Why Dead by Daylight's Lore Matters

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Welcome, friends and foes, Survivors and Killers. Today we’ll be considering why Dead by Daylight’s lore matters and why we should really appreciate it more. We’ll be exploring the role that lore plays in building a game, how accessible Dead by Daylight’s lore content is and the value of the story behind a casual game, while protecting two French children from an angry internet mob.

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Music credits to IdioticSugar on the Discord! Link to the audio is here: https://youtu.be/DIQTF93TIy0

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The @Scott Jund video: https://youtu.be/BHJ84LN4vz4


46 thoughts on “Why Dead by Daylight's Lore Matters”

  1. lol funny story every time I eat while either playing as the twins or watching their lore i either vomit or loose my appetite completely lol. Its just like- my guy just burrowed into his sister XwX

  2. I love lore of games I like way to much,,, I’d almost say I have a lore addiction… the amount of time I’ve spent reading fandoms and watching videos of things like this.. yikes 😂

  3. tbh I don't even own the game and I don't particularly enjoy the game to play it without friends but I love listening to the horror lores and stories. Your videos have been really helpful in exploring them without owning the game.

  4. Thoughtful commentary. Earned you a sub. Not a lot in the community like to think about the inevitable day DBD will no longer be a thing, people play – which I think is why people are a little too intense about it sometimes

  5. Lore is a double edged sword just like any other part of a game. The most significant example to me, is World of Warcraft.

    The writers for WoW are absolutely awful, taking characters that used to be likeable and twisting them into horrifically uninteresting and unengaging versions of themselves.

    I like DBD lore so far, it's fairly simple and fits well with the game's genre. Though some of the killers have excessively tragic backstories in my opinion.

    Edit: Because I submitted before I was done writing.

  6. about the blindness issue, im very hard on sight and i have to sit so close to a 27 inch monitor screen that i more or less have to move my head to see thing is the corner of the screen, but i still enjoy it

  7. Tbh the reason why i don't truly get into the lore is that its locked behind the grind of the rift and its challeges. And then theres the problem of well, most people actually don't really care about lore. I was actually kinda excited for the legion lore to he released but when i realised i had to do the challeges. I just looked up all the pages online. Why would i do all that when i can just look up the lore and be done with it?

  8. I think it's important to say that even from a competitive perspective, story matters. There's a reason why Daigo, one of the most famous competitive Street Fighter players in the world, has been accidentally called "Ryu" multiple times.

  9. When you said that no-one is going to think about the past in terms of balancing changes I felt that, considering that I literally do comments like the mocking one you did all the time, except I make them about Dota 2.
    I still remember the good old days when you could cliff-jungle using three iron branches before they moved the ward spot further away. Or the good old times when Earth Spirit's E affected creeps and let you deny the opponents exp by pulling ranged creeps into trees. Or the good old days when Oracle was a legit mid hero.
    I miss old Dota.

  10. DbD lore doesn't matter for most people as it's just arcade game.
    It matters to me though, cause I like plausibility and when ability actually fits characters. (Item and perk descriptions are my favourite, those little hints here and there. I think the archive is overkill though. Strenght of dbd lore was based on subtle hints in my opinion. It's like Predator – it have been scary untill he took the mask off)

  11. I love that no matter what they do, Behaviour gets complaints all day, so they have just gotten to the point where they just do things the way they WANT TO. That is SO appealing to me, that attitude towards creativity. I hope they never cave under pressure to make the game more "tournament-ready" or more "balanced" or more mainstream. The day Behaviour sells out to EA or China is the day my soul will die–but I have faith that being a company from Quebec means they will not compromise their art for anything 😀

  12. I know I'm like 2 weeks late but I love silent Hill and your silent Hill video has been my favorite you've made so far and I think your theory on pyramid head is going to be my head cannon for why he's in the game

  13. I remember my first encounter with a Doctor, he punished my team for giving up easily and allowed me to escape because I chose to play to the best of my ability. He still farmed me for Deviousness Points by shocking me as I got the door but you should never forget the first time you are shown a form of mercy.

    I also remember my first grind towards unlocking my first tomes in the archives and seeing Ace and Hag's cutscenes. I love the lore of DbD but hate the randos who populate a lobby from Blendettes healing in a corner, to gen tappers who don't really contribute unless you leave them to fend for themselves, to post-game spectators who were the first to die but stick around just to be assholes.

