Why Does EVERYONE Use Dead Hard? – Dead by Daylight

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Why Does Everyone Use Dead Hard? – Dead by Daylight
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Why does everyone, their mother, brother and dog use Dead Hard? Let’s attempt to answer that question and possibly come up with a solution that could incentivize survivors to run different exhaustion perks occasionally.

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Dead by Daylight 2022 Killer WISHLIST! ► https://youtu.be/w8tNLF5LhKI
CHAPTER 23 “RINGU” EXPLAINED! ► https://youtu.be/bhqy-ZPigNY
CHAPTER 23 REVEALED! THE RING TEASER TRAILER! ► https://youtu.be/oFwc4B7Czp4
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Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWXmw9x473I
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

#IntoTheFog #dbd


35 thoughts on “Why Does EVERYONE Use Dead Hard? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. First of all I love your new edits man they're absolutely phenomenal keep on doing it the way you're doing it.

    And I totally agree that dead heart is a stupid overpowered perk the way it is now and it definitely needs to be nerfed, not nerfed to death but nerfed.

  2. Hey there Toot, I'm honestly very happy to see you making vids that you're just having fun with. I could kind of tell you were a bit burnt out on making vids and maybe even feeling a bit forced to make them just to keep people happy and, while that should be a small factor, YOUR happiness should always remain centerfold. You might not even see this comment but, thought I'd just put it out there. 🙂
    Anyways, I don't really have much to say about the vid except, yup, I fully agree. I don't think ANY perk should have I-frames in DBD because it's just such a shitty feeling on the other side. The only other way I'd be ok with having Dead Hard keep it's I-frames is to have it as a "build up" perk, as in, you're in constant chase for about 10 or more seconds THEN you can use DH. Overall though, even though it's a iffy topic, I think it should be talked about.

    Speaking of, I'm sure you saw how DBDLeaks did a gigantic poll for the general community on what future licencsed chapters they'd want in the game and, well, the results have been posted on their Twitter and some of the baby rage that's coming from it is, genuinely, hilarious. I just wanted to ask, what's your opinion on it? Personally, I got my top 3 most wanted in, well, the top 3 so, I was QUITE happy with the results.

  3. I'm gonna say something that is going to spark a 100 hate comments

    I think slugging should do with a little nerf

    But I don't mean that it should just be generally easier to get up from the ground from the ground by yourself what I mean is long term slugging should probably do with a nerf. It is ok to leave someone on the ground to get another survivor knocked down but I don't think it's ok that they should be on the ground until they bleed out because either the killer was guarding that survivor a little too much or they a bunch of blindness things cough pig with knock-out and blindness add-on cough

  4. my idea for a dead hard change that would make it more skill based and also make it riskier is to add a small charge up time before it activates so you’d actually have to learn the timing and also predict what the killers gonna do, you couldn’t just do it on reaction.

  5. So the change is keeping the distance which is the strongest part of the perk…. but remove the I-frames? Nah it's the distance on command that is the problem and should have like a 1.5-2 second of time where you can't throw a pallet or window to keep the perk as its intended use…. ie a gimmick which is never a good thing cause the point of gimmicks is too be a risk/reward thing of, it's extremely readable if it does happen but if you commit to early the person with the gimmick gets rewarded most of the time.

  6. Just bait the dead hard if the survivor is in the middle of nowhere. The most optimal purpose for dead hard is for distance anyway. People will still bitch about dead hard even if invisibility was removed because of the distance given just by pressing a button.

  7. Bro I literally think some people use it because they know it pisses some killers off, others use it because they know if they make a mistake it saves them. I mean literally it seems like there aren't alot of nerfs for survivors but it seems like they keep hitting killers I mean you look at pinheads nerf he didn't need that

  8. I dont understand why people use it either. Sure you avoid a hit, but, you'll still get downed within 5 seconds after using it. What Ive done, since everyone seems to use it, ill just chase them and when im close enough ill hang there for a few, 9/10 that they have it, they will use it before I hit. Because so many use it now, its kinda useless.

  9. The old dead hard was fair but the new one makes it feels like your not playing dbd at all like you hear thats the survivor is down and if you have 100+ ping it will not work and you need to wait the survivor 3 hours till you swing. Thats not fair

  10. lmao I love the comedy of the edit here. I think the literal only people that would say your comment is controversial are the ones that do actually use it as a crutch. Like you said the dash without the I frames would be strong enough to get 2 times in a 2 min chase with an auto refresh on unhook…. I wish killers had a perk that let them auto injure a survivor after hooking someone with the push of a button cause that is the kind of thing they are doing with this perk right now…. except multiple times a match on 4 individuals.

  11. Hey Tooten, I actually got a thought about the 6th anniversary chapter, Behavior like to tease their anniversary chapters in plain sight, Pyramid Head with the 4 in the 4th anniversary logo, Nemesis in a paragraph ofln the official Dead by Daylight page, I think Fnaf will be the 6th anniversary chapter because Hellraiser teaser had teases of Fnaf in it


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