Why BHVR Keep Nerfing The Twins – Dead by Daylight

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DBD Dev Patrick called The Twins: “Absolute Monsters at High MMR”. This is why BHVR Keep Nerfing the Twins from Dead by Daylight

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31 thoughts on “Why BHVR Keep Nerfing The Twins – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Seeing people comment before watching. This gameplay showcases and justifies exactly why BHVR keep nerfing DBD’s lowest pick rate killer. This isn’t a call out or attack on the devs, if anything it’s recognising the reasoning behind their decisions…

    What do you think BHVR should do with The Twins?

  2. Forced Penance is by far one of my favourite things to run on twins. Not for the body blocking, but for the synergy it has with victor. He can immediately proc the broken status effect if he finds survivors healing and hops onto the fully healed survivor. It causes an insane amount of pressure as it means that you can snowball if you get one or more broken procs. The twins can utilise this perk consistently, which the majority of other killers can't.

  3. Ah yes, nerf a character because they are played in a unfun way in pro tournaments and high rank matches yet don't do anything to try and rework the unfun killer. Bandades are not a solution to a severed limb, bhvr is a literal joke when it comes to balancing.

  4. Something that is super important to keep in mind though is that comp games don't play out the same as public games.
    This even applies to maps, for instance Azarov's is the map being used here in both matches which for the most part is considered to be one of the best killer maps in the game due to the 3 gen potential and how easy it is to camp someone to death (which also happens to be a strength of the Twins). You've also mentioned perk bans which automatically is going to change how people need to play around Twins which takes away perks such as Exponential, Circle of Healing and WGLF which are usually crippling perks to them.
    Despite how close these games were, I think a different map would've told a different story.

  5. I cant agree with the Twins nerf or even the viewing of DBD as a competitive game seriously. This game, die to its high dependency on RNG and even random network issues and bugs, is much more of a party game than a serious competitive affair. That said, balancing anything towards competitive scenes is to me, a mistake. High MMR balancing is more arguable, but actually viewing DBD as a serious competitive game is not possible in its current state in my eyes and so the balancing should be done towards the average playerbase or average high MMR playerbase, but certaintly not this

  6. Sound dub is annoying. VOD obviously muted, zero Victor running sound, zero Victor return to body sound, etc. Dubbed portions sound oddly loud. Namely pounce sounds.

  7. What if Charlotte can't recall Victor if he is on a survivor that is like 30meters away (just saying a random distance, it could be less). That would force her to leave a hook if she wants to contine to attack survivors while still defending the hooked survivor. And on the other side they can buff them by changing some numbers on the cooldowns.

  8. Behavior is literally nerfing a killer based on un realistic dbd gameplay. This is a custom match with heavy restrictions. If the twins were that strong in real dbd then I would understand, however after seeing this I'm even more mind baffled by there nerf choices at headquarters.

  9. Even just watching this type of gameplay is painful. I don't care about comp sweathead players, this game never was designed for them and most players just want this game to be fun.

  10. Not only there are the restrictions on both sides, and healing is one of them (healing and getting protection hits is one of the most used tactics for very experienced teams), there is also the simple fact playing the game is showing what their high MMR is: full of crap. Very unballanced. I win one match, Im already High MMR, how that makes any sense, I cant tell.

  11. The other slight(actually massive) difference is: general population is not the same as competitive players. They say all the time they cant balance around the best players when it comes to survivors, why it should be any different for killers? Makes super sense.

  12. This was NOT the game to cast if you wanted to prove twins make unfun gameplay.

    Besides it is pretty much agreed upon in the comp community that Twins completely overperformed this tournament.

  13. "obviously the tunnels gonna happen theres nothing she could do" charlotte coulda went to the gen that was 5 ft away from the hook that 2 ppl were doing…… its ridiculous how much camping n tunneling killers have to rely on then think they are skilled players


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