uninstall.


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