Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
It’s finally here! What do you guys think? Does Art belong in Dead By Daylight? What would his mori look like? Let me know down in the comments. I love all of you guys and appreciate the continued support these past weeks. Hope you all enjoy!
Huge shoutout to Astimiko for the perk and power icons!
Discord – astimiko
0:00 Intro
1:04 Art The Clown
1:46 Killer Power
4:06 Power Recap
4:42 Killer Perks
6:20 Killer Cosmetics
7:02 Sienna Shaw
8:17 Survivor Perks
10:55 Survivor Cosmetics
11:17 Map
12:02 Outro
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#dbd #terrifier #stalkedd
Hey, just want to address something with the release of this video. So this is something I had planned for a while, and had been thinking about since 2018 like I mentioned in the video. It wasn’t until I completely wrapped up recording my voiceover for the video, when I showed my friend my concept for Terrifier. He then pointed me towards an already existing Terrifier concept for Dead By Daylight made by Dustaroo. Although not an exact copy at all, there are obviously a ton of similarities in our concepts. I’d just like to point out that I had not even seen his video prior to coming up with any of these ideas. I highly recommend you check out his concept as well, as it offers a different perspective on what this chapter could look like. Just wanted to reiterate that everything in this video was thought up by the community and I in a Discord call. Didn’t want anyone to think there were stolen ideas, obviously the same IP so tons of overlapping concepts, but still. Hope you all enjoy, and comment down below what you think a mori for Art The Clown would look like. Happy Stalkeddtober, love you all.
I appreciate the concept but I 110% do not think something as overly graphic, mean-spirited, and out of character for DBD's tone as Terrifier belongs in DBD at all. I actually really don't want to see it in DBD. I really think that Terrifier is super overrated and I don't understand the appeal at all besides "This is the most sadistic twisted funny killer clown character lately". If I wanted that much gore and graphic violence, I'd just go dig up an old archive of LiveLeak or BestGore…
Also the creator BEGGED DBD to put Art in the game and I just… that comes off so fucking desperate and weird, dude.
I think Bag of Tricks would be fun if you had the base weapon as the cleaver. Using his ability gives you a random chance to pick a weapon from his bag (maybe a 3-4 second action). This would add a sense of RNG to it, making it fun. Having a “Organized Bag” add-on will allow you to select the weapon you want in the order system you explained in the video
I kinda like this
Honestly I’d prefer Pennywise
art the clown is on warzon but not in dead by daylight is crime
6:03 So, Persistence is just a weaker version of Machine Learning. Gotcha
If we get the sunglasses I feel like they should just be a head piece and not a full cosmetic, since it really would only change the head piece
9:!9 isn't this just eye of Belmounth?
You and the artists where cooking!! GJ
Eyes of belmont already has the plus 2 second aura reading effect
We already have a lethal pursuer for survivor, at least in the way that it makes aura reading perks last longer. I feel like having the same effect of seeing survivors in the beginning isn’t as impactful. I feel like for killer it can be very impactful to know where your victims are, but for survivors, you don’t need to know exactly where they are in the beginning, plus a lot of the time I spawn nearby other survivors. I like the other perks tho
Another very strong concept gamer! I could definitely see this in dbd and think the power could work really well!
First they need to fix the que time for finding a game cuz Shi is ridiculous
Can't tell if it's pure coincidence or what but a few or so months ago i remember seeing a video like this that had a awfully similar power. Not saying you're stealing ideas but it might just be pure coincidence
Id definitely buy this chapter. Terrifier is the first slasher in a longtime that i cant eat while watching.
Funnily enough i had the same idea for multiple weapons with status effects , tho personally feel like there should be more than 4
Especially as you are missing some of his most iconic ones
Bro cooked with this
i think he should be able to throw the clever like the huntress
I like the simplicity of his power and perks
I feel his power should involve ghostface or myers' stealth in a way as in the movies he's shown playing with his victims before revealing his true colors. Him mocking survivors from a far before approaching them i feel would fit very well with the character.
When end game hits he should get his pistol with limited ammo
Id pay money for that exit gate perk, I find it annoying when im chasing a survivor on the other side of the map and then another survivor who 99 the gate comes and body blocks the whole way letting them all get away
TYCE is the best concept for a killer perk I've seen in a LONG time. Survivors generally own the endgame once they've got the gates prepped, so having something to force their hand during a last minute standoff would be amazing!
I get that clowns are supposed to be scary because they flip the idea of something comforting into something sinister but "Art" would make so many people not want to play the game anymore if done badly.
Many of my friends hate facing the clown so I don't imagine they would like "art" either.
I watched a bit of the movies and I'll just say, not my kind of horror at all. Like when he sawed that woman in half by her privates. That's just disgusting.
Sooner or later ART will be added on dbd period
The gate perk is so smart!!!!
All I know if they ever add this and add sienna, she’s instantly gonna become my main. She’s easily my favorite final girl in horror
i seriously wanted Art The Clown in DBD love the movies and this video!
Eyes of belmont gives 2 seconds extra for aura reading and reveals the killer after a gen is done, but other than that you cooked and did amazing! I really want Art in dbd
Clown cafe as his chase music
4:26 Calm down there Sohei 😂 (yes, this is a for honor reference)
Instead of the small knife it should be a scalpal or the whil with sharp things attached to it
i think incorporating some sort of torture into his kit would be fitting. Since so much of his movies have unique killls. also maybe use his horn? like when u squeak the horn u go undedectable, but everyone hears it on the map. like wraith sorta