Why Dead by Daylight Players Can't Accept Losing

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29 thoughts on “Why Dead by Daylight Players Can't Accept Losing”

  1. You sound like a loser who lost enough in life I mean check out that voice, and hey bro if you wanna have some tea and talk about it in person Im down for a fracas hit me up oh and bring the wife ;).

  2. I think it's because it's hard to sympathize with the other side, it's not a shooter where you're equal and the better player wins, in dbd it's never equal, and it rarely feels like the other players outplayed you, normally killers blame it on bad spawns, lack of pressure, rough chases, etc. And survivors blame it on other survivors, other survivors, and other survivors

  3. Each match has many different inputs that can greatly sway how well each side does. Things like the map, number of pallets on map, strength of tiles on map, killer, killer add-ons, perks (both sides), survivor items, quality of teammates, survivor communication potential (ie. are they on discord), initial spawn locations (for survivors, killer, their generators, totems, and their proximity to each other at the start), game to game variance in player ability, time to first chase, or even which DBD bugs will surface in any particular moment.

    With such wide variety, it's hard to go in with the expectation of "I'm a good player, therefore if I play well I should win". Sometimes too many of those things I mentioned above stack to one side, many of which you have no control over. It sucks at times when you're on the losing end of that, but that's baked into the how the game is designed.

    I also have to say though, DBD does also has some sore losers, who seem like they haven't learned to be someone who loses with a bit of grace. Manage your expectations, be a good sport, and then we could all have fun matches where survivors don't feel like they have to slam gens and speed run each match, and killers don't feel the need to face camp. At least for me, the funnest matches are the ones where everyone gets plenty of killer interaction, and both sides remain close for most of the match in terms of nearness to victory.

  4. Suffocation Pit –> I run to the other side, Tinkerer pops, I run back , 2 survivors popping a gen…

    Meanwhile on the other side –> Two tinkerer pops within 5 seconds. The fifth gen took quite a while but this is just so disgusting to play against as killer. They really should redesign this "bone shaped" map.

    I played my main Nemesis with a Undetectable build but nothing besides corrupt and this Lockout(?) perk could've stopped this. I knew whats gonna happen but it was still quite frustrating.

  5. My second comment

    Imagine getting completly stomped on Yamaoka estate, I got 8 Hooks and the David gets the 4%, uses Decisive Strike, gets the hatch ( it was a shack into T-L wall, the hatch within it ) and then this guy spamms "noob" 6 times in the chat.

  6. Pretty sure most dbd players have lost a few games. If they actually couldnt accept it they would rage quit.

    You win some you lose some. Almost every dbd player knows that.

  7. I actaully enjoy being outplayed it makes me laugh the creative shit survivors do, but when its people running ds, unbreakable, deliverance, tenacity. Its like im not being outplayed im being robbed. Thats not fun at all xD

  8. One of the most annoying things for me is that most of the time I win I know the reason I won is not because I was constantly outplaying equally skilled survivors but because the survivors were playing bad and I know that if they were playing better(not necessary perfectly) I would just straight up loose.

  9. I dislike my last match
    I was deathslinger, the map was haddonfield, they had breakout and Sabo builds, they bodyblocked nonstop, I run noed on this killer cause its fun but it spawns across map next to a survivor and the cherry on top is that they had to teabag at the gate till the timer ran out. 2 of them ran out the other gate to lead me to it to teabag. The guy that cleansed my noed instantly messaged me saying "noed canceled" then said I can't complain because I was playing "the most hated killer in dead by daylight" in his words. I said "isn't spirit more hated?" He said "nope. But she's up there".
    Which confused me cause when I started dbd I heard spirit was aids and only recently I'm hearing about deathslinger

    Edit: I'm really bad at punctuation

  10. Similar to fighting games like takken or mortal kombat if you lose cus u suck
    However dbd or dota2 or lol they are team base game if they lose they will always blame their team or the game sucks

  11. Some people don't know how good they have it. Man, I wish I had a roughly 50% winrate as a solo q survivor again. Back with the emblem system, I was having tons of fun escaping like 40-45% of my games. Were there utterly horrendous and unbalanced games? Hell yes! But ever since SBMM has become a thing, I'm sacrificed 9 out of 10 games. With more than 400 games played in the new system I have escaped less than 50 trials, including the ones were the killer was AFK or DC-ed. I'd love to have a ~50% win rate again. At least with Killer if I get a top tier SWF and get blown the hell out with 1-2 hooks, next match I'm up against baby survivors hiding in bushes, not very satisfying, but at least I can reliably get a win without having to grind for hours.