    Just like with TF2 and their beloved characters and hidden out of game lore you have to hunt down to enjoy, DbD is also saved by having complex hidden lore you have to flip over stones to find and enjoy

  14. I really enjoy the way you talk about these stories in games. I know there are people that disregard stories told via video games but I really love how you take them seriously. I love listening and learning about lore in games it makes me feel to closer to the characters I like and gives me an appreciation for the world that was created by the devs. Really enjoy your vids, can’t wait for more 🙂

  15. I agree with the part about the camps with multiplayer games but the part for enjoying something for it's story over gameplay, doesn't necessarily feel to applicable to many types of multiplayer games that aren't things like MMOs and CO-OP games to me. In those you're a participant who has an impact an involvement in the story progressing around you. In something like COD or DbD don't really have that, with the closest thing I can think of is Titanfall where the story mode is multiplayer and your matches are ideally supposed to reflect the shape of how the story progresses. Fight for the IMC and lost? Well that's a loss that AFFECTS the IMC, atleast ideally. Dead By Daylight doesn't have that, dying in a trial doesn't affect the Survivor, they'll play the same as your first match or even your 100th. I feel if you enjoy DbD FOR the lore, you don't really enjoy the game (let me specify because I know there will be people who don't understand. I'm referring to if you're enjoyment of DbD is derived solely from reading/experiencing the lore), you enjoy the lore around it. Maybe I'm being pedantic but enjoying the lore of something and enjoying something is two separate things. I really think the lore around FFXIV is pretty cool! But I don't for the life of me enjoy the game.

    "Why does the Oni roar like that?" Because the developers what'd to give a clear sound que to Survivors that he's activating his power and can one shot since you're not actually exposed.

    "Why does the doctor look like that?" For awhile I never really noticed what he looked like because I do other things during queues and when I'm Survivor I'm not really looking at their design in chase and as Killer, I can't really see any of it. When I did, I simply chalked it up to "It's a horror game" and moved on.

    Michael Myers stalking me wasn't exactly spooky either unless I got grabbed, it's just a guy standing their in the open (which can be in stimulating but in the context of DbD wasn't for me). Only thing that gave me any real stimulation in the past that I wasn't constantly expecting would be the Exposed effect with it's loud and sudden blare. But I don't see how that's tie into the lore.

    I personally see a reason to play well despite no real reason to, intrinsic motivation. It feels good to know that I've outplayed another player through skill and stacking what I can my favor as they also try to outplay me and stack the game in their favor. That's the whole appeal I find in multiplayer games you can't really get in a lot of singleplayers.

    All and all I might be really weird but this is just my two cents. (Clarifying for anyone who thought I was speaking objectively on the matter with a "my way or highway attitude" or that I think anyone is lesser for enjoying the lore because hell even I enjoy watching these videos from time to time because they're fun and digestible.)

  16. The reason I dislike the Twins is because they have the highest potential for EFFECTIVE face camping. I forget the video I watched but it was a guide on the Twins and it explains the Twins camping potential. You can effectively hook a survivor, position the Sister next to the hook, switch to Victor, and then patrol the map as Victor until you see the character icon in the bottom left change from a hook to an injured survivor, then switch back to the sister who is right there at the unhook location.

  17. The lore and side content for League of Legends keeps me engaged more than the actual gameplay. I really only want to play LoL when theres new items or keystones nowadays honestly.

  18. I play as the Killer, I intend to kill…not get tbagged and DSed and Stronged and 360ed by rank 6-13 Survivors as a rank 16-19 Killer…so I just play a different game…but I really want to kill and hear them scream…not fail 9/10 games getting no hooks…

    I want this game to be fun as a Killer not stressful and failing all the time only able to complete challenges by cheesy camping/unfun unfair Killers

  19. I enjoy stories and lore because it let's me look outside my own perception and into someone else's eyes. I can relate to their struggles and predicaments I can take from their experiences and use them to help me in my own life. When I read someone's story I am their experiencing their pains and sorrows with them. This goes for real and fictional people from all walks of life. By listening to others' experiences we can better understand what it means to be human. That is why we tell stories.

  20. Occasionally on Otz's streams, there are questions about old versions of items, perks and/or killers, but I think the interesting aspect of that is moreso hearing about how the game has improved since then, or how people used to play against those strategies, in a sense forming a setting and story of a time of old. But of course the lore remains at the epitome of story, cuz that's what it is made of: stories. Great video!

  21. Even if I took a massive break from Dbd that lasted almost 3 years out of pure frustration regarding the pitiful unbalanced state the game was in back then, I've never abandoned it under the lore point of view. I've always came back to read about the new characters backstories, powers and add-on descriptions and to discuss about the game's lore in the official forums even if it was years since I had played my last match.
    Now I recently started playing the game again sometimes, but I'm still here mainly for the lore…
    That's how much I like and I'm passionate about this unbalanced and rage inducing mess of a videogame.
    As you said yourself, the lore will be the last thing remaining of DbD and the only thing that will never truly die about it. Even when the game's gonna be well dead and shut down, the stories about the characters will still be there for everyone to discuss.


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