  12. I don't care personally about losing/ winning but more about HOW I'll lose.
    As a killer I hate map offerings because I'm playing on same 4 maps and it's getting boring.
    Super safe pallets when surviovor drops it there is nothing except breaking pallet.
    As a surviovor I hate camping killers. It's okay to proxy camp or tunnel because of gen rush but face camping with 0/1 gens done or endless slugging for 4k is just embarassing

  13. I would disagree that it is strictly a DBD community thing & that it also has to do with imbalance. I've played both Starcraft 2 since Wings of Liberty came out & I have played League of Legends since season 3 along with a couple fighting games (Mortal Kombat 11 mostly). I am 100% convinced (granted only through my own personal experiences) that every community is equally toxic and very few people can accept that they lose based on their own accord. It doesn't matter if the game is balanced or not, it is 100% a mental barrier that a large majority cannot break. The only factor that make a community more toxic is how large the fan base is.

  14. Agree with what you're saying here, and I will silent judge them and make fun of them in my head, because come on grow up. The amount of times I have to stick up to a killer in the chat because my random teammate is being embarrassing with throwing out vocabulary that didn't even apply to the situation is beyond me. Usually it's also the worst player that has the most toxic stuff to say.

  15. It's also the often discussed issue of a lot of people always using the most powerful setup, which makes the gameplay stale over time. Also that the power disparity between the weakest and strongest perks/killers/addons/items is so huge that a clear power strat even exists in the first place.

  16. My problem is, i dont mind loosing to people that play better than me, but loosing because i didnt focus 1 person out of the game and everybody or 3 scaped 1 hook away from dying because they spread among gens just doesnt feel right. I was comstantly on a chase and with someone on the hook, i ended chases fast because they werent exactly good at looping, but because i didnt force a 3 gen (boring for both sides), focus one person out before the 2 gen mark (perks discourage tunneling and everybody cryes it is toxic, and it is annoying as survivor), and play a m1 killer i dont have time to win, THAT is something i cant take. Game requires you to focus someone but it doscourages you with perks, game doesnt know what the fuck it wants after 5 years and it shows.

  17. When the killer swings and downs me from 10 feet away i will be mad because the game has major issues like giant hit boxes that dont fit the character models, and a killer or survivor with bad ping will get a swing on you when they shouldnt, still think its unfair you cant see the killers ping

  18. Even without watching this.
    Isn't it because winning or losing are very vague concepts in DBD?
    Do 2 gens, run the killer for a few minutes and you win even if you die.
    Do 2 gens, unhook one, heal them, get out, You win.
    Do 1 gen, unhook 3 people, get out, neutral game.

    And for killers for the LONGEST time if you stomped too hard you didn't pip. You had to let people go instead of slugging even if they were in your face running around. You would lose if you 4K'd within a few minutes because you didn't get enough chases and not enough usage of power.
    This was a massive issue with Trapper where if they disarmed your traps (gone forever) you couldn't stay rank 1 anymore lol.

  19. One of my first ever survivor games was very much unfair for both sides.
    I was Dwight, so new I could only have two perks, and the pinhead tunneled me so hard that nobody else was even in danger til I was sacrificed. That was BS for me, cause all I could do was run til I was hooked thrice and out.

    However, since he was tunneling me so hard, three gens were completed, and in the end everyone else got out. There was no way for him to win at that point. Probably felt pretty BS for them.

    Also, I mentioned being Dwight because of this;
    I was Dwesus. I died for their salvation.
    And that joke made it plenty worth it, too. My team won and dumb joke. 9/10 would play again.

  20. You make a Really good points. For me it is about something being unfair. Like when i play survival i hate going against killers that has powers that you cant pretty much doing nothing against because you know you are gonna die eventually. That makes the game from the beginning so boring and feels like even if i escape that it was unfair. From the killer side i dont Really mind going against swf but i can feel the annoying part that gens get done Really fast and you feel like you didnt have chance to do anything. I think because both sides have things that are unfair makes people hard to Accept losing. I woudnt mind dying or woudnt mind escaping at all if I knew that i died because the killer or survivors were better. But losing because something was really unfair makes it really annoying. Not to say this happens evrytime but evrytime you load into the match you have chance of loosing because something is bullshit can affect you.


